Book cover 

Book index 

Page(s) 1-3 Old Kellogg Blvd FROM College Ave TO Mulberry St | Locations & Profile | 1995-05-22

Page(s) 4-5 Pierce Butler Rte FROM Lexington Pkwy TO 350 ft east | Locations & Profile | 1995-05-22

Page(s) 6 Como Place & Hatch Ave | Locs,Profile & BMs | 1995-05-24

Page(s) 7-9 Sixth (6th) & Robert Sts | Gutter Elevations | 1995-04-21

Page(s) 10-11 Robert St FROM Kellogg Blvd TO 250 ft north | Locs,Profile,Elevs | 1995-05-04
10  11 

Page(s) 12-13 Minnesota St FROM 7th (Seventh) Place TO 225 ft south | Locs, Profile,Elevs | 1995-05-10
12  13 

Page(s) 14-16 Minnesota St @ 4th St | Locs, Profile,Elevs | 1995-05-15
14  15  16 

Page(s) 17 Pierce Butler Route FROM Lexington Pkwy TO 350 ft east | Locs, Profile,Elevs | 1995-05-22

Page(s) 18-19 Lafond Ave FROM Arundel St TO 400 ft east | Profile& StrutElevs | 1995-05-30
18  19 

Page(s) 20-21 Denslow St FROM Burgess St TO Alley | Locs & CL Profile | 1995-06-16
20  21 

Page(s) 22 Hoyt Ave FROM Pascal St TO East to Alley | Locs & Profile | 1995-06-19

Page(s) 23 Alley FROM Hoyt Ave TO South to CB | Locations | 1995-06-22

Page(s) 24-25 Hoyt Ave FROM Pascal St TO Alley | Locations | 1995-06-23
24  25 

Page(s) 26-28 Topping St FROM Farrington St TO 300 ft west | Profile & Elevs | 1995-06-23
26  27  28 

Page(s) 29-31 Alley Btwn Thomas & Lafond Aves FROM Hamline Ave TO 250 ft west | Locations | 1995-06-26
29  30  31 

Page(s) 32-33 7th (Seventh) Place FROM Jackson St TO 200 ft west | Locs,Profile,BMs | 1995-06-27
32  33 

Page(s) 34-35 Eleventh St @ Jackson St | Locs,Profile,Elevs | 1995-06-28
34  35 

Page(s) 36-38 Englewood Av @ Hamline Av | Locs,Profile,Elevs | 1995-06-29
36  37  38 

Page(s) 39-41 Englewood Ave @ Ivy Ave | Locs,Monumt Profile | 1995-06-30
39  40  41 

Page(s) 42-43 Victoria St @ Dayton Av | Locs,Profile,& BMs | 1995-07-06
42  43 

Page(s) 44 Randolph Ave & I-35E | Locs,Profile,Elevs | 1995-07-07

Page(s) 45 Western & Marshall Aves FROM MH # 131 TO MH # 309 | Sewer Grades | 1995-09-01

Page(s) 46 Kellogg Blvd & Mulburry St FROM MH # 312 TO MH # 313 | Sewer Grades | 1995-09-08

Page(s) 47 Near College & Old Kellogg FROM MH # 137 Sheet 20 I&I Construction Plan | Sewer Grades | 1995-09-08

Page(s) 48 Denslow St FROM MH # 271 TO MH # 272 | Invert Elevations | 1995-09-11

Page(s) 49 Alley Stm Sewer FROM W of Forest St & S of York Ave | Sewer Grades | 1995-09-18

Page(s) 50 Alley Stm Sewer FROM E of Arcade St & N of Case Ave | Sewer Grades | 1995-09-25

Page(s) 51 Alley Stm Sewer FROM E of Clark St & S of Rose Ave | Sewer Grades | 1995-09-29

Page(s) 52 St Albans St & Pierce Butler FROM MH # 62 TO MH # 275 | Sewer Grades | 1995-10-04

Page(s) 53 Pierce Butler Route FROM Lexington Pkwy TO East | Sewer Grades | 1996-04-12

Page(s) 54 Seminary Ave FROM Lexington Pkwy TO West | Sewer Grades | 1996-04-15

Page(s) 55 Alley Sewer FROM Oxford St TO West | Sewer Grades | 1996-04-17

Page(s) 56 Alley W of Hamline Ave FROM Lafond Ave TO Thomas Ave | Sewer Grades | 1996-18-96

Page(s) 57 Topping St Stm Swr FROM Farrington St TO Western Ave | Sewer Grades | 1996-04-96

Page(s) 58 Como Lane FROM Grotto St (Ex MH # 44) TO West (MH # 268) | Sewer Grades | 1996-05-01

Page(s) 59 Storm Sewer East of Arundel St in 2 Alleys near Sherburne Ave & Arundel St & University Ave | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-05-08

Page(s) 60 Alley S of Edmund Ave E of Avon FROM MH # 300 TO CB # 301 | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-05-14

Page(s) 61 Alley E of Avon St S of University Ave FROM MH # 302 TO CB # 303 | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-05-15

Page(s) 62 Milton & Alley to West & S of Central FROM MH # 125 TO CB # 305 | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-05-16

Page(s) 63-65 Ivy Ave & S on Osage St to Orange Ave FROM MH # 27 TO MH # 265 | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-05-16
63  64  65 

Page(s) 65 Osage St near Osage St & Orange Ave | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-05-22

Page(s) 66-67 Lakeview Ave & Alley FROM MH # 22 TO CB # 259 | Sanitary Swr Grades | 0000-00-00
66  67 

Page(s) 68 Nebraska Ave FROM Chatsworth St west TO MH # 254 | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-06-24

Page(s) 69 Alley W of Lexington Pkwy & N of Hoyt Ave | BMs & Swr Grades | 1996-07-03

Page(s) 70 Hoyt Ave & Pascal St FROM MH # 8 TO MH # 25 | Sewer Grades | 1996-07-09

Page(s) 71 Alley E of Asbury St FROM Ex MH # 4 TO CB # 250 | Sewer Grades | 1996-07-12

Page(s) 72 Wheeler St FROM Randolph Ave (MH # 151) TO South to MH # 320 | Sewer Grades | 1996-07-18

Page(s) 73 Seventh (7th) Place FROM Robert St TO West | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-07-19

Page(s) 74 Eleventh St @ Jackson St FROM MH # AA TO MH # BB | Storm Sewer Grades | 1996-07-24