Book index 

Page(s) 1-3 State & Robie Streets | Add. Locs & X-Secs | 1972-02-02

Page(s) 4 Voided Page FROM Void TO Void | Void | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 5-12 Robie St Connection to Concord St | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
10  11  12 

Page(s) 13-15 Colorado St FROM Clinton Ave TO East | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
13  14  15 

Page(s) 16-18 Delos St & Clinton Ave | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
16  17  18 

Page(s) 19-20 Clinton Ave & Colorado St | Locations & X-Secs | 0000-00-00
19  20 

Page(s) 21-26 Whitman St FROM Robie St Sta 12+52.47 TO Sta 2+39.75 POT P6 on Whitman | Paving Locations | 1973-07-02
21  22  23  24  25  26 

Page(s) 27 State & Concord St NE Corner | Ties to Block Cor | 1974-09-05

Page(s) 28-30 Concord St FROM Isabel St TO Wabasha St | Cross Sections | 1974-09-18
28  29  30 

Page(s) 31-35 Delos St FROM Greenwood Ave TO East | Locations & X-Secs | 1975-04-22
31  32  33  34  35 

Page(s) 36-37 Delos St Cul-de-Sac E of Greenwood Ave | Elevs & BMs & X-Secs | 1977-05-11
36  37 

Page(s) 38 State St FROM Robie St TO Concord St | Bench Marks | 1979-07-09

Page(s) 39 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 40-55 Proposed Park @ Robie & State Streets | Topo | 0000-00-00
40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51  52  53  54  55 

Page(s) 56-59 Phalen Park Activity Center FROM Station 0-1.7 (Wall@Steps) TO Station 2+00 (End Wall) | Locations & X-Secs | 1979-09-18
56  57  58  59 

Page(s) 60-61 East of Steps Phalen Center PP 56-59 FROM Sation 0+00 (Base Steps) TO Station 2+00 | Location & X-Secs | 1979-09-21
60  61 

Page(s) 62-78 Blank Pages FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 79 Calculations FROM Calculations TO Calculations | Calculations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 80 Blank Page FROM Blank TO Blank | Blank | 0000-00-00