0001 1506 Larpenteur Ave & W City Limits. Section corner common to Secs 17 18 19 & 20-29-23
0002 1505 Larpenteur Ave & Fulham St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 17 & 20-29-23
0003 1504 Larpenteur Ave & Cleveland Ave. Section corner common to Secs 16 17 20 & 21-29-23
0004 2266 Larpenteur Ave & Fairview Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 16 & 21-29-23
0005 2268 Larpenteur Ave & Snelling Ave. Section corner common to Secs 15 16 21 & 22-29-23
0006 2683 Larpenteur Ave & Hamline Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 15 & 22-29-23
0007 1044 Larpenteur Ave & Lexington Ave. Section corner common to Secs 14 15 22 & 23-29-23
0008 1046 Larpenteur Ave & Victoria St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 14 & 23-29-23
0009 1718 Larpenteur Ave & Dale St. Section corner common to Secs 13 14 23 & 24-29-23
0010 0014 Larpenteur Ave & Western Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 13 & 24-29-23
0011 0016 Larpenteur Ave & Rice St. Section corner common to Secs 18 & 19-29-22
0012 __eu Larpenteur Ave & Jackson St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 18 & 19-29-22
0013 1061 Larpenteur Ave & Westminster St. Section corner common to Secs 17 18 19 & 20-29-22
0014 1062 Larpenteur Ave & Edgerton St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 17 & 20-29-22
0015 1067 Larpenteur Ave & Arcade St. Section corner common to Secs 16 17 20 & 21-29-22
0016 xxxx Larpenteur Ave & Earl St. 1/4 corner falls in Lake Phalen, not set during PLS
0017 1074 Larpenteur Ave & English St. Section corner common to Secs 15 16 21 & 22-29-22
0018 1730 Larpenteur Ave & Hazelwood St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 15 & 22-29-22
0019 1737 Larpenteur Ave & White Bear Ave. Section corner common to Secs 14 15 22 & 23-29-22
0020 1872 Larpenteur Ave & Ruth St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 14 & 23-29-22
0021 1873 Larpenteur Ave & McKnight Rd. Section corner common to Secs 13 14 23 & 24-29-22
0022 1501 Buford St & West City Limits. 1/4 corner common to Secs 19 & 20-29-23
0023 1502 Buford Ave & Fulham St. Center Sec 20-29-23
0024 1503 Buford Ave & Cleveland Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 20 & 21-29-23
0025 2272 Arlington Ave & Fairview Ave. Center Sec 21-29-23. Not in St Paul. Falls in State Fair grounds
0026 2270 Arlington Ave & Snelling Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 21 & 22-29-23
0027 0001 Arlington Ave & Hamline Ave. Center Sec 22-29-23
0028 0004 Arlington Ave & Lexington Ave. 1/4 corner falls in Como Lake, Not set during PLS
0029 0003 Arlington Ave & Victoria St. Center Sec 23-29-23
0030 0005 Arlington Ave & Dale St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 23 & 24-29-23
0031 1747 Arlington Ave & Western Ave. Center Sec 24-29-23
0032 1749 Arlington Ave & Rice St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 19-29-22 & 24-29-23
0033 1842 Arlington Ave & Jackson St. Center Sec 19-29-22
0034 1059 Arlington Ave & Westminster St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 19 & 20-29-22
0035 1063 Arlington Ave & Edgerton St. Center Sec 20-29-22
0036 1066 Arlington Ave & Arcade St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 20 & 21-29-22
0037 1077 Arlington Ave & Earl St. Center Sec 21-29-22
0038 1076 Arlington Ave & English St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 21 & 22-29-22
0039 1732 Arlington Ave & Hazelwood St. Center Sec 22-29-22
0040 1739 Arlington Ave & White Bear Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 22 & 23-29-22
0041 1877 Arlington Ave & Ruth St. Center Sec 23-29-22
0042 1874 Arlington Ave & McKnight Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 23 & 24-29-22
0043 1090 Kasota Ave & West City Limits. Section corner common to Secs 19 20 29 & 30-29-23
0044 1053 Como Ave & Raymond produced. 1/4 corner common to Secs 20 & 29-29-23
0045 1052 Near Cleveland Ave & Como Ave. Section corner common to Secs 20 21 28 & 29-29-23
0046 1787A Como Ave & Fairview Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 21 & 28-29-23
0047 1766 Como Ave & Snelling Ave. Section corner common to Secs 21 22 27 & 28-29-23
0048 __ev Como Ave & Hamline Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 22 & 27-29-23
0049 0009 Horton Ave & Lexington Parkway. Section corner common to Secs 22 23 26 & 27-29-23
0050 0011 1/4 corner Falls in Lake Como, Not set during PLS, referenced to old index #1516,#2294,#1341,#1342 & #1725.
0051 0013 Maryland Ave & Dale St. Section corner common to Secs 23 24 25 & 26-29-23
0052 0015 Maryland Ave & Western Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 24 & 25-29-23
0053 0017A Maryland Ave & Rice St. Section corner to 19 30-29-22 & 24 25-29-23
0054 1684 Maryland Ave & Jackson St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 19 & 30-29-22
0055 0021A Maryland Ave & Westminster St. Section corner common to Secs 19 20 29 & 30-29-22
0056 0023 Maryland Ave & Edgerton St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 20 & 29-29-22
0057 0025 Maryland Ave & Arcade St. Section corner common to Secs 20 21 28 & 29-29-22
0058 0027 Maryland Ave & Earl St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 21 & 28-29-22
0059 0029 Maryland Ave & English St. Section corner common to Secs 21 22 27 & 28-29-22
0060 0664 Maryland Ave & Hazelwood St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 22 & 27-29-22
0061 1741 Maryland Ave & White Bear Ave. Section corner common to Secs 22 23 26 & 27-29-22
0062 1876 Maryland Ave & Ruth St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 23 & 26-29-22
0063 1875 Maryland Ave & McKnight Rd. Section corner common to Secs 23 24 25 & 26-29-22
0064 1057 Ellis Ave & West City Limits. 1/4 corner common to Secs 29 & 30-29-23
0065 1054 On Raymond Ave & Front Ave produced. Center Sec 29-29-23
0066 1051 1/4 corner common to Secs 28 & 29-29-23, Not set during Public Land Survey
0067 2202 Front Ave produced & Fairview Ave prod. Center Sec 28-29-23
0068 1212 Front Ave & Snelling Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 27 & 28-29-23
0069 0666 Front Ave & Hamline Ave. Center Sec 27-29-23
0070 0031 Front Ave & Lexington Parkway. 1/4 corner common to Secs 26 & 27-29-23
0071 0033 Front Ave & Victoria St. Center Sec 26-29-23
0072 0035 Front Ave & Dale St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 25 & 26-29-23
0073 0037 Front Ave & Western Ave. Center Sec 25-29-23
0074 0039 Front Ave & Rice St. 1/4 corner common to 25-29-23 & 30-29-22
0075 1685 Case Ave & Jackson St. Center Sec 30-29-22
0076 0043 Case Ave & Westminster St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 29 & 30-29-22
0077 0045A Case Ave & Edgerton St. Center Sec 29-29-22
0078 0047 Case Ave & Arcade St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 28 & 29-29-22
0079 0049 Case Ave & Earl St. Center Sec 28-29-22
0080 0051 Case Ave & English St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 27 & 28-29-22
0081 1019 Case Ave & Hazelwood St. Center Sec 27-29-22.
