Book index 

Page(s) 1-2 Northern (Pierce Butler) Route FROM Milton St TO Chatsworth (from fb1445C) | X-Secs After Sub Cut | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 3 E Blvd of Snelling Ave FROM Near Northern Route | Locations | 1960-01-19

Page(s) 4 Park Lumber on Snelling Ave FROM West of Park Lumber | Foundation Wall Locs | 1960-01-20

Page(s) 5-9 Winters Add Alley B2 FROM Grotto St TO Avon St | Locations & X-Secs | 1960-04-11

Page(s) 10 East of Snelling Ave @ N Route FROM Station 21+0 TO Station 26+0 | Cross Sections | 1960-04-26

Page(s) 11-14 Northern (Pierce Butler) Route FROM Lexington Pkwy TO Dunlap St | Cross Sections | 1960-09-17
11  12  13  14 

Page(s) 15-18 Northern (Pierce Butler) Route FROM Lexington Pkwy TO West | Cross Sections | 1960-09-17
15  16  17  18 

Page(s) 19 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 20-23 Griggs St FROM Hewitt Ave TO Northern (Pierce Butler) Route | Profile | 1962-02-05
20  21  22  23 

Page(s) 24-31 Pierce Butler Rte & Hewitt St bounded by Oxford St & Pierce Butler & Hubbard & Lexington | Curb Locations | 1966-10-07
24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31 

Page(s) 32 Location Unknown | Cuts & Fills & CB | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 33-72a Blank Pages FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 73 Clayland St & Taylor Ave FROM Clayland St & Taylor Ave TO Clayland St & Taylor Ave | Level Loop (BMs) | 1990-11-05

Page(s) 74-76 Blank Pages FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 77 Unknown Alley FROM Sta 5+95 TO Sta 5+00 | Levels | 1992-08-17

Page(s) 78 Calculations FROM Calculations TO Calculations | Calculations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 79 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00