Book cover 

Book index 

Page(s) 1-8 Stella St Sewer FROM Como Ave | Locs & X-Sections | 1977-07-25

Page(s) 9 Stella St Sewer FROM Como Ave | Locs & X-Sections | 1977-07-25

Page(s) 10 Sussel Model Home @ Stella St | Test Holes | 1977-09-20

Page(s) 11-13 Stella St Sewer | Location | 1977-10-12
11  12  13 

Page(s) 14-20 Random Survey Line FROM Stella St TO Fairview Ave Pond | Prop Stella Swer | 1979-01-25
14  15  16  17  18  19  20 

Page(s) 21-29 Random Survey Line FROM Ellis Ave TO Fairview Ave Pond | Survey Line | 1979-09-18
21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29 

Page(s) 30-36 Random Survey Line FROM Vandalia St & Capp Rd TO Fairview Ave Pond | Locations & Profile | 0000-00-00
30  31  32  33  34  35  36 

Page(s) 37-40 Wabash Ave FROM Cleveland Ave (MH "A") TO Vandalia St or MH "F" | Locations & Profile | 0000-00-00
37  38  39  40 

Page(s) 41 Wabash Ave & Montgomery St | Sewer Grades | 1981-07-07

Page(s) 42-51 Desnoyer Ave FROM MH "A" TO MH P | Sewer Grades | 1981-07-14
42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50  51 

Page(s) 53 Madison St FROM Rockwood Ave TO Benson Ave | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 54-55 Mercer St FROM Otto Ave TO 260 ft north | Sewer Grades | 1989-09-03
54  55 

Page(s) 56 WestminsterSt&MinnehahaAve | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 58-66 Beamont St FROM Walkway TO Underpass @ Drewry Lane | Monument Set | 0000-00-00
58  59  60  61  62  63  64  65  66 

Page(s) 67 Beamont St & Drewry Ln | X-Sect & Locations | 1987-07-07

Page(s) 68 Old Highland Pool | Loc Bridge Abut Cor | 1982-07-12

Page(s) 69-72 Swede Hollow | MH Locations | 1983-06-23
69  70  71  72 

Page(s) 73-74 Drewry Lane | Stadia | 0000-00-00
73  74 

Page(s) 75 Beaumont St & Drewry Ln | Profile of Bridge | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 76-77 Cochran's Sub &Add to B 11 | Tie In to Prop Cor | 0000-00-00
76  77 

Page(s) 78 Trout Brook Storm Swr | Swr Gds & Gas Elev | 1984-11-08