Book index 

Page(s) 1-7 Hankees Add Alley B7 FROM Kenneth St TO Cleveland Ave | Locs & Levels | 1928-12-18

Page(s) 8 Blank Page | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 9-16 Lafayette St FROM Grove St TO Payne Ave | Paving Locations | 0000-00-00
10  11  12  13  14  15  16 

Page(s) 17-20 Collins (Tedesco) St FROM DeSoto St TO Burr St | Locations | 0000-00-00
17  18  19  20 

Page(s) 21-24 Decantur (Payne) Ave FROM 118 ft N Line Collins (Tedesco) TO Preble St | Locations | 0000-00-00
21  22  23  24 

Page(s) 25-27 Blank Page | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 28-36 Lafayette St (Rd) FROM Grove St TO Preble St | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00
28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36 

Page(s) 37 Alley FROM Preble St TO Minnehaha St (Ave) | Levels | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 38-39 Syndicate St FROM Universtiy Ave TO Sherburne Ave | Locs & Levels | 1929-03-26
38  39 

Page(s) 40-41 Blank Pages | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 42 Lafayette St (Rd) Oil Station | Location Oil Sta | 1929-08-22

Page(s) 43 Blank Page | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 44-47 Wellesly Place Alley B1 FROM Fairview Ave TO End of Alley | Locs & X-Sections | 1929-12-05
44  45  46  47 

Page(s) 48 New Court House Block bounded by Third (3rd) St & Fourth (4th) St & Wabasha & St Peter Sts | Levels | 1930-03-21

Page(s) 49-50 Fourth & Wabasha Sts | Levels | 1930-03-21
49  50 

Page(s) 51-54 Wabasha St FROM Fourth (4th) St TO Third (3rd) St | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00
51  52  53  54 

Page(s) 55 Wellesley & Stanford PlsAlley FROM Fairview Ave TO End of Alley | Cross Sections | 1937-10-19

Page(s) 56-58 Sixth (6th) St FROM Wabasha St TO Smith Ave | Locations | 0000-00-00
56  57  58 

Page(s) 59-60 Fifth (5th) St FROM Seventh (7th) St TO Fourth (4th) St | Locations | 0000-00-00
59  60 

Page(s) 61 Wellesley & Stanford PlsAlley FROM Fairview Ave TO End of Alley | Cross Sections | 1937-10-19

Page(s) 62-66 Lafayette Rd (Soo RR Bridge) FROM Station 8+00 TO Sta 17+59.5 | X-Secs & Locations | 0000-00-00
62  63  64  65  66 

Page(s) 67-69 Blank Pages | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 70 Unknown St FROM Unknown TO Unknown | Levels | 0000-00-00