Book cover 

Book index 

Page(s) 2-5 Goodrich Ave FROM Milton St TO Oxford St | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 6-7 Chatsworth St FROM Goodrich Ave TO Lincoln Ave | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 8-12 Lincoln Ave FROM MH E of Chatsworth St TO Lexington Ave | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00
10  11  12 

Page(s) 13-14 Lexington Ave FROM Lincoln Ave TO Grand Ave | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00
13  14 

Page(s) 15-20 Grand Ave FROM Lexington Parkway TO Milton St | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00
15  16  17  18  19  20 

Page(s) 21-22 Goodrich Ave FROM Milton St TO Oxford St | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00
21  22 

Page(s) 22-23 Chatsworth St FROM Goodrich Ave TO Lincoln Ave | Y Branch Locations | 1903-07-31
22  23 

Page(s) 23-26 Lincoln Ave FROM Chatsworth St TO Lexington Ave | Y Branch Locations | 1903-08-00
23  24  25  26 

Page(s) 26 Lexington Parkway FROM Lincoln Ave TO Grand Ave | Grades | 1903-09-18

Page(s) 27-31 Grand Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Chatsworth St E | Grades | 0000-00-00
27  28  29  30  31 

Page(s) 32 Lincoln Ave FROM Chatsworth St TO 270 ft east | Grades & BM | 1903-09-25

Page(s) 33 Goodrich Ave FROM Chatsworth St TO Oxford St | Grades | 1903-11-17

Page(s) 36-41 Lexington Ave (Pkwy) FROM Selby Ave TO Portland Ave | Grades | 1903-11-24
36  37  38  39  40  41 

Page(s) 42-47 Dayton Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Syndicate St | Y Branch Locations | 1903-00-00
42  43  44  45  46  47 

Page(s) 48-49 Hague Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Y Branch Locations | 1903 00-00
48  49 

Page(s) 50-51 Laurel Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Y Branch Locations | 1903-00-00
50  51 

Page(s) 52-53 Ashland Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Y Branch Locations | 1903-00-00
52  53 

Page(s) 54-55 Portland Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Y Branch Locations | 1903-00-00
54  55 

Page(s) 56 Hague Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Y Branch Locations | 1902-09-13

Page(s) 57 Laurel Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 58 Ashland Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Grades | 1902-09-26

Page(s) 59 Portland Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Oxford St | Grades | 1902-10-06

Page(s) 60-64 Dayton Ave FROM Lexington Ave (Pkwy) TO Syndicate St | Sewer Grades | 1902-10-21
60  61  62  63  64 

Page(s) 65-68 Lexington Ave (Pkwy) FROM Dayton Ave TO Portland Ave | Grades | 1902-12-29
65  66  67  68 

Page(s) 69 Dayton Ave FROM Dunlap St TO Hague Ave | Grades | 1902-12-03

Page(s) 73-76 Concordia Sewer FROM MH on Griggs & Rondo Sts TO MH on Griggs St | Paved vs. no paving | 1903-03-10
73  74  75  76 

Page(s) 77 Crocus Hill Area | Loc of Sewer Conn. | 1902-12-19

Page(s) 78 Crocus Hill Area | Bench Marks | 0000-00-00