0082 2668 Case Ave (fka Harvester) & White Bear Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 26 & 27-29-22
0083 1885 Case Ave & Ruth St. Center Sec 26-29-22
0084 1884 Case Ave & McKnight Rd (East City Limits). 1/4 corner common to Secs 25 & 26-29-22
0085 1088 Emerald (West City Limits) & Myrtle Ave. Section corner common to Secs 29 30 31 & 32-29-23
0086 1055 Myrtle Ave & Raymond Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 29 & 32-29-23
0087 1049 Minnehaha Ave & Cleveland Ave. Section corner common to Secs 28 29 32 & 33-29-23
0088 1005 Minnehaha Ave & Fairview Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 28 & 33-29-23
0089 0969 Minnehaha Ave & Snelling Ave. Section corner common to Secs 27 28 33 & 34-29-23
0090 0665 Minnehaha Ave & Hamline Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 27 & 34-29-23
0091 0053 Minnehaha Ave & Lexington Parkway. Section corner common to Secs 26 27 34 &35-29-23
0092 0055 Minnehaha Ave & Victoria St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 26 & 35-29-23
0093 0057 Minnehaha Ave & Dale St. Section corner common to Secs 25 26 35 36-29-23
0094 0059 Minnehaha Ave & Western Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 25 & 36-29-23
0095 0061 Minnehaha Ave & Rice St. Section corner to 25 36-29-23 & 30 31-29-22
0096 __ew Minnehaha Ave & Jackson St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 30 & 31-29-22
0097 0065 Minnehaha Ave & Westminster St (John). Section corner common to Secs 29 30 31 & 32-29-22
0098 0067 Minnehaha Ave & Edgerton St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 29 & 32-29-22
0099 0069 Minnehaha Ave & Arcade St. Section corner common to Secs 28 29 32 & 33-29-22
0100 0071 Minnehaha Ave & Earl St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 28 & 33-29-22
0102 0652 Minnehaha Ave & Hazelwood St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 27 & 34-29-22
0103 1879 Minnehaha Ave & White Bear Ave. Section corner common to Secs 26 27 34 35-29-22
0104 1881 Minnehaha Ave & Ruth St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 26 & 35-29-22
0105 1883 Minnehaha Ave & McKnight Rd. Section corner common to Secs 25 26 35 & 36-29-22
0106 1087 Emerald St & near Otis Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 31 & 32-29-23
0107 1086 Beverly Rd & Raymond Ave. Center Sec 32-29-23
0108 __ex University Ave & Cleveland Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 32 & 33-29-23
0109 0971;0989 University Ave & Fairview Ave. Center Sec 33-29-23
0110 0970 University Ave & Snelling Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 33 & 34-29-23
0111 0985 University Ave & Hamline Ave. Center Sec 34-29-23
0112 0075 University Ave & Lexington Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 34 & 35-29-23
0113 0077 University Ave & Victoria St. Center Sec 35-29-23
0114 0079 University Ave & Dale St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 35 & 36-29-23
0115 0081 University Ave & Western Ave. Center Sec 36-29-23
0116 0083A University Ave & Rice St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 36-29-23 & 31-29-22.
0117 0085 University Ave & Jackson St. Center Sec 31-29-22
0118 0087 John St (Stillwater) & Grove St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 31 & 32-29-22
0119 0089 Conway St & Edgerton St produced. Center Sec 32-29-22
0120 0091 Conway St & Arcade St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 32 & 33-29-22
0121 0093 Conway St & Earl St. Center Sec 33-29-22
0122 0095 Conway St & English St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 33 & 34-29-22
0123 0648 Conway St & Hazelwood St. Center Sec 34-29-23
0124 2209 Conway St & White Bear Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 34 & 35-29-22
0125 2211 Conway St & Ruth St. Center Sec 35-29-22
0126 2213 Conway St & McKnight Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 35 & 36-29-22
0127 xxxx Marshall Ave & W City Limits produced. SE Cor Sec 32-29-23. Not in St Paul
0128 1080 Marshall Ave & Pelham Boulevard. 1/4 corner common to 32-29-23 & 5-28-23
0129 0894 Marshall Ave & Cleveland Ave. Section corner to 32 33-29-23 & 4 5-28-23
0130 0860A Marshall Ave & Fairview Ave. 1/4 corner to Secs 33-29-23 & 4-28-23
0131 1011 Marshall Ave & Snelling Ave. Section corner to 33 34-29-23 & 3 4-28-23
0132 1010 Marshall Ave & Hamline Ave. 1/4 corner to Secs 34-29-23 & 3-28-23
0133 0097 Marshall Ave & Lexington Ave. Section corner to 34 35-29-23 & 2 3-28-23
0134 0099B Marshall Ave & Victoria St. 1/4 corner to Secs 35-29-23 & 2-28-23
0135 0101 Marshall Ave & Dale St. Section corner to 35 36-29-23 & 1 2-28-23
0136 0103 Marshall Ave & Western Ave. 1/4 corner to Secs 36-29-23 & 1-28-23
0137 0105 Marshall produced & Rice produced, Township & Range Cor
0138 0107 Near Ninth St & Cedar St. 1/4 corner to Secs 31-29-22 & 6-28-22
0139 0109 4th St & Wacouta St. Section corner to 31 & 32-29-22 & 5 & 6-28-22
0140 __be Position falls in Mississippi River. Not set during Public Land Survey.
0141 0111 Mounds Boulevard & McLean Ave. Section corner to 32 33-29-22 & 4 5-28-22
0142 0113A Burns Ave & Earl St. 1/4 corner to Secs 33-29-22 & 4-28-22
0143 0115 Burns Ave & English St. Section corner to 33 34-29-22 & 3 4-28-22
0144 0645 Burns Ave & Hazelwood St. 1/4 corner to Secs 34-29-22 & 3-28-22
0145 2217 Burns Ave & White Bear Ave. Section corner to 34 35-29-22 & 2 3-28-22
0146 2219 Burns Ave & Ruth St. 1/4 corner to Secs 35-29-22 & 2-28-22
0147 2221 Burns Ave & McKnight Rd. Section corner to 35 36-29-22 & 1 2-28-22
0149 1079 Summit Ave & Mississippi River Blvd. Center Sec 5-28-23 on Summit
0150 1085 Summit Ave & Cleveland Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 4 & 5-28-23
0151 1742 Summit Ave & Fairview Ave. Center Sec 4-28-23
0152 1601 Summit Ave & Snelling Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 3 & 4-28-23
0153 1599 Summit Ave & Hamline Ave. Center Sec 3-28-23
0154 0117 Summit Ave & Lexington Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 2 & 3-28-23
0155 0119 Summit Ave & Victoria St. Center Sec 2-28-23
0156 0121 Summit Ave & Dale St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 1 & 2-28-23
0157 0123 Ramsey St & Western Ave. Center Sec 1-28-23
0158 __ey Summit Ave & Rice St. 1/4 corner to Secs 1-28-23 & 6-28-22
0159 xxxx Position falls in Mississippi. Not set during Public Land Survey
0160 __kc Summit Ave produced & Humboldt Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 5 & 6-28-22
0161 __kd Summit Ave produced & Edgerton St prod. Center Sec 5-28-22
0162 __ke Summit Ave produced & Arcade St prod. 1/4 corner common to Secs 4 & 5-28-22
0163 xxxx Position falls in Mississippi. Not set during Public Land Survey
0164 2237 Upper Afton Rd prod & English St prod. 1/4 corner common to Secs 3 & 4-28-22
0165 2238 Lower Afton Rd prod & Hazelwood St pro. Center of Sec 3-28-22
0166 2240 A St & White Bear Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 2 & 3-28-22
0167 2252 Upper Afton Rd & Ruth St. Center of Sec 2-28-22
0168 2253 1/4 Cor Upper Afton Rd & McKnight Rd. W1/E2-28-22
0169 xxxx Section corner common to Secs 5 6 7 & 8-28-23. Not in St Paul. In Hennepin County.
0170 1078 St Clair Ave & Mississippi River Blvd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 5 & 8-28-23
0171 1290 St Clair Ave & Cleveland Ave. Section corner common to Secs 4 5 8 & 9-28-23
0172 1289 St Clair Ave & Fairview Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 4 & 9-28-23
0173 1296 St Clair Ave & Snelling Ave. Section corner to Secs 3 4 9 & 10-28-23
0174 0129 St Clair Ave & Hamline Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 3 & 10-28-23
0175 0131 St Clair Ave & Lexington Ave. Section corner to Secs 2 3 10 & 11-28-23
0176 0133 St Clair Ave & Victoria St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 2 & 11-28-23
0177 0135B St Clair Ave & Dale St. Section corner to Secs 1 2 11 & 12-28-23
0178 0137 St Clair Ave & Western Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 1 & 12-28-23
0179 0139 St Clair Ave produced & Rice St prod, Under High Bridge. Sec cor to secs 12-28-23 and 7-28-22.
0180 0141A;1900 Delos St produced near Ohio St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 6 & 7-28-22.
