Book index 

Page(s) 1 Seventh (7th) & Montreal Ave | Bldg Location | 1967-03-15

Page(s) 2 Fillmore St (Ave) FROM Starkey St TO 120 ft East | Locations | 1968-03-26

Page(s) 3 Winona St FROM Manomin Ave TO Ohio St | Locations | 1968-04-08

Page(s) 4 Slyvan Park Add Alley B16 FROM Randolph Ave | Locations | 1968-05-14

Page(s) 5 Ramsey County Property FROM Near Hill St (Vac) & Kellogg Blvd | Locations & Distances | 1968-10-03

Page(s) 6 Pedersen St & Wilson Ave | Library Site Locs | 1968-12-04

Page(s) 7-11 White Bear & Burns Aves FROM Fire Station | Locations & X-Secs | 1969-03-19
10  11 

Page(s) 12 City Land W of Snelling & N of NPRR | Loc & Description | 1969-03-08

Page(s) 13 Hammer & Case Aves FROM Hammers RE | Gravel Pit Location | 1969-09-16

Page(s) 14 Butterfields Syndicate Add 2 B12 FROM Dale St TO Great Northern RR | Loc & Description | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 15 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 16-17 Easement Portland Terrace FROM Kent St TO Brick Wall of 38.7 | Locations | 0000-00-00
16  17 

Page(s) 18 Acker Playground FROM Granite St TO Cayuga St | Locations | 1970-08-21

Page(s) 19 College Park bounded by Carter & Raymond & Doswell Aves & Chelmsford St Ext | Locations | 1970-09-04

Page(s) 20 Gravel Pit Boundary Survey bounded by Case & Sims Ave & Hammer & Kennard Sts | Boundary Survey | 1970-07-01

Page(s) 21 Magnolia Ave FROM Rice St TO Sylvan St | Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 22-23 Harriet Island FROM Second (2nd) & Chestnut Sts | Locations | 0000-00-00
22  23 

Page(s) 24-26 N Boundary Pigs Eye Dump FROM E Side RR Bridge Over Battle Creek TO 1800 ft South | Grading | 1971-04-30
24  25  26 

Page(s) 27 Davern St & Shepard Rd FROM Holiday Harbor | Locations | 1971-05-00

Page(s) 28-44 Burlington Heights Div 2 B15 FROM Near Howard St & Park Ridge Ct TO (School Property) | Locs & Stadia Topog | 1971-05-14
28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44 

Page(s) 45 School Siren Pole FROM Burlington Heights Div 2 Blk 15 TO (School Property) | Pole Location | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 46-47 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 48 Davern St & Shepard Rd FROM Holiday Harbor | Stake Survey | 1971-09-27

Page(s) 49 S P L Stanford Ave (Edgcumbe Pgd) FROM Griggs St TO Evergreen Pl (Vacated) | Locations | 1971-09-27

Page(s) 50-54 Lafayette Rd & Univ Ave (PW Yard) | Align & Locs & X-Secs | 1971-10-07
50  51  52  53  54 

Page(s) 55-64 Davern St & Shepard Rd FROM Holiday Harbor Marina | Topo & Align Survey | 1972-01-05
55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63  64 

Page(s) 65 Loeb Lake Park boundary bounded by Jessamine Ave & Dale St & Mackubin St & Maryland Ave | Boundary Survey | 1972-05-15

Page(s) 66 S Side Whitall St FROM Arkwright St TO Clark St | Fence Location | 1972-06-15

Page(s) 67 Rice St & Arlington Ave | Mt Locs & Distances | 1972-07-14

Page(s) 68 SW Cor Larpenteur Ave & Parkway Drive | Lift Station Survey | 1972-07-31

Page(s) 69-70 Turtle Lake Rd & N Co Line J FROM S W Cor Sec 06-30nr22w @ lake | Locs & Stadia | 1972-11-20
69  70 

Page(s) 71 Seventh (7th) St & Western Ave | Pub Safety Bldg Loc | 1972-12-15

Page(s) 72-74 Civic Center Hockey Rink FROM Station 0+00 TO Station 2+03 | Elevations | 1973-02-08
72  73  74 

Page(s) 75 Arlington-Arkwright Park FROM Arilington Ave & Arkwrigt St | Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 76 Irvines 2nd Add L5 B8 FROM 15 ft S of S Line Lot 5 Blk 8 TO W line of Bates (Produced) | Locations | 1973-08-13

Page(s) 77 Dunlap St Near Cen Medical Bldg | Encroachmt Location | 1973-12-05

Page(s) 78 English St & 1/4 1/4 Sec Line Ext W | Muellers Morturay Loc | 1975-04-21

Page(s) 79 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00