Book index 

Page(s) index Book Index | Book Index | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 1 Phalen Creek | Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 2-3 Margaret St FROM Greenbrier St TO Arcade St | Levels | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 4 Sinnen St FROM Seventh (7th) St TO Sixth St | Levels | 1883-04-27

Page(s) 5 Hope St FROM Margaret St TO Sixth St | Levels | 1883-04-27

Page(s) 6 Phalen Creek Culvert FROM Hoffman Ave (Mounds Blvd) | Diagram | 1883-05-02

Page(s) 7 Eichenwald St FROM Sixth (6th) St TO Seventh (7th) St | Levels | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 8 Hoffman (Mounds Blvd) FROM Seventh (7th) St TO Sixth (6th) St | Levels | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 9-10 Margaret & Arcade Sts | Bldg Loc | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 11-15 Phalen Creek Culvert | Lev Excav&Quantities | 0000-00-00
11  12  13  14  15 

Page(s) 16-21 St Paul& Duluth RR Arch | Quantities | 0000-00-00
16  17  18  19  20  21 

Page(s) 23-24 Seventh (7th) St FROM Kittson St TO Hoffman Ave (Mounds Blvd) | Spondrel Walls Abutmt | 1883-08-14
23  24 

Page(s) 25-26 Patridge St (Kenney Rd) FROM Bradley St & Across Valley TO Seventh St & Maria Ave | Levels | 0000-00-00
25  26 

Page(s) 27-28 Sixth (6th) St FROM Kittson St TO Bradley St (This Portion vacated) | Levels | 0000-00-00
27  28 

Page(s) 29 St Paul& Duluth Viaduct | Abutmt Pit Diagram | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 31-32 Seventh (7th) St Crossing FROM Hoffman Ave (Mounds Blvd) TO St Paul& Duluth RR Walk | Stairway Levels | 1883-11-10
31  32 

Page(s) 33-34 Seventh (7th) St FROM Kittson St TO Inner Top of W Abutmt StPD RR | Levels Across Brook | 0000-00-00
33  34 

Page(s) 35-36 Seventh (7th) St @ Trout Brook | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00
35  36 

Page(s) 37-38 Phalen Creek on Seventh St | X-Secs@Phalen Creek | 0000-00-00
37  38 

Page(s) 39-40 St Paul & Duluth RR Viaduct FROM E Abutment TO Nail in Center | Spike Elevs in Arch | 1884-11-20
39  40 

Page(s) 41-43 St Paul & Duluth RR Viaduct | Wing-Walls Quantity | 0000-00-00
41  42  43 

Page(s) 44 Viaduct Spandrel Wall | Quanities | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 45 St Paul M & M RR Abutment Wall | Quanities | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 46 Bridge Piers (Central) | Quanities | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 47-48 Brook St (vacated) Wall | Quanities | 0000-00-00
47  48 

Page(s) 49-51 Spandrel Wall (7th St) | Quanities & Locs | 0000-00-00
49  50  51