Book cover 

Book index 

Page(s) 1-3 Jessamine Ave FROM Desoto St TO Burr St | Sewer Grades | 1986-02-13

Page(s) 4 Alley fr Burr St West FROM Geranium Ave TO Jessamine Ave | Sewer Grades | 1986-02-13

Page(s) 5 Burr St FROM Geranium Ave TO South | Sewer Grades | 1986-02-15

Page(s) 6-8 Rose St (Ave) FROM Bradley St TO Jessie St | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 10 Whitall St FROM Edgerton St TO Payne Ave | Sewer Grades | 1986-02-18

Page(s) 12-14 Edgerton St FROM Whitall St TO South | Locations | 1986-02-21
12  13  14 

Page(s) 15-20 Whitall St | Locations | 0000-00-00
15  16  17  18  19  20 

Page(s) 21 Iowa Ave FROM Greenbrier St TO Walsh St | Locations | 1986-02-25

Page(s) 22 Marshall & Otis Aves FROM Proposed MH # 1 TO MH # B | Sewer Grades | 1992-06-15

Page(s) 25-33 Whitall St | Sewer Grades | 1992-06-16
25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33 

Page(s) 34-35 Sewer Easement FROM Hyacinth & Orange Aves TO Arcade & Mendota Sts | Sewer Grades | 1986-03-10
34  35 

Page(s) 36-47 Payne Ave RR Bridge | Locations & Profile | 1986-03-20
36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47 

Page(s) 48-52 Cedar St (Under Skyway) FROM Seventh (7th) Place TO Eighth (8th) St | SwrGrades,XSecs,Loc | 1986-04-25
48  49  50  51  52 

Page(s) 49 Cedar St | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 50 Eighth (8th) St FROM Cedar St TO West to MH # 163 | Water Valves, BMs | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 51-52 Cedar St @ Eighth(8th)St FROM MH # 108 TO MH # 106 | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00
51  52 

Page(s) 52-53 Eighth (8th) St FROM Cedar St TO Wabasha St | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00
52  53 

Page(s) 54-56 Wabasha St FROM Ninth (9th) St TO Exchange St | Sewer Grades | 1987-05-15
54  55  56 

Page(s) 57 Wabasha St | Sewer Grades | 1987-05-19

Page(s) 58-59 Wabasha St FROM Exchange St TO Tenth (10th) St | Water Main BM & TBM | 1987-05-29
58  59 

Page(s) 60 Cedar St FROM Eighth (8th) St TO Ninth (9th) St | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 61 Ninth (9th) St FROM Cedar St TO 28 ft east | Sewer Grades | 1987-06-16

Page(s) 62 Cedar St FROM Ninth (9th) St TO Exchange St | Sewer Grades | 1987-06-16

Page(s) 63 Exchange St FROM Cedar St TO West | Sewer Grades | 1987-06-16

Page(s) 64-65 Cedar St FROM Exchange St TO Tenth (10th) St West | Sewer Grades | 1987-06-22
64  65 

Page(s) 66 Wabasha & Eighth (8th) Sts | Sewer Grades | 1987-06-22

Page(s) 67-68 James Ave FROM Wheeler St TO 227 ft east | Bench Mark | 0000-00-00
67  68 

Page(s) 69 Jefferson Ave | Locations & Grades | 1992-06-09

Page(s) 70-71 N-S Alley FROM Jefferson Ave TO 400'W of Snelling Ave | Bench Marks | 1992-06-10
70  71 

Page(s) 72 E-W Alley bounded by James & Palace Aves, & Macalester St & Snelling Ave | Profile C L Alley | 1992-06-10

Page(s) 73 James Ave FROM Macalester St TO 220 ft east | Sewer Grades | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 73 Alley FROM Snelling Ave TO 200 ft west | C L Profile | 0000-00-00

Page(s) 74-75 E-W Alley bounded by Fairview Ave, Wheeler St, James & Palace Aves | Profile of Alley | 0000-00-00
74  75 

Page(s) 80 Randolph Ave | C L Profile | 0000-00-00