0181 0143 Delos St & Hall Ave. Section corner common to Secs 5 6 7 & 8-28-22
0182 0145 Near Eaton St & State St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 5 & 8-28-22
0183 __ez Falls in Lamprey Lake. Section corner common to Secs 4 5 8 & 9-28-22
0184 xxxx Delos St produced & Earl St produced. 1/4 corner common to Secs 4 & 9-28-22
0185 0149 Delos St produced & English St prod. Section corner to Secs 3 4 9 & 10-28-22
0186 2245 Delos St produced & Hazelwood St prod. 1/4 corner common to Secs 3 & 10-28-22
0187 2247 Delos St pro & White Bear Ave prod. Section corner to Secs 2 3 10 & 11-28-22
0188 2256 Delos St produced & Ruth St produced. 1/4 corner to Secs 2-28-22 & 11-28-22
0189 2258 N of Lower Afton Rd & McKnight Rd. Section corner to Secs 1 2 11 & 12-28-22
0190 xxxx Randolph & West City Limits produced. Not in St. Paul. In Hennepin County
0191 1281 Randolph Ave & West City Limits. Center Sec 8-28-23
0192 1280 Randolph Ave & Cleveland Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 8 & 9-28-23
0193 1294 Randolph Ave & Fairview Ave. Center Sec 9-28-23
0194 1295 Randolph Ave & Snelling Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 9 & 10-28-23
0195 0878 Randolph Ave & Hamline Ave. Center Sec 10-28-23
0196 0151 Randolph Ave & Lexington Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 10 & 11-28-23
0197 0153A Randolph Ave & Victoria St. Center Sec 11-28-23
0198 0155 Randolph Ave & Dale St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 11 & 12-28-23
0199 xxxx Randolph Ave prod & Western Ave prod. Center Sec 12-28-22
0200 0159 Near Baker St prod & Delware St prod. 1/4 corner common to Secs 12-28-23 & 7-28-22
0201 __fa North of Baker St & Charlton St. Center Sec 07-28-22
0202 0168 Elizabeth, Hall, Baker, Humbolt. 1/4 corner common to Secs 7 & 8-28-22
0204 0167 Near Robie St & Barge Channel Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 8 & 9-28-22
0205 2698 Mailand Rd prod & Earl St produced. Center Sec 9-28-22
0206 0169 Mailand Rd prod & English St produced. 1/4 corner common to Secs 9 & 10-28-22
0207 2616 Mailand Rd prod & Hazelwood St prod. Center Sec 10-28-22
0208 2602 Northeast of Pigs Eye Lake. Mailand Rd prod & White Bear Ave prod. 1/4 corner common to Secs 10 & 11-28-22
0209 2577 Mailand Rd prod & Ruth St produced. Center Sec 11-28-22
0210 2575 Mailand Rd & McKnight Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 11 & 12-28-22
0211 xxxx Highland & West City Limits produced. Not in St. Paul. In Hennepin County
0212 1283 Highland Parkway near Miss River Blvd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 8 & 17-28-23
0213 1282 Cleveland Ave & Highland Pkwy. Section corner to Secs 8 9 16 & 17-28-23
0214 1293 Otto Ave (Highland) & Fairview Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 9 & 16-28-23
0215 1277 Highland Parkway & Snelling Ave. Section corner to Secs 9 10 15 & 16-28-23
0216 0694 Highland Pkwy (Otto Ave) & Hamline Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 10 & 15-28-23
0217 0171 Otto Ave (Highland) & Lexington Ave. Section corner to Secs 10 11 14 15-28-23
0218 0173 Otto Ave & Mercer St prod (Victoria). 1/4 corner common to Secs 11 & 14-28-23
0219 0170 Annapolis (Otto) & Drake (Dale). Section corner to Secs 11 12 13 & 14-28-23
0220 xxxx Falls in Pickerel Lake, Not set during Public Land Survey
0221 0175 Annapolis St & Delaware Ave. Section corner common to Secs 12 & 13-28-23
0222 __fb Annapolis St & Charlton St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 7 & 18-28-22
0223 __fc Annapolis St & east of Hall St. Section corner to Secs 7 8 17 & 18-28-22
0224 __fd On Annapolis St near Harvard St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 8 & 17-28-22
0225 0183 Annapolis St & Waterloo St. Section corner to Secs 8 9 16 & 17-28-22
0226 0185 Annapolis St & Earl St produced. 1/4 corner common to Secs 9 & 16-28-22
0227 0187 Annapolis St & English St produced. Section corner to Secs 9 10 15 & 16-28-22
0228 2619 Annapolis St prod & Hazelwood St prod. 1/4 corner Secs 10 & 15-28-22
0229 xxxx Falls in Pigs Eye Lake. Section corner common to Secs 10 11 14 & 15-28-22
0230 2328 At Elmwood east of Pt. Douglas Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 11 & 14-28-22
0231 2581 North of Vivian Ln at McKnight Rd. Section corner to Secs 11 12 13 & 14-28-22
0232 xxxx Montreal & West City Limits produced. Not in St. Paul. In Hennepin County
0233 __io Montreal Ave prod near Mississippi River Blvd. Center Sec 17-28-23
0234 1285 Montreal Ave & Cleveland Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 16 & 17-28-23
0235 1292 Montreal Ave & Fairview Ave, Center of Sec 16-28-23
0236 1276 Montreal Ave & Snelling Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 15 & 16-28-23
0237 1716 Montreal Ave & Hamline Ave. Center Sec 15-28-23
0238 0767A Elway (Lexington) & Montreal. 1/4 corner common to Secs 14 & 15-28-23
0239 2696 Montreal Ave prod & Victoria St prod. Center Sec 14-28-23 on the N line Gov't Lot 3
0240 1273 Montreal Ave produced & Dale St prod. Not in St. Paul. In Dakota County
0241 xxxx Butler & Aware. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0242 xxxx Butler & Sylvandale. Not in St. Paul. In Dakota County
0243 xxxx Butler & Charlton. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0244 xxxx Butler & Homboldt. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0245 xxxx Butler & Harvard. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0246 xxxx Butler & Waterloo. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0247 xxxx Butler & Kassan. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0248 xxxx Highwood Ave & English St, Falls in Mississippi River
0249 2656 Highwood & Hazelwood Ctr Sec 15-28-22, Falls in Pigs Eye Lake
0250 xxxx Highwood Ave & White Bear Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 14 & 15-28-22
0251 2589 Highwood Ave & Ruth St. Center Sec 14-28-22
0252 2587 Highwood Ave & McKnight Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 13 & 14-28-22
0253 xxxx Quirnia & West City Limits produced. Not in St Paul. In Hennepin County
0254 xxxx Quirnia Ave & Raymond Ave. Not in St Paul. In Hennepin County
0255 1287 Cleveland Ave & Ramlow Place. Section corner common to Secs 16 17 20 & 21-28-23
0256 1291 Quirnia Ave & Edgcumbe Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 16 & 21-28-23
0257 1274 Quirnia Ave & Snelling Ave. Section corner common to Secs 15 16 21 & 22-28-23
0258 1275 Quirnia Ave & Hamline Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 15 & 22-28-23
0259 1269 Quirnia Ave & Lexington Ave. Section corner common to Secs 14 15 22 & 23-28-23
0261 1272 Quirnia Ave & Dale St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0262 xxxx Quirnia Ave & Western Ave. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0263 xxxx Quirnia Ave & Aware. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0264 xxxx Quirnia Ave & Charlton St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0265 xxxx Boxwood Ave & Humboldt Ave. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0266 xxxx Boxwood Ave & Harvard St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0267 xxxx Boxwood Ave & Waterloo St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0268 xxxx Boxwood Ave & Earl St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0269 xxxx Boxwood Ave & English St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0270 2658 Boxwood Ave & Hazelwood Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 15 & 22-28-22
0271 2659 Boxwood Ave & White Bear Ave. Section corner common to Secs 14 15 22 & 23-28-22
0272 2596 Boxwood Ave & Ruth St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 14 & 23-28-22
0273 2594 Boxwood Ave & McKnight Rd. Section corner common to Secs 13 14 23 & 24-28-22
0274 xxxx Norfolk Ave & Emerald St. Not in St Paul. In Hennipen County
0275 xxxx Norfolk Ave & Raymond Ave. Not in St Paul. In Hennipen County
0276 __ip 1/4 cor common to Secs 20 & 21-28-23. Not set during Public Land Survey
0277 1302 Norfork Ave & Fairview Ave produced. Center Sec 21-28-23
0278 1337 Snelling Ave & Norfolk Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 21 & 22-28-23
0279 __iq Norfolk Ave & Hamline Ave. Center Sec 22-28-23
0280 xxxx Norfolk Ave & Lexington Ave. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0281 xxxx Norfolk Ave & Victoria St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0282 xxxx Norfolk Ave & Dale St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0283 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0284 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0285 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0286 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0287 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0288 xxxx Greenland & Waterloo St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0289 xxxx Greenland & Earl St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0290 xxxx Greenland & English St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0291 xxxx Greenland & Hazelwood St. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0292 __fe Greenland & White Bear Ave. 1/4 corner common to Secs 22 & 23-28-22
0293 __ff Greenland & Ruth St. Center Sec 23-28-22
0294 __il Greenland & McKnight Rd. 1/4 corner common to Secs 23 & 24-28-22
0295 xxxx (In Hennepin County)
0296 xxxx (In Hennepin County)
0297 xxxx (In Hennepin County)
0298 __ir 1/4 corner on Pike Island
0299 1324 Section corner on Pike Island
0300 1325 N 1/4 corner Sec 27-28-23
0301 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0302 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0303 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0304 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0306 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0307 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0308 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0309 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0310 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0311 xxxx (In Dakota County)
0313 __fg Red Rock Rd & White Bear Ave. Not in St Paul. In Dakota County
0314 __fh Red Rock Rd & Ruth St. 1/4 corner common to Secs 23 & 26-28-22
0315 2329 Red Rock Rd produced & McKnight Rd. Section corner common to Secs 23 24 25 & 26-28-22
0497 1278 MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 11 & 14-28-23. See 2812
0504 0353 Blk Cor NE Arkwright St. & Minnehaha Ave.
