Page(s) 1-2 Mississippi River FROM M&SP RR @ Jackson St | Levels for Elevation | 1879-03-06

Page(s) 3-4 Sixth (6th) St FROM Robert St TO Minnesota St | Elevs Cellars | 1879-03-25

Page(s) 5-8 Third(3rd) & Washington Sts FROM Metropolitan Hotel | Loc Shafts & Dl Hole | 1879-04-03

Page(s) 9-14 Fort (Seventh-7th) St FROM Seven (7) Cornors TO McBoal St | Levels | 1879-04-04
10  12  14 

Page(s) 15-18 Market St FROM Fourth (4th) St TO Third(3rd)St(Metropolitan Hotel) | Levels in Old Sewer | 1879-04-14
16  18 

Page(s) 19 Eighth (8th) St FROM Locust (Lafayette Road) TO 100 ft E of E Line of Neil St | Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 19 Neill St FROM Seventh (7th) St TO Eighth (8th) St | Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 19 Cooper St FROM Ninth (9th) St TO Tenth (10th) St | Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 21-22 Eighth (8th) St FROM Locust St (Lafayette Rd) TO 100 ft E of E Line of Neill St | Levels for Water Co | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 24-40 Rail Road w/W Seventh (7th) St FROM Sta 44 TO Sta 0 East | Levels on RR | 1879-04-21
24  26  28  30  32  34  36  38  40 

Page(s) 41-42 Tenth (10th) St FROM Pine St TO John St | Levels for Cellars | 1879-04-24

Page(s) 43-48 Ninth (9th) & Tenth (10th) Sts FROM John St | Levels for Cellars | 1879-04-24
44  46  48 

Page(s) 49-50 Jackson St FROM Sixth (6th) St TO Seventh (7th) St | BM & Grades | 1879-04-24

Page(s) 51-56 Fort (Seventh-7th) St FROM Seven (7) Cornors TO Chestnut St | Bldg Elevs | 0000-00-00
52  54  56 

Page(s) 57-58 Cooper (Sibley) St FROM Ninth (9th) St TO Tenth (10th) St | Levels for Water Co | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 59-60 Ninth (9th) St FROM Neill St TO John St | Cellar Elevs | 1879-04-27

Page(s) 61-62 Pleasant Ave & Chestnut St | Grades for Water Co | 1879-04-30

Page(s) 63 Chestnut St FROM Fort St | Grades for Water Co | 1879-04-30

Page(s) 64 Oak St (Smith Ave) | Grades for Water Co | 1879-04-30

Page(s) 65 Pleasant Ave FROM Third (3rd) St TO Cultert (100 ft West) | Grades for Water Co | 1879-04-30

Page(s) 66 Third (3rd) St FROM Cedsr St TO Cedar St | Sidewalk Grades | 1879-05-01

Page(s) 68-76 St Paul Water Co FROM Seven (7) Cornors TO Thirteenth (13th) St & Pearl St | Levels for Water Co | 1879-05-14
68  70  72  74  76 

Page(s) 77 Temperance St FROM Pearl St TO Thirteem | Levels | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 79 Sherman & Exchange Sts | Grade | 1879-06-02

Page(s) 81 Mt Airy St & L Orient St Area | Bench Marks | 1879-06-02

Page(s) 83-84 L Orient St FROM Penn Ave TO Glencoe St (vacated) | Grading | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 85-86 Lots Betw MN-Cedar-8th-9th Sts | Water Level in Lots | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 87-88 Franklin St (Ryan Ave) FROM Third (3rd) St TO 6 ft NW of Franklin St (Ryan) | Levels of Steps | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 89-90 Third (3rd) St FROM Rosabel (Wall) St) TO Rail Road | Levels | 1879-06-07

Page(s) 91-94 Franklin St (Ryan Ave) | Levels of Steps | 1879-06-09
92  94 

Page(s) 95-96 S Line 3rd St between Broadway & Pine | Notes | 1879-00-00

Page(s) 97 Twelefth (12th) St FROM Broadway TO Pine St | Levels | 1879-06-13

Page(s) 97 Eleventh (11th) St FROM Broadway TO Olive St | Levels | 1879-06-13

Page(s) 99 Tenth (10th) St FROM Broadway TO Grove St | Levels | 1879-06-13

Page(s) 100-101 Ninth (9th) St FROM Broadway TO Williams St (vacated) | Levels | 1879-06-13
100  101 

Page(s) 102-103 Eighth (8th) St FROM Broadway TO Kittson St | Levels | 1879-06-14
102  103 

Page(s) 103-104 Locust St (Lafayette Rd) FROM Seventh (7th) TO Ninth (9th) | Levels | 1879-00-00
103  104 

Page(s) 105-106 Neill St FROM Seventh (7th) TO Grove St | Levels | 1879-06-14

Page(s) 107 Monroe St (vacated) FROM Grove St TO Woodward Ave | Levels | 1879-06-13

Page(s) 109 Woodward Ave FROM Stillwater (John) St TO Monroe St (vacated) | Levels | 1879-06-14

Page(s) 111 Waverly Place (vacated) FROM Stillwater (John) St TO Westminster St | Levels | 1879-06-14

Page(s) 113 Patridge St FROM Lafayette Ave (Road) TO East | Levels | 1879-06-14

Page(s) 115 Kittson St FROM Seventh (7th) St TO Third (3rd) St | Levels | 1879-06-14

Page(s) 117-118 Fifth (5th) St FROM East TO To RR Tracks | Levels | 1879-06-14

Page(s) 119-122 Water Company Grades FROM Stillwater St TO DeBow (Pine) St | Grades | 1879-06-21
120  122 

Page(s) 123-132 Bluff St (vacated here) FROM St Peter St TO Robert St | Grades | 1879-06-28
124  126  128  130  132 

Page(s) 133-136 Ninth (9th) St FROM St Peter St TO Fort (W Seventh-7th) St | Levels for Grades | 1879-07-01
134  136 

Page(s) 137 Bluff St | Warnes Bldg Elev | 1879-07-01

Page(s) 138 Pleasant Ave FROM Third (3rd) St TO Fifth (5th) St | Sidewalk Grades | 1879-07-12

Page(s) 139 Old Nash Sewer FROM Stillwater (John) St TO Westminster St | Loc of Sewer | 1879-07-15

Page(s) 141 Fifth (5th) & Jackson Sts | Cross Sections | 1879-07-21

Page(s) 143-144 B4 bounded by Thirteenth (13th) - Canada (Vac) - Mississippi - Pearl (Vac) | Levels thru B4 | 1879-07-23

Page(s) 146-148 Metropoitan Hotel FROM Third (3rd) St | Measurements | 1879-05-30
146  148 

Page(s) 149 Grove St FROM Stillwater (John) St TO Center of Sec 31 Twp 29 R 22 | Fence Locations | 0000-00-00