Book index 

Page(s) 1-6 Warner Rd Bridge Over RR Tracks FROM Station 8+50 TO Station 21+00 | Locations | 1974-03-00

Page(s) 7-12 Track Locs Under Warner Rd Bridge FROM Station 12+62.98 (Pier 4) TO Station 22+31 | Track Locations | 0000-00-00
10  11  12 

Page(s) 13-19 Warner Rd Bridge Over RR Tracks FROM Station 8+50 TO Station 23+50 | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00
13  14  15  16  17  18  19 

Page(s) 20-23 Tracks Under Warner Rd Bridge FROM Station 92+50 TO Station 105+00 | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00
20  21  22  23 

Page(s) 32-36 Tracks Under Warner Rd Bridge FROM First (1st) Track N of CL TO Fifth (5th) Track S of CL | Wt & Ht of Rails | 0000-00-00
32  33  34  35  36 

Page(s) 37 Warner Rd Bridge Over RR Tracks FROM PK in Wing Wall TO Drill in Wing Wall N Cor End Br | Test Hole Elevations | 1974-07-19

Page(s) 38 Warner Rd Sta Tie-In | Station Tie-In | 1974-12-16

Page(s) 39 Tracks Under Warner Rd Bridge FROM Station 103+85.7 Traffic Signal TO Station 105+0 | P 23 Rail Extentions | 1975-02-00

Page(s) 40-41 Warner Rd FROM Station 72+66.12 TO Station 77+29.45 | Locations | 1974-12-13
40  41 

Page(s) 42-43 Survey Line FROM Port Authority Plate No 1 TO RR Track Pt J Spk Placed | Locations | 1975-12-16
42  43 

Page(s) 44-45 Warner Road West Bound FROM Station 0+00 TO Station 7+63.03 | Locations | 0000-00-00
44  45 

Page(s) 46 Warner Rd FROM Station 7+63.03 PI TO Station 11+15.30 P.O.T | SL of Port Plat No 1 | 1975-12-16

Page(s) 47 Page Voided FROM Void TO Void | Void | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 48-51 Warner Road | Locations | 0000-00-00
48  49  50  51 

Page(s) 52-55 Proposed Childs Rd Bridge FROM Station 0+00 TO Station 11+184 | Locations | 1975-02-00
52  53  54  55 

Page(s) 56-57 Morton Salt Near N Waterways Dock | Property Irons Ties | 0000-00-00
56  57 

Page(s) 58-63 Childs Rd Connection FROM Station 0+00 TO Station 11+18.4 | Cross Sections | 0000-00-00
58  59  60  61  62  63 

Page(s) 64-65 Proposed Warner Rd Gas Main | Location Gas Main | 1975-07-24
64  65 

Page(s) 66-67 Reserve St W Bound Lane FROM Station 11+17 TO Station 19+36 | Cross Sections | 1975-09-02
66  67 

Page(s) 68 Reserve St Br 17 ft E of WBL FROM Station 19+15 TO Station 20+50 | Profile | 1975-09-05

Page(s) 69-73 RR Tracks Under Childs Rd Bridge | Alignment | 1976-02-26
69  70  71  72  73 

Page(s) 74 Childs Rd Connection Test Holes FROM DH Wing Wall N Cor E End Bridge TO Test Hole # 13 | Test Holes | 1976-12-07

Page(s) 75-76 Childs Rd Ramp Bridge FROM Station 4+95.4 TO Station 8+233 | Gas Location | 1976-12-07
75  76 

Page(s) 77-78 Childs Rd & Reserve St Bridge | Sewer ReLocation | 1976-02-16
77  78 

Page(s) 79 Childs Rd Ramp PT Tunnel Location | Sewer Location | 1977-03-28

Page(s) 79 Childs Rd Rd Bridge Proposed FROM Pier # 4 | Bridge Location | 1978-10-23

Page(s) 80 Childs Rd Ramp FROM Station 3+32.2 TO Station 7.8 Top Gas | Loc 12 in Gas Main | 1977-09-14