0505 2620 Center Humboldt Ave (Goff Ave) & N line SW 1/4 Sec 8-28-22
0647 __fj 1/16 Cor Eustis & Buford (22E)
0658 __fk 1/16 Cor Hillside & Eustis (43E)
0703 2700 1/16 Cor Greenbrier & Larpenteur (14E)
0707 1065 1/16 Cor Arcade & Ivy (57N)
0733 2190 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave & Hazel St (61E)
0755 1020 1/16 Cor Hazelwood & E Seventh St (102N)
0757 2194 1/16 Cor Case Ave & Hazel St (82E)
0766 1880 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave & Hazel St (103E)
0802 2578 1/16 Cor of Sec 11-28-22 (208E)
0806 2317 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 123+70.00 near Carver & Pt. Douglas Rd (Dunn Add.)
0808 __fl 1/16 Cor (?) at Carver & McKnight (294N)
0813 2233 1/16 Cor Kennard St & Burns Ave (144E)
0817 2230 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave & Kennard St (102E)
0821 2747 CL 7th (Angle pt on E 7th St) & NS Qtr Line Sec 32-29-22
0824 1075 1/16 Cor Hoyt (Vassar) & English (Phalen Ave) (38N)
0825 2224 Not true 1/16 Cor but was used as 1/16 Cor Ruth St & Hoyt Ave (41N)
0832 1740 1/16 Cor White Bear Ave & Ivy Ave (61N)
0847 2229 1/16 Cor McKnight Rd & Ivy Ave (63N)
0873 __fm 1/16 Cor Hazelwood St. extended in S 1/2 Sec 10-28-22 (228N)
0874 2236 1/16 Cor English St (164N)
0881 2618 1/16 Cor in Sec 10-28-22 (227E)
0925 __fn CL Arlington/Chatsworth (Not 1/16 corner)
0933 1757 1/16 Cor Front Ave & Chatsworth St (70E)
0936 1608 1/16 Cor Lexington Pkwy & Jessamine Ave (70N)
0941 1745 1/16 Cor Arlington Ave & MacKubin St (30E)
0952 2199 1/16 Cor Snelling Ave & Jessamine Ave (68N) (Same as pt 0665)
0953 0667 1/16 Cor at Hamline & N Line of St.P.N.P.R.R (69N)
0980 __fo 1/16 Cor Hoyt & Lexington (28N)
0995 2263 1/16 Cor Hamline & Midway Pkwy (48N)
1003 1001 On Minnehaha Ave section line at intersection of Oxford St
1045 1602 1/16 Cor St Clair & Pascal (173E)
1061 0172 MC on west side Pickerel Lake, Common to Secs 12 & 13-28-23
1066 0881 1/16 Cor Summit & Grotto (155E)
1068 0560 1/16 Cor Drake & Tuscarora (219N). See pt 1210
1071 0158 MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 11 & 12-28-23
1084 1996 Old Military Reservation Line & W Baker St
1094 1982 1/4 Sec Line on Charlton St & Sidney St
1097 1985 CL W Baker St & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton St
1099 1991 Old Military Reservation Line & Winona St
1109 0002 MC on N side Lake Como, Common to Secs 22 & 23-29-23
1110 __fp MC on S side Lake Como, Common to Secs 22 & 23-29-23
1112 __fq MC on East side Lake Como on Maryland, Common to Secs 23 & 26-29-23
1113 __in MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 05 & 06-28-22
1114 __fr MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 05 & 06-28-22
1115 0144A MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 06 & 07-28-22
1116 __im MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 06 & 07-28-22
1136 0981 1/16 Cor Grotto St & University Ave. (113E)
1137 1072 MC on W side Lake Phalen on Larpenteur, Common to Secs 16 & 21-29-22
1138 1073 MC on E side Lake Phalen on Larpenteur, Common to Secs 16 & 21-29-22
1172 2567 Montreal & W. 7th St. (Fort Rd)
1207 __fs CIM Witness corner 35 ft north of Monument 199 & on line with Monument 178
1212 __jw MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 12-28-23 & 13-28-22
1215 0562 SW block corner Drake & Armstrong
1230 1270 MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 14 & 23-28-23
1233 1709 1/16 Cor Hamline & Edgcumbe produced E (258N)
1234 __kn Blk Cor NW Stewart Ave. & Rankin St.
1240 1336 MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 22 & 23-28-23
1259 0518 CL W Water St (levee line) & Sec line common to 7-28-22 & 12-28-23, Right Bank Sta 17+58.36 1885 River Survey
1260 __ft MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 7-28-22 & 12-28-23
1262 2165 CL CL Avon & Summit
1263 2669 CL St Albans & 1/16 line (Summit Ave)
1264 0738 NE Cor Blk 14 on W line Lexington Pkwy. & south line Albion St.
1265 0775 SW Cor Blk 15 Lot 23, N line Albion St. & E line of Lexington Pkwy.
1266 __fu NE Cor Blk 23, Lot 32, S. line Vista Ave. & W. line Alaska Ave.
1267 0776 SE Cor Blk 24 N. line of Vista Ave. & W. line of Alaska Ave. Lot 15
1273 3007 Blk Cor NE Portland & Fairview
1274 0849 Blk Cor SW Fairview & Ashland.
1276 0859 Blk Cor NW Selby & Fairview
1277 0860C Blk Cor NW Dayton & Fairview
1278 2463 Blk Cor SE Marshall Ave. & Fairview Ave.
1280 1041 1/16 Cor Marshall & Aldine (130E)
1286 __iu MC on N side Beaver Lake, Common to Secs 25 & 26-29-22
1287 __iv MC on S side Beaver Lake, Common to Secs 25 & 26-29-22
1288 __iw MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 5-28-22 & 32-29-22
1289 __ix MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 5-28-22 & 32-29-22
1290 __iy MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 4 & 5-28-22
1291 __iz MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 12-28-23 & Sec 7-28-22
1292 __ja MC on S side of Lamprey Lake, Common to Secs 8 & 9-28-22
1293 0146 MC on W side Lamprey Lake, Common to Secs 5 & 8-28-22
1294 1303 MC on E line Sec 21-28-23, on Snelling line S of monument 278
1295 1304 MC on W line Sec 21-28-23, on Cleveland line N of monument 276
1296 __jb MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 15 & 16-28-22
1297 __jc MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 15 & 22-28-22
1298 __jd MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 15 & 22-28-22
1299 __fv MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 22 & 23-28-22
1300 __je MC on S side of Island in Mississippi River, Common to Secs 22 & 23-28-22
1301 __jf MC on N side of Island in Mississippi River, Common to Secs 22 & 23-28-22
1303 __fx MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 23 & 26-28-22
1304 __fy MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 23 & 26-28-22 See 2063
1305 __jg MC on E side of Pickerel Lake, Common to Secs 12 & 13-28-23
1306 __jh MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 9 & 16-28-22
1307 __ji MC on W side of Island in Mississippi River, Common to Secs 9 & 16-28-22
1308 __jj MC on E side of Island in Mississippi River, Common to Secs 9 & 16-28-22
1309 0130 MC on N Side Lamprey Lake, Common to Secs 4 & 5-28-22
1310 __jk MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 4 & 5-28-22
1311 0148 MC on E Side Lamprey Lake, Common to Secs 4 & 9-28-22
1312 __jl MC on right bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 4 & 9-28-22
1313 __jm MC on W side of Island in Mississippi River, Common to Secs 4 & 9-28-22
1314 __jn MC on E side of Island in Mississippi River, Common to Secs 4 & 9-28-22
1315 __jo MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 4 & 9-28-22
1316 __jp MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 17 & 20-28-23
1317 __jq MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 8 & 17-28-23
1318 __jr MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 5 & 8-28-23
1319 __js MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Sec 5-28-23 & Sec 32-29-23
1320 __jt MC on left bank of Mississippi River, Common to Secs 31 & 32-29-23
1321 __it WC to Monument 66, Common to Secs 28 & 29-29-23
1322 __ju MC on S side Lake Phalen, Common to Secs 21 & 22-29-22
1323 __jv MC on N side Lake Phalen, Common to Secs 21 & 22-29-22
1517 __oq SE Corner of Wyandotte St. & Alabama St.
