Book index 

Page(s) 1-14 Trunk Highway (Now 280) FROM Raymond Ave TO Eustis St | Locations & X-Secs | 1945-00-00
10  11  12  13  14 

Page(s) 15-22 Northern Pacific RR FROM Station 0+00 TO Station 5 | X-Secs & Locs | 1945-03-26
15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22 

Page(s) 23-25 Hillside Ave FROM Commonwealth Ave TO Eustis St | Levels | 0000-00-00
23  24  25 

Page(s) 26 Ludlow Ave FROM Energy Pk Drive TO Blake Ave | Bldg Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 27-31 80 Ft from ROW Trunk Hwy (280) FROM Station 6+11.25 TO Station 24+22.08 | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00
27  28  29  30  31 

Page(s) 32 Hillside Ave "A" Line FROM Station 0+16 TO Station 3+50 | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 33 Ludlow Ave FROM Station 0+0 TO Station 1+50 | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 34-35 Bayless Ave FROM Station 16+0 TO Station 19+80 | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
34  35 

Page(s) 36 Langford FROM South TO Northern Pacific RR | Levels & X-Secs | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 37-40 Cedar St FROM Eighth (8th) St TO Eleventh (11th) St | Bldg Locations | 1945-10-22
37  38  39  40 

Page(s) 41 Minnesota St FROM Tenth (10th) St TO Eleventh (11th) St | Bldg Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 42 Wabasha & Tenth (10th) St | Bldg Locations | 1946-05-27

Page(s) 43 Wyoming St FROM MH West of Woodbury St TO Woodbury St | Levels | 1946-07-16

Page(s) 44-46 Birmingham St FROM Ivy Ave TO Arlington Ave | Sewer Levels | 1946-07-16
44  45  46 

Page(s) 47-63 Robert St FROM Eighth (8th) St TO Thirteenth (13th) St | Locations & Levels | 1947-04-00
47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60  61  62  63 

Page(s) 64-67 Proposed Connetion (Kasota St) FROM Raymond Ave TO Bayless St | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
64  65  66  67 

Page(s) 64 Bayless St & Lannford Park | Stand Survey&Spike | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 68-70 Raymond Ave FROM Station 19+22 TO Station 23+69 | Tree Locations | 0000-00-00
68  69  70 

Page(s) 71-73 St Anthony Pk North B42 FROM Drill Hole # 1 TO Drill Hole # 5 | Drill Hole Locations | 1948-04-06
71  72  73 

Page(s) 74 Bayless St & Lanford Park | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 75 Birmingham St FROM Ivy Ave TO Arlington Ave | Sewer Levels | 1950-05-25

Page(s) 76 S Cleveland Ave FROM Sheridan Ave TO RR Property | House Location | 1953-05-15

Page(s) 77 Eustis St & Hillside Ave | Gas Main Location | 1953-12-03

Page(s) 78 Near Eustis St & University Ave | Bench Marks | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 79 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00