Book index 

Page(s) 1-22 Third (3rd) St FROM Maple St TO Johnson Parkway | Locations & X-Secs | 1947-06-12
10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22 

Page(s) 23-26 Third (3rd) St FROM Bates St TO Arcade St | Locations & Levels | 0000-00-00
23  24  25  26 

Page(s) 27 Third (3rd) St FROM North | Cross Sections | 1947-07-24

Page(s) 28-31 Maple St FROM Conway St TO Fourth (4th) St | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
28  29  30  31 

Page(s) 32-33 Harding High School Drive FROM Third (3rd) St | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
32  33 

Page(s) 34 Third (3rd) & Maple Sts | House&Door Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 35-37 Hancock St FROM Third (3rd) St TO West | Locs&X-Secs&Spillway | 1947-10-21
35  36  37 

Page(s) 38-39 Arcade St FROM Third (3rd) St TO Conway St | Cross Sections | 1947-10-28
38  39 

Page(s) 39 Third (3rd) St &Bates Ave | Doorway Location | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 40-41 Third (3rd) St FROM Bates Ave | X-Secs & Grades | 1948-03-18
40  41 

Page(s) 42 Unknown Location FROM Unknown Location TO Unknown Location | Cross Section | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 43-45 Payne & Sims Aves | X-Secs@Kliens Store | 1948-11-12
43  44  45 

Page(s) 46 Milford & Marion Sts | Locations | 1949-01-05

Page(s) 47-50 St Peter St FROM Fourth (4th) St TO Fifth (5th) St | Cross Sections | 1949-04-28
47  48  49  50 

Page(s) 51 Fairview Ave FROM Rome Ave TO Saunders Ave | Locations | 1949-05-10

Page(s) 52-54 Fifth (5th) St FROM Pedersen St TO Winthrop St | Cross Sections | 1949-10-06
52  53  54 

Page(s) 55-58 Dunlap St FROM Hoyt Ave TO Idaho Ave | Locations & X-Secs | 1949-11-29
55  56  57  58 

Page(s) 59-62 Bohland Ave FROM Fairview Ave TO Howell St | Locations & X-Secs | 1950-01-31
59  60  61  62 

Page(s) 63-65 Sidney St FROM Waseca St TO Charlton St | Locations & X-Secs | 1949-01-06
63  64  65 

Page(s) 66-69 Eustis St FROM Franklin Ave TO Myrtle Ave | Locations & X-Secs | 1949-12-09
66  67  68  69 

Page(s) 70-72 Charles Ave FROM Rice St TO Marion St | Locations & X-Secs | 1949-01-10
70  71  72 

Page(s) 73 Selby Ave FROM Western Ave TO 71 Ft West | Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 74 Western Ave FROM Selby Ave TO Station 1+00.5 | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 75-76 Blank Pages FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 77 Unknown St FROM Unknown St TO Unknown St | Profile | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 78-79 Atwater St FROM Western Ave TO Farrington St | Profile | 0000-00-00
78  79 

Page(s) 80 Payne & Case Aves NW Corner | Hydrant Elevation | 0000-00-00