1528 0446 1885 RIVER SURVEY Right Bank (Sta 42+85.72) & W side of Starkey on Levee Line (Same as 1410)
1599 1701 N-S 1/4 line Sec 32-29-22 & CL 4th
1600 __fz West PL Cedar & CL 9th St
1601 __sr AP on CL Jackson St (56' ROW) at N line 10th (Tenth) St
1602 __ga Monument center line of 3rd & east properly line of John St produced.
1603 __gb CL Old 3rd St (Kellogg Blvd) & St Peter Sta 0+00 for standard survey running east
1604 2706 Intersection of 2nd St (Bench St) & cl Kellogg Blvd (old 3rd St) angle pt in old 3rd
1605 __sn CL/CL Robert St (55' ROW) & 9th (Ninth) St
1608 __gc CL old 7th & CL old Jackson going north.
1609 __gd CL 5th & Jackson. See FB 1557A p.9
1613 __ge Stone Monument in M.H., On N-S 1/4 line Sec 32-29-22
1614 __gf Stone Monument in M.H. 353.86 west of point 1613
1617 1190 On east line of Earl St on S line Mound St
1635 0536 1885 RIVER SURVEY Left Bank (Sta 224+71.67).
1636 __gg CL St Peter St & CL old 3rd St running west
1638 1569 Monument at CL old Jackson St & E-W 1/4 line on University Ave, 141.91 ft west of monument 117
1645 2603 1/16 Cor on S line Sec 2-28-22 btwn White Bear Ave & Ruth St near Battle Creek Rd (187E)
1647 __gh Blk Cor in old exit ramp onto Otto Ave. from Shepard Rd.
1661 2241 1/16 Cor White Bear Ave (187N)
1666 2834 Blk Cor NE W. Water St. & Short St.
1667 2251 1/16 Cor Upper Afton Rd produced btwn White Bear Ave & Ruth St (166E)
1674 2916 Monument at PC E line Mississippi River Blvd & on Blk 2 Lot 1 & 2 riverwood
1693 __gi Stryker & Annapolis
1798 __gj GM 299.57 ft south of Monument 106 on Emerald & Mississippi River Blvd
1888 0546 SE Blk Cor Eagle & N Side of Shepard. (N Levee line) See Old Index Book, Entry 545
1909 0186 Monument on line btwn Secs 9 & 16-28-22 and W line of Levee. See pt 1428
1942 0450A 1885 RIVER SURVEY Right Bank (Sta 67+09.80) W Line State St & Levee Line
1945 0525 1885 RIVER SURVEY Right Bank (Sta 177+05.26) (Same as pt 1423)
1946 0526 Angle Pt W side 1885 River Survey on levee line.(Sta 181+45.26) HARBOR LINE MONUMENT R-526 (Same as pt 1424)
1947 0529 Angle Pt 1885 West side 1885 River Survey on levee line. (Sta 206+55.26) (Same as pt 1427)
1948 2837 Pt on line, 1885 River Survey & W line of AMB's Second Add to Brooklynd
1949 2841 Monument N side of Horace at Levee Line. See Old Index Book, Entry 527 (Same as pt 2097)
1951 US3_ US MON #3 on Harriet Island
1952 US4A US MON #4A on Navy (Rasberry) Island
1953 US5_ US MON #5 on Navy (Rasberry) Island
1954 US6_ US MON #6 on Navy (Rasberry) Island
1955 US7A US MON #7A on Navy (Rasberry) Island
1956 US8R US MON #8R on Navy (Rasberry) Island
1960 US1_ US MON #1 on Harriet Island
1962 __eg In front of 15 Baker St. On CL Baker & E line Sec 7-28-22
1964 1995 Old Military Reservation Line & Morton St
1966 2719 CL S Robert St & CL Plato Ave
1970 US9_ US MON #9
1972 US4_ US MON #4 on Harriet Island 760 ft downstream from US MON #3
2001 1305 1/16 Cor Cleveland Ave & Sherdian Ave (276N)
2003 __gk 1/16 Cor Sherdian Ave & Edgcumbe Rd (277N)
2006 __gl Blk Cor NW Summit Ave. & Victoria St.
2007 0885A Blk Cor NE Victoria St. & Laurel Ave.
2013 __gm Davern & Mississippi River Blvd
2014 1714 1/16 Cor Davern at Quirnia produced E (256E)
2018 2901 Blk Cor NE Randolph Ave & Mississippi River Blvd (F OHara running out land lines in connection with Mississippi River Blvd. See FB 474 p.41)
2022 __gn 1/16 Cor at Bidwell & Annapolis (222E)
2023 0810 Blk Cor NW Baker St. & Manomin Ave.
2028 0808B Blk Cor NE Baker St. & Cherokee Ave.
2036 __go River survey monument in SW 1/4 Sec 23-28-22
2063 __gp Washington Cnty CIM WC 184.48 ft easterly, of MC 1304 on the south line Sec 23-28-22
2064 2283 Monument S.line of Winnifred & at Westerly line Paul Martins Add.
2090 0537 1885 RIVER SURVEY Left Bank (Sta 204+00.00) & 1919 River Survey (Sta 71+38.4)
2095 __ko Angle Pt. CL Homer St & Stewart Ave
2107 1965 Blk Cor SW Winifred St. & Andrew St.
2109 1962 Blk Cor SE Bancroft St. & Winifred St.
2118 __es Blk Cor SW Prescott & Mt Hope
2121 1427 Monument set by G Sanlez after grading in place of iron
2123 US7_ US MON #7 on Navy (Rasberry) Island
2124 US8_ US MON #8 on Navy (Rasberry) Island
2127 2738 CL Fillmore & E line of Sec 6-28-22 near Livingston
2129 2008 W line of Bancroft Ave & on the Add line btwn Concord & Prescot.
2132 0675B Blk Cor SW Oakdale Ave. & Page St.
2133 0673 Blk Cor NE Oakdale Ave. & Curtice St.
2135 0675A Blk Cor SE Oakdale Ave. & Page St.
2138 2243 1/16 Cor English St (185N)
2155 1964 Blk Cor SE Congress St. & Kansas Ave.
2200 __jx MC on N Section line of 8-28-22 tipped 0.7 ft west. See pt 1293 for MC pos.
2202 1955 Blk Cor SE Halsted St. & Brown Ave.
2203 1956 Blk Cor SE Halsted St & Andrew St
2204 1957 Blk Cor SE Halsted St & Kansas Ave
2205 0152 250 ft south of MC on Sec line btwn 8 & 9-28-22 south side of Lamprey Lake
2214 __gs CL/CL Belvedere & Waterloo
2281 0554A Blk Cor NW James Ave. & Western Ave.
2318 __jz Witness Cor 74 ft east of MC 1138 on the East Side Lake Phalen on Larpenteur
2346 0549 1/16 Cor Wilken & Goodrich (179N)
2364 2018 Blk Cor NW Wisconsin & St Lawrence See FB 909 p.18
2373 __ka Witness Cor 3.7 ft north of monument 108.
2374 __kb Witness Cor 1.0 ft south of monument 192
2395 1332 CL Arlington (Lake Como & Phalen) & CL Chatsworth (Shrub)
2397 1340 MC on W side Lake Como on Maryland, 924 ft E of Lexington (Same as pt 1111)
2403 2855 On W Como Blvd btwn Horton St & Chatsworth St (SE of Monument 2854)
2405 1342 On S side of Lake Como 500 ft S of, Monument 50 on N/S 1/4 line Sec 26-29-23
2408 0030 Blk Cor SE Lexington Parkway & Horton Ave (Same as pt 2569)
2410 1329 CL CL Nebraska & Oxford
2411 1328 Jct CL Chatsworth St & CL Nebraska Ave
2414 1327 CL CL Nebraska & Milton
2415 __gt Arlington (Lake Como & Phalen) & Milton (Adams)
2416 __gu Blk Cor SE Idaho Ave. & Chatsworth St.
