NAD83 COORDINATES (1996 adj.): |
X= 574295.51 Y= 167420.72 Z= 000.00 12/03/2008 MnDot |
7/23/2014 | Found GM in place after sidewalk reconstruction project. Center hole is 0.39 ft east of east edge of walk on Jackson and 0.32 ft north of north edge of walk on Geranium. |
12/4/2008 | Photos taken. Position on GM set by RTK-VRS GPS |
1/24/1890 | Monument reset by Chas Hunt after grading |
3872-0463-2.jpg | December 4, 2008 | Close-up of the GM below sidewalk grade. |
3872-0463-1.jpg | December 4, 2008 | Close-up of the GM below sidewalk grade. |