NAD83 COORDINATES (1986 adj.): |
X= 553424.17 Y= 149985.48 Z= 934.3 02/13/2009 RTK-VRS |
9/15/2011 | Sidewalk panels re-removed for utility project, but monument left in place. Photo taken. |
8/29/2011 | GM reset after having been removed for sidewalk reconstruction project. Photos taken and ties placed. |
2/18/2009 | Photos taken. |
2/17/2009 | Fd GM 0.10 feet below sidewalk grade. Placed ties. See CofL 3869-2474-A |
2/13/2009 | Position on GM set by RTK-VRS GPS Elev 934.3 ft. |
3/11/2008 | Fd GM and read Elev. 240.24 Loop No. 260 |
9/1/2006 | Sidewalk inspector found GM inplace a few inches below existing sidewalk. Photos taken. |
4/12/1912 | Elev 240.36 ft. See FB 697 p.78 |
12/21/1891 | Monument set by J B Irvine |
Above is NOT an all inclusive history of this point. Please review all the links below.
PLS NOTES | Field | Cross Section | Sewer | J.B. Irvine | Monument | River Survey |
  | FB 0697p.78 |   |   |   |   |   |
3869-2474-B.pdf | Samuel D. Gibson | 44880 | August 17, 2012 | August 26, 2011 |
3869-2474-A.pdf | Samuel D. Gibson | 44880 | May 7, 2009 | February 17, 2009 |
3869-2474-11.jpg | September 15, 2011 | Looking northeast at monument. |
3869-2474-9.jpg | August 29, 2011 | Looking south along Fairview Ave. |
3869-2474-8.jpg | August 29, 2011 | Looking east along James Ave. |
3869-2474-7.jpg | August 29, 2011 | Looking north along Fairview Ave. |
3869-2474-6.jpg | August 29, 2011 | Close up of monument. |
3869-2474-10.jpg | August 29, 2011 | Looking west along James Ave. |
3869-2474-5.jpg | February 18, 2009 | Looking West along the North side of James Ave. |
3869-2474-4.jpg | February 18, 2009 | Looking South along the East side of Fairview Ave. |
3869-2474-3.jpg | February 18, 2009 | Looking East along the North side of James Ave. |
3869-2474-2.jpg | February 18, 2009 | Looking North along the East side of Fairview Ave. |
3869-2474-1.jpg | February 18, 2009 | Close-up of the GM |