2417 __gv Blk Cor SW Idaho Ave. & Milton St.
2427 0369B Blk Cor NW Agate St. & Sycamore St.
2430 0495A Blk Cor NE Cayuga St. & Jackson St. (fka Cortland).
2432 2517 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Hoyt Ave.
2440 1378 CL CL Pleasant & St Clair
2475 __gx Angle point in Nina Ave between Laurel Ave & Summit Ave
2480 2582 1/16 Cor Hadley & Winthrop (230E)
2492 0192 Blk Cor NW Jefferson Ave. & Toronto St.
2496 0475;__gy AP on S line Cherokee Ave, appx 5 ft W of W line Manomin Ave
2497 __gz;0398A Bent Iron S Line Cherokee Ave & Old Military Reservation Line
2498 __gq W of Smith on N side Cherokee Ave at angle point.
2500 2025 Intersection CL W George St & Old Military Reservation Line
2501 2566 Jct CL George St & CL Ottawa Ave
2502 0803 Blk Cor NE Stevens St. & Cherokee Ave.
2503 0804 Blk Cor SE W. King St. & Cherokee Ave.
2505 0768 East side Blk 21, at angle pt on W line of Elway 250 ft +- north of Montreal Ave.
2506 __ha CL Edgcumbe 37 ft +- north of cl Highland Pkwy
2507 0752 Blk Cor SE Highland Pkwy. & Edgcumbe Rd.
2513 __hb Magoffin & St Paul Ave & Prior Ave
2538 0950 Blk Cor NW Dousman St. & Michigan St.
2540 0500A Center Goodhue & W line of Bernhemer's Add (west of Cliff)
2545 0456 Blk Cor SW Fenton St. & Alabama St.
2555 0519 Angle pt levee line on cl W Water St, 1885 River Survey RB (Sta -10+50.00)(Same as pts 1269,1405,2280)
2558 1866 Blk Cor NE Cherry St. & Maria Ave.
2559 1466 Blk Cor NE Mounds Blvd. & Short St
2560 1467B Angle Pt on E side of Short St btwn Mounds Blvd & Maria Ave near Mounds
2561 1867 Blk Cor NE Maria Ave & Short St
2562 1868 Blk Cor NW McLean Ave. & Maria Ave.
2563 1869 Blk Cor SE McLean Ave & Maria Ave
2564 __hc Blk Cor NW Urban Pl & Mounds Blvd (Same as pt 1284)
2565 __hd Victoria produced (Quincy) & Arlington
2574 2707 CL Market St & CL old Third St
2577 2709 Angle Point in Old 3rd St (Kellogg Blvd) at Exchange St
2587 __he CL old W 3rd St & CL old W 7th St
2588 __hf Angle pt on old W 3rd St FB 1569-A p.15 Sta 8+31 & Sta 13+60.88 in FB 347 p.24
2594 1712 1/16 Cor center of SE 1/4 Sec 16-28-23 (256NE)
2608 2261 1/16 Cor Hamline & Hoyt (27N)
2631 1355A CL CL Bay & Randolph
2632 1361 CL CL Stewart & Bay
2705 0582A Blk Cor NW Jessamine Ave. & Park St.
2706 0599A Blk Cor NE Front St. & Park St.
2707 __hg Blk Cor SW Sycamore St. & Park St.
2719 __hh NE Cor Ramsey & Western
2724 __hi South side Irvine Ave at first alley east of Western Ave.
2733 2368 Blk Cor SW Keston St. & Commonwealth Ave.
2734 2378 Blk Cor SE Carter Ave. & Keston St.
2735 2396 Angle point on Como Ave near house #2344 Como Ave
2736 2397 Angle point on Como Ave near house #2360 Como Ave
2737 2400 Angle point on Como Ave near house #2411 Como Ave
2738 1782A Blk Cor NW Scudder St. & Como Ave.
2739 1782B Blk Cor SW Scudder St. & Como Ave.
2740 1782C Blk Cor SE Scudder St. & Como Ave.
2762 2250 1/16 Cor Ruth St btwn Upper Afton Rd & Burns (167N)
2763 2234 1/16 Cor White Bear Ave (166N)
2765 0557 Blk Cor SE Randolph St. & Omaha St. See Old Index Book, Entry 556
2767 __hj Summit Ave & Milton St
2768 0977 Qtr line on Randolph Ave & center of Erie St
2770 1187 Blk Cor SE Mound St. & Burns Ave. (on section line)
2771 1513 Blk Cor SE Clermont St. & Burns Ave. (on section line)
2772 __hk Angle Pt on W side Clermont btwn Mound St & Mounds Blvd
2782 0289A 1/16 Cor Desoto St & Minnehaha Ave (97E)
2787 0088 1/16 Cor Grove St (University Ave) & Desoto St (118E)
2793 0284A Angle Pts on W line of Rivoli St
2795 0288 Blk Cor NW Desoto St. & Mt Ida. See Old Index Book, Entry 289
2812 __hl Witness Cor 77.0 ft west of MC 497 on Otto/Annapolis line
2819 1773A Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Raleigh St.
2828 2020 Intersection CL Ohio St & E-W 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 Approx 109 ft N of Baker St
2832 0494A Blk Cor SE Jackson St (fka Cortland) & York Ave
2833 0490A Blk Cor NE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Lawson Ave.
2834 0489A Blk Cor SE Jackson St (fka Cortland) & Cook Ave
2835 1678 Blk Cor NW Jackson St (fka Cortland) & Geranium Ave
2841 __hm NW side Jackson St Bridge
2845 1839 Blk Cor SE Jackson St. & Acker St.
2856 __hn Paving Offset 22 ft E of W line Virginia Ave & on S line Selby Ave
2862 __ho Paving Offset 22 ft E of AP on W line Virginia St at Maiden Lane
2924 __jy J H Armstrong's 1885 River Survey MC right bank river common to Secs 14 & 23-28-23
2965 0547A Blk Cor NE Chestnut St. & Ryan Ave. (fka Franklin)
2973 2622 Blk Cor NE E. Morton St. (vacated) & Humboldt Ave.
2976 2627 Blk Cor SW E. Morton St. & Livingston Ave.
2977 2334 W line SW 1/4 Sec 8-28-22 & West St Paul Proper Addition line
2978 2335 W line SW 1/4 Sec 8-28-22 & NW Cor Auditor's Sub No. 61
2981 2342 W line SW 1/4 Sec 8-28-22 & S. line E. Belvidere St
2988 2344 W line SW 1/4 Sec 8-28-22 & S. line E. Winona St
2990 2345 Judicial Monument N side E Winona St approx 185 ft west of Livingston Ave.
2995 2349 N line E. Wyoming St & W line Belvidere Park Add & E line Cushing's Add
2997 0679B Blk Cor NE Riverview Ave. & E. Curtice St.
2998 0680B Blk Cor NE Riverview Ave. & E. Sidney St.
3011 2642 Kenwood parkway angle point on block line
3060 2407 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave & Prior Ave (87E)
3082 2595 1/16 Cor on Boxwood extend btwn McKnight Rd and TH 61 (272E)
3117 1419 Wabasha St (Dakota Ave) north of Congress St
3125 0211A Blk Cor SW Exchange St. & Eagle St.
3126 2384 Blk Cor SW Raymond Ave. & Hendon Ave.
3140 1979 Intersection CL W Page St & E line Sec 12-28-23 on Delaware Ave
3141 1976 Intersection CL W Winona St & E line Sec 12-28-23 on Delaware Ave
3185 0045B Blk Cor SE Edgerton St. & Case Ave.
3188 0285 Angle Pt NW Cor of Lot 22 at E Side of Rivoli
3253 1507 Blk Cor SE Fry St. & Minnehaha Ave.
3254 1508 Blk Cor NE Hubbard Ave. & Fry St.
3256 2135 Blk Cor SE Fairview Ave. & Englewood Ave. (fka Capital)
3257 2134 Blk Cor NE Wheeler St. & Englewood Ave.
3258 1207 Blk Cor NW Hewitt Ave. & Fry St.
3259 1636 Monument E line of Lexington North of Van Slyke at the Add line
3260 2764 Como Park Boundary & on Sec line, Common to Secs 22 & 23-29-23
3261 __hp NE corner Wabasha St Bridge
3262 __hq SW corner Wabasha St Bridge
3263 __hr SE corner Wabasha St Bridge
3271 0344A Blk Cor NE Whitall St. & Jessie St.
