Book cover 

Book index 

Page(s) 1-3 Alley S of Hoyt Ave FROM Asbury St TO Arona St | Locations & Profile | 1994-12-16

Page(s) 4-5 Hoyt Ave FROM Arkwright St TO East | Locations & Profile | 1994-12-16

Page(s) 6-8 Marshall Ave FROM Western Ave TO West | C L Profile | 1994-12-16

Page(s) 9-13 Ivy Ave FROM E Como Blvd TO Osage St | Locations CL Profile | 1994-12-19
10  11  12  13 

Page(s) 14-17 Osage St FROM Orange Ave TO Ivy Ave | Locations&CL Profile | 1994-12-20
14  15  16  17 

Page(s) 18-22 Alley R/W Osage St E FROM W Orange Ave TO W Ivy Ave | Locations | 1994-12-21
18  19  20  21  22 

Page(s) 23 Alley N of Lakeview Av E of E Como Ave | Locations | 1994-12-22

Page(s) 24-27 Alley FROM Parkview Ave TO 120 ft east | Locations | 1994-12-27
24  25  26  27 

Page(s) 25-27 Alleys on Pages 24-25 | Locations & Profile | 1994-12-27
25  26  27 

Page(s) 28-32 Lakeview Ave & Como Blvd | C L Profiles | 1994-12-27
28  29  30  31  32 

Page(s) 33-37 Alley bounded by Berkley & St Clair Aves & Mont Curve Blvd & Cretin Ave | Radial Locs&Profile | 0000-00-00
33  34  35  36  37 

Page(s) 38-40 Alley Stanford Ave to Berkley Ave & Cretin Ave to the West | Locations | 1994-12-29
38  39  40 

Page(s) 41-42 Woodlawn Ave FROM St Clair Ave TO Catch Basins South | Locations & Profile | 1994-12-29
41  42 

Page(s) 43-49 Alley B5 bounded by Miss River Blvd,Woodlawn Ave, Stanford Ave, St Clair Ave | C L Profile | 1994-12-30
43  44  45  46  47  48  49 

Page(s) 50-53 Alley B3 S of Jefferson FROM Mississippi River Blvd TO Woodlawn Ave | Loc,Align & Profile | 1995-01-03
50  51  52  53 

Page(s) 54-60 Alley B6 N of Jefferson FROM Mississippi River Blvd TO Woodlawn Ave | Loc & CL Profile | 1995-01-05
54  55  56  57  58  59  60 

Page(s) 61-62 Seminary Ave FROM Lexington Parkway TO West | Loc & CL Profile | 1995-01-06
61  62 

Page(s) 63-65 Charles Ave FROM Dale St TO West | Loc & CL Profile | 1995-01-09
63  64  65 

Page(s) 66-69 Alley W of Oxford St FROM Hubbard Ave TO Seminary Ave | Elevations | 1995-01-10
66  67  68  69 

Page(s) 70-71 Seminary Ave FROM St Albans St TO 400 ft west | Locs & CL Profile | 1995-01-10
70  71 

Page(s) 72-75 Alley B14 Hamline to W FROM Thomas Ave TO Lafond Ave | CL N & S GutterElev | 1995-01-11
72  73  74  75 

Page(s) 76-77 Alley Arundel St to E FROM University Ave TO Sherburne Ave | Locs & CL Profile | 1995-01-12
76  77 

Page(s) 78-79 Alley Arundel St to E FROM Sherburne Ave TO Charles Ave | Locs & CL Profile | 0000-00-00
78  79