STATION: 6362 PC on E line Mississippi River Blvd south of Summit Ave

  MAP: A08 SW 1/4 Sec 05 T28N R23W
NAD83 COORDINATES (1986 adj.):
X= 548035.95 Y= 154729.53 Z= 827.8 11/4/2009 RTK-VRS
X= 548035.95 Y= 154729.51 Z= 827.8 2/10/2010 RTK-VRS


2/10/2010 Photos taken of the CIM. More coordinates taken by RTK-VRS GPS due to large variation on previous set-up.
11/4/2009 Position on CIM established by RTK-VRS. Elev. 827.8 ft.
11/3/2009 Photos taken of CIM.
2/1/1904 (Unknown date Feb __, 1904 ) Monument set for Park Board by C F Scheunemann.
9/26/1902 F OHara running out land lines in connection with Mississippi River Blvd. See FB 474 p.35
7/21/1902 J B Irvine running out land lines in connection with Mississippi River Blvd. See FB 474 p.1,2


6362-2887-9.jpg February 10, 2010 Looking North from the East side of Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-8.jpg February 10, 2010 Close-up of the CIM
6362-2887-12.jpg February 10, 2010 Looking West towards Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-11.jpg February 10, 2010 Looking South from Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-10.jpg February 10, 2010 Looking East towards Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-7.jpg November 3, 2009 Looking Northwest towards Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-6.jpg November 3, 2009 Looking West towards Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-5.jpg November 3, 2009 Looking Southwest towards Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-4.jpg November 3, 2009 Looking South from the East side of Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-3.jpg November 3, 2009 Looking East from Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-2.jpg November 3, 2009 Looking North along the East side of Mississippi River Blvd.
6362-2887-1.jpg November 3, 2009 Close-up of the CIM
Revised: February 10, 2010     Updated HTML File: March 02, 2015