3272 0345 Blk Cor SW Whitall St. & Bradley St.
3274 2965 Blk Cor SE Forest St. & Ivy Ave.
3275 2964 Blk Cor NW Forest St. & Hyacinth Ave.
3276 2963 Blk Cor SE Forest St. & Hyacinth Ave.
3277 2962 Blk Cor NE Forest St. & Orange Ave.
3278 2961 Blk Cor SW Forest St. & Orange Ave.
3297 2783 Blk Cor NW W. Orange Ave. & Victoria St.
3298 2784 Blk Cor NE Osage St. & W. Orange Ave.
3299 2781 Blk Cor NE Victoria St. & E. Como Ave, Como Park Boundary
3310 1179 Blk Cor NE Edgerton Ave. & Beaumont St.
3312 0811B Blk Cor NW York Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3314 0812B Blk Cor SW Sims Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3315 0248C Blk Cor NE Case Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3322 1027C Blk Cor NW E. Seventh St. & Margaret St.
3355 0789A Blk Cor NE Wheeler St. (FKA Baldwin) & St. Clair Ave.
3356 2470 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Jefferson Ave.
3357 0786A Blk Cor SE Wheeler St. (FKA Baldwin) & Princeton Ave. (FKA Cambridge)
3358 0787B Blk Cor NE Amherst St. (FKA Princeton) & Princeton Ave. (FKA Rutgers)
3359 0786D Blk Cor SW Wheeler St. (FKA Baldwin) & Princeton Ave. (FKA Cambridge)
3360 0786C Blk Cor NW Wheeler St. (FKA Baldwin) & Princeton Ave. (FKA Cambridge)
3361 0787C Blk Cor NE Amherst St. (FKA Princeton) & Princeton Ave. (FKA Cambridge)
3362 2588 1/16 Cor Highwood Ave & Skyway Drive in Sec 14-28-22 (251E)
3367 0782 Blk Cor NW Wheeler St. (Geneva) & Goodrich Ave. (Princeton)
3368 0783 Blk Cor NE Wheeler St. (Geneva) & Goodrich Ave. (Princeton)
3369 0788B Blk Cor SW Vernon St. (FKA Witherspoon) & Princeton Ave. (FKA Rutgers)
3370 0791A Blk Cor NW Vernon St. (FKA Witherspoon) & St. Clair
3427 2576 1/16 Cor of Sec 11-28-22, Mailand & Winthrop extended (209E)
3429 2580 1/16 Cor of Sec 11-28-22 (231N)
3430 1043 CL CL St Anthony & Fairview
3456 1774A Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Gibbs Ave.
3459 0972 St Clair & Erie
3460 0973 St Clair & Oneida
3462 __ij On Pt. Douglas Rd approx 1200 ft south of Carver Ave.
3463 __ik On Pt. Douglas Rd approx 2300 ft south of Carver Ave.
3466 __hs In front of #1558 Pt. Douglas Rd
3479 0563 SW Cor of Bay & Lee (Watson)
3492 1990 Old Military Reservation Line & Wyoming St
3493 1992 Old Military Reservation Line & Curtice (Belmont) St
3495 1993 Old Military Reservation Line & Sidney St
3496 1994 Old Military Reservation Line & Page St
3497 2023 Intersection CL W King St & Old Military Reservation Line
3498 2024 Intersection CL W Stevens St & Old Military Reservation Line
3499 1973 Monument CL on Manomin & N line of Annapolis
3500 2000 Intersection CL Manomin Ave & E-W 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22
3501 2019 Intersection CL Orleans St & E-W 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22
3502 __ht Military Reservation Line (MRL) & Annapolis St
3504 2070 Blk Cor NW Raymond Ave. & Blake Ave.
3505 2084 Blk Cor SW Langford Park Pl. & Gordon Ave.
3506 2391 Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Commonwealth Ave.(Dooley)
3508 2367 CL of the S bound lane on Dooley at Angle pt North of Keston
3509 2098 Blk Cor NE Gordon Ave. & Commonwealth Ave. (Dooley)
3510 1785B Blk Cor SW Knapp St. & Hillside Ave.
3511 2389 Blk Cor NE County (Como) Rd. & Knapp St.
3512 2068 Blk Cor NW Raymond Ave. & Atty St.
3513 2066 Blk Cor SE Raymond Ave. & Brewster (Pratt)
3514 2069 Blk Cor NE Raymond Ave. & Atty St.
3515 2646 Monument at angle pt CL of Langford park Sta 16+79
3516 2647 Monument at angle pt CL of Langford park Sta 17+76.5
3517 2097 Blk Cor SE Gordon Ave. & Commonwealth Ave. (Dooley)
3536 __is 40.32 ft north of monument 213 at Cleveland & Highland Pkwy
3538 __hu 1/16 Cor Upper Afton Rd & Winthrop (167E)
3542 __hv White Bear Ave & Upper Afton Rd. (Same as pt 1663)
3543 __hw CL Upper Afton Rd, W of Flandrau Place
3546 __hx CL Upper Afton Rd, 30 ft E of E Dora Ct
3547 __hy CL Upper Afton Rd, CL E Dora Ct
3548 __hz CL Upper Afton Rd, in front of house 1535
3549 __ia CL Upper Afton Rd, in front of house 1536
3550 __ib CL Upper Afton Rd, in front house 1500
3551 __ic CL Upper Afton Rd, in front house 1485
3555 __id CL Upper Afton Rd 175 ft +- W of Battle Creek Rd
3556 __ie CL Upper Afton Rd Near Miller Crest Lane.
3557 0113B Blk Cor NE Burns Ave. & Earl St.
3558 2708 Angle Point on Third (3rd) St (Kellogg Blvd) btwn Market St & Washington in front of library
3559 1031 Blk Cor NE Ross Ave. & E 7th St.
3563 __if RR monument west side Westminster 386 ft north of Minnehaha Ave.
3569 __ig Angle pt on CL Edgcumbe & S side Bayard.
3571 1032A Angle point CL Earl & CL E Seventh (7th)
3579 0610B Blk Cor NW Stickney St./Curtice St. & Concord St.
3580 0607A Blk Cor NW Concord St. & Winona St. (fka Lucy)
3581 0632 Blk Cor NW Stickney St. & Annapolis St.
3582 0630A Blk Cor NE Stickney St. & Wyoming St.
3583 0629B Blk Cor SW Stickney ST. & Winona St.
3584 0610A West Line Concord St & Paul Martin's 1st Addition line
3585 0608A Blk Cor SW Concord St. & Belvidere St.
3586 0608B Blk Cor NW Concord St. & Belvidere St.
3587 0629A Blk Cor NE Stickney St. & Winona St.
3588 0609B Most Northerly Cor of Blk 36 W. St. Paul Re. & Improvement Syndicate Add No 2 (Stickney & Concord St.)
3596 2774 ER SE Cor E Como Blvd & Lakeview Ave, Como Park Boundary
3597 1239 Blk Cor SW Westminster St. & Case Ave.
3598 1174 Blk Cor NW Westminster St. & Jessamine Ave.
3599 1489 Blk Cor SW Case Ave. & Clark St.
3600 1240B Blk Cor NE Case Ave. & Desoto St.
3630 1970 CL on Cherokee & S line of SW 1/4 of Sec 7-28-22 (N line of Annapolis)
3631 1971 CL on Ottawa & N line of Annapolis
3640 2254 1/16 Cor McKnight Rd between Falcon Ave & Edgebrook Ave (189N)
3646 1998 Intersection CL Ottawa Ave & E-W 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22
3658 0398B S line Cherokee Ave & 195 ft +- northeast of the east line Alice St
3659 2744 Blk Cor SW Ohio St. & Congress St. / Cherokee Ave.
3660 __rz Center of Kipling St cul-de-sac south of Hillsdale Ave
3661 2257 1/16 Cor on Winthrop St btwn Ruth St & McKnight Rd (188E)
3675 0819 Blk Cor SW Walsh St. & Jessamine Ave.
3676 0820B Blk Cor SW Weide St. & Jessamine Ave.
3677 1642 Blk Cor NE Geranium Ave. & Weide St.
3678 2970 Blk Cor SE Walsh St. & Jenks Ave.
3679 2971 Blk Cor NE Walsh St. & Jenks Ave.
3680 2968 Blk Cor SE Walsh St. & Case Ave.
3681 0372A NE Cor Blk 3, Highland Addition (S. side 3rd St North & West PL Arcade St.)
3682 0372D Blk Cor NW Third St. North & Arcade St.
