Book index 

Page(s) index Book Index | Book Index | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 1-3 Maiden Lane FROM Nina St TO Selby Ave | X-Secs & Levels | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 4 St Paul Proper Alley B24 bounded by Third (3rd) St - Fourth (4th) St - Minnesota St - Cedar St | Minn Club Location | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 6-9 E Sixth (6th) St FROM Rosabel (Wall) St TO Bridge over RR Tracks | C Ln Survey & Locs | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 10 Sibley & Fifth (5th) Sts | W T @ SE Corner | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 10 SW Cor Kittson & 7th Sts | W T @ Sw Corner | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 10 E Sixth (6th) St FROM Rosabel (Wall St TO Bridge over RR Tracks | Paving Notes | 1892-05-00

Page(s) 13-14 Sixth (6th) St FROM Smith Ave TO College Ave | C L Survey & X-Secs | 1891-08-01
13  14 

Page(s) 16 Whitney & Smiths AR Alley B7 bounded by Wakouta (Wacouta) - Sibley - Seventh (7th) - Sixth (6th) | C L Survey & Levels | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 17-20 Dayton Ave FROM Miller (Avon) St TO Victoria St | Levels X-Secs & BMs | 0000-00-00
17  18  19  20 

Page(s) 21-31 Westminster St FROM Lafayette St (Rd) TO The Bridge | Levels Locs X-Secs | 0000-00-00
21  22  23  24  25  26  28  29  30  31 

Page(s) 33-44 S Robert St FROM Bridge TO Concord St | Levels | 1895-06-17
33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44 

Page(s) 45-46 Seventh (7th) St FROM St Peter St TO Robert St | Elev Rail & Curb | 1894-08-07
45  46 

Page(s) 47-48 Robert St FROM Seventh (7th) St TO Indiana Ave (vacated) | Levels & X-Secs | 1894-09-26
47  48 

Page(s) 53-58 Rice St FROM Como Ave TO Front St (Ave) | Center Line Survey | 1893-00-00
53  54  55  56  57  58 

Page(s) 60-64 Rice St FROM Como Ave TO Front St (Ave) | Levels | 1892-09-28
60  61  62  63  64 

Page(s) 65 Rice St FROM Como Ave TO Front St (Ave) | Cross Sections | 1898-00-00

Page(s) 66-70 Rice St FROM Como Ave TO Front St (Ave) | Grades & X-Secs | 1893-05-00
66  67  68  69  70 

Page(s) 71 Van Sylke Ct (vacated) FROM Broadway TO Olive St | Center Line Survey | 1895-07-09

Page(s) 74-76 Iglehart St (Vac Here) FROM Wabasha St TO St Peter St | Grades X-Secs & BMs | 0000-00-00
74  75  76 

Page(s) 77 Maiden Lane Alley B72 FROM Farrington St TO Ninth (9th) St | Paving Survey | 1893-00-00

Page(s) 78 Sixth (6th) St FROM Smith Ave TO College Ave | Curb Grades | 1899-09-26