Book cover 

Book index 

Page(s) 2 Pascal Ave FROM Otto St TO Eleanor St (Ave) | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 3 Johnson Pkwy @ Stillwater Rd | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 4-5 Phalen Ave (Johnson Pkwy) FROM Harvester (Case) Ave TO Stillwater Rd | Stub Sewer | 1931-09-01

Page(s) 6 Eighth (8th) St FROM Cedar St TO Wabasha St | MH Locations | 1931-09-00

Page(s) 7-11 University Ave FROM Jay (Galtier) St TO Rice St | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00
10  11 

Page(s) 12 University Ave & Kent St | Y Branch Locations | 1932-07-00

Page(s) 13 University Ave & Mackubin St | Sewer Location | 1932-05-00

Page(s) 14 Park Ave (St) FROM Wabasha St TO University Ave | Sewer Location | 1932-05-00

Page(s) 15 Hastings Ave (Hudson Road) FROM Johnson Pkwy TO Hudson Road | Sewer & MH Locs | 1932-05-00

Page(s) 16 Hastings Ave (Hudson Road) FROM Griffith St TO 400 ft east | Y Branch Locations | 1932-09-00

Page(s) 17-18 Bradley St (Brunsons Add B5,6&2) FROM Hopkins St TO Petit St | Y Branch Locations | 0000-00-00
17  18 

Page(s) 19 North St Sewer FROM Bradley St TO Phalen Creek | Sewer Location | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 20 Charles St (Ave) & Vandalia St | MH Locations | 1933-00-00

Page(s) 21-26 Chester St (Ogden Av) Storm Swr FROM Alabama St (Vacated) TO Tennessee St (Vacated) | Stub Sewer Locs | 1933-08-00
21  22  23  24  25  26 

Page(s) 29 Wabash & Hampden Aves | MH & Sewer Locs | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 30 Blair Ave & Syndicate St | CB & MH Locations | 1942-01-12

Page(s) 31 Orange St (Ave) (Colemans Sub) FROM St Albands St TO Alley | Sewer Location | 1941-00-00

Page(s) 32-33 Hazelview Add B3 FROM Ruth St | Sewer Location | 1941-08-11
32  33 

Page(s) 34 Hopkins 2nd Addition | Sewer Location | 1941-00-00

Page(s) 35 Robertsons Add B160 FROM Indiana Ave (Vacated) | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 36-37 Villaume Sandrock Tunnel Door #8 | Sewer Location | 0000-00-00
36  37 

Page(s) 45 Leech St Tunnel Outlet | Sewer Loc & Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 43-44 Fourth (4th) St FROM St Peter St TO West | Profile of Drains | 1942-02-00
43  44 

Page(s) 45 Chestnut St FROM Levee TO Spring St | Conn for Alley drain | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 46-48 Airport Approach Storm Sewer FROM Minnetonka St (Vacated) TO Texas St (Vacated) | Storm Sewer Loc | 1942-12-23
46  47  48 

Page(s) 49 Storm Sewer on Airport Road FROM Rock Island RR Track | Storm Sewer Loc | 1943-03-12

Page(s) 50 Fourth (4th) St FROM Market St TO St Peter St | Storm Sewer Loc | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 51 Eagle Street FROM East of Eagle St TO Across Levee | Sewer & CB Locs | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 52 Albert Ave (St) & Randolph St (Ave) | Sewer Locs | 1943-08-17

Page(s) 53 Rice St FROM Summit Ave TO College Ave | Sewer & Drain Loc | 1944-01-04

Page(s) 54-56 Nebraska Ave Sewer FROM Hazel St TO Curve Ave (Furness Pkwy) | Location of Repair | 1944-06-19
54  55  56 

Page(s) 57-58 Nevada Ave FROM Grotto St TO 275 ft west | Y Branch Loc&Grades | 1945-06-23
57  58 

Page(s) 59-60 Arlington Ave FROM Grotto St TO West | Y Branch Loc&Grades | 1945-09-22
59  60 

Page(s) 75-80 Nebraska Ave FROM W L Curve Ave (Furness Pkwy) TO Hazel St | Y Branch Loc&Grades | 0000-00-00
75  76  77  78  79  80