3683 1640 Blk Cor SW Walsh St. & Geranium Ave.
3684 1797A Blk Cor SW Rose Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3685 0815A Blk Cor NW Geranium Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3686 0814 Blk Cor NE Jessamine Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3687 1638 Blk Cor SW Maryland Ave. & Walsh St.
3688 1221B Blk Cor NE Arcade St. & Cook Ave.
3689 1160A Blk Cor NW Atlantic St. & Gotzian St.
3690 1170 Blk Cor SE E. 5th St. & Gotzian St.
3691 1161A Blk Cor NW Atlantic St. & E 4th St.
3692 1161B Blk Cor NE Atlantic St. & E 4th St.
3693 1162A Blk Cor NW Atlantic St. & E 6th St. (Dawson St)
3694 1162B Blk Cor NE Atlantic St. & E 6th St. (Dawson St.)
3695 __ii Blk Cor SW Charles Ave. & Fairview Ave.
3696 0818 Blk Cor NW Jessamine Ave. & Payne Ave.
3697 0026C Blk Cor SE Edgerton St. & Magnolia Ave.
3698 1160B Blk Cor SE Atlantic St. & Fremont Ave.
3699 1818 Blk Cor NW of E 6th St. & Clarence St.
3700 0870 Blk Cor NE Margaret St. & Duluth St.
3701 1197B Blk Cor NW Beech St. & Frank St.
3702 0869 Blk Cor SE Gotzian St. & Margaret St.
3703 1816 Blk Cor NE E. 6th St. & Golzian St.
3704 1182 Blk Cor SE E. 4th St. & Hancock St.
3705 1183 Blk Cor NW Hancock St & Margaret St
3706 1194A Blk Cor NE Beech St. & Duluth St.
3707 1620 Blk Cor NW Dayton Ave. & Herschel St.
3708 2152 Blk Cor SW Roblyn Ave. & Fairview Ave.
3709 2157 Blk Cor SW Iglehart Ave. & Wheeler St.
3710 2158 Monument S.line of Iglehart & E of Fairview on the Lovering Park Add. line
3711 2431 Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Fry St.
3712 2452 Blk Cor NE Hague Ave. & Fry St.
3713 2453 Blk Cor SW Hague Ave. & Fry St.
3714 2456 Blk Cor NE Hague Ave. & Aldine St.
3715 2460 Blk Cor NE Hague Ave. & Wheeler St.
3716 2991 Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Fry St.
3717 0909 Blk Cor SW Carroll Ave. & Howell St.
3718 0912A Blk Cor SE Roblyn Ave. & Dewey St.
3719 0913A Blk Cor SE Dewey St. (fka Laura) & Carroll Ave.
3720 0858B Blk Cor NW Selby Ave. (fka Mabel) & Dewey St. (fka Laura)
3722 0914A Blk Cor NE Dewey St. & Iglehart Ave.
3723 0348A Blk Cor NW Whitall St. & Clark St.
3724 0347B Blk Cor SE Whitall St. & Desoto St.
3725 0346 Blk Cor SE Whitall St. & Burr St.
3731 1465A Blk Cor SW Ames Ave. & Flandrau St.
3732 1464A Blk Cor NW La Cross Ave. & Flandrau St.
3733 1464B Blk Cor SW La Cross Ave. & Flandrau St.
3734 1463A Blk Cor NW Case Ave. & Flandrau St.
3735 1035A Blk Cor SW Atlantic St. & E 7th St.
3736 2585 1/16 Cor near Winthrop & Wildview (251NE)
3739 __ct On Maryland Ave section line 33.00 ft west of quarter line on Edgerton St. Witness to Monument 56.
3740 __cu On Rice St range line and CL of Front St going east. Witness to Monument 74.
3741 1448A Monument mid blk on N line of York btwn Arkwright & Clark on addition line
3742 1453A Blk Cor NE Sims Ave. (fka Lookout Pl) & Westminster St.
3743 1446 Blk Cor SW Westminster St. & York Ave.
3744 1959 Blk Cor SE Congress St. & Andrew St.
3745 __cv 600 ft E. of Lower Afton Rd. PC 25+99.57 S. Side of Londin Lane
3746 __cw 240 ft W. of Winthrop St. PC 31+55.46 S. Side of Londin Lane
3747 0017B Blk Cor SE Rice St. & Maryland Ave. (for Rice St Add. only)
3748 0573B 1/16 Cor Rice & Atwater St (95N)
3749 1395 Blk Cor SE Ramsey St. (Summit Ave) & Summit Court being the NW Cor Lot 1, Summit Park
3750 0809 NE Cor Mohawk (Smith Ave) & Page
3751 2890 Monument at PC on E line of Mississippi River Blvd North of Goodrich
3758 1471A Blk Cor NW Hudson Rd. (Hastings Ave) & Forest St.
3759 0217 Blk Cor NW Wilson Ave. & Maple St.
3760 __cx Blk Cor SE Snelling Ave. & Laurel Ave.
3761 2502 Blk Cor NE Syndicate St. & Osceola Ave.
3762 2498 Blk Cor NE Syndicate St. & Goodrich Ave.
3763 2496 Blk Cor NE Syndicate St. & Lincoln Ave.
3764 __cy Blk Cor NE Charles Ave. & Snelling Ave.
3766 __cz Blk Cor SW Grand Ave. & Saratoga St.
3769 2432 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Pierce St.
3770 2993 Blk Cor NW Laurel Ave. & Pierce St.
3771 2876 Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Syndicate St.
3773 1184 Blk Cor NW Hudson Rd. & Cypress St.
3774 2999 Blk Cor NW Snelling Ave. & Portland Ave.
3775 2449 Blk Cor NE Hague Ave. & Saratoga St.
3776 2879 Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Scheunemann Ave.
3777 2878 Monument W line of Laurel at south Side of Short Line RR R.O.W
3778 __da Blk Cor SE Jefferson Ave. & Pascal St.
3783 0614B Monument on E line of section 08-28-22 500.56 ft S of NE Section Corner. (see 485)
3784 0502A Blk Cor NE State St. & Concord St.
3785 0625A N side of Belvidere between Stickney and Waterloo
3786 2001 CL W King St & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton
3787 2002 CL W Stevens St & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton
3788 2535 Blk Cor SE Winslow Ave. & Morton St.
3789 1382A Blk Cor NE Bayard Ave. & Victoria St.
3790 1382B Blk Cor NW Bayard Ave. & Victoria St.
3791 2012 CL CL King & on 1/16 line of Bidwell
3792 __db Blk Cor NW Hall Ave. & E Wyoming St.
3793 0276B Blk Cor NE Grotto St. & Goodrich Ave.
3794 0379 Blk Cor NW Goodhue St. & Richmond St.
3795 0380 Blk Cor SW Richmond St. & Banfill St.
3796 0395A Blk Cor NE Michigan St. & Richmond St.
3797 1490A Blk Cor NE Iowa Ave. (fka Brighton St) & Edgerton St.
3798 0396 Blk Cor NW Como Ave. (fka Bianca) & Park St.
3799 0643B Blk Cor NE Brown Ave. & Sidney St. (fka Gates St)
3800 0278 Blk Cor NW Fairmont Ave. & Grotto St.
3801 1263 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Maryland Ave.
3802 3017 Blk Cor NE Dayton Ave. & Finn St.
3803 0944A Blk Cor NW Forest St. & Rose Ave.
3804 __dg CL Waterworks ROW approx 111 Ft E of CL Wanda St. & approx 394 Ft N of CL of Arlington Ave.
3805 __dh CL Waterworks ROW approx 32 Ft W of CL vacated Abell Ave. & approx 91 Ft S of CL of Ivy Ave.
3806 __di E line of Waterworks ROW approx 84 Ft W of CL Wanda St. & approx 160 Ft N of CL of Nebraska Ave.
3807 2255 1/16 Cor Ruth St south of Upper Afton Rd (188N)
3808 __dj Blk Cor NW Lafond Ave. & Wheeler St.
3809 0829B Blk Cor NE Milton St. & Goodrich Ave.
3810 0830B 1/16 line on Goodrich & CL Chatsworth (175NE)
3811 3014 Blk Cor NW Cretin Ave. & Selby Ave.
3812 3015 Blk Cor NE Cretin Ave. & Selby Ave.
3813 0281B Blk Cor SE Victoria St. & Goodrich Ave.
3814 1363B Blk Cor NE Chatsworth St. & St Clair Ave.
3815 __dl Blk Cor SE Marshall Ave. & Dale St.
3816 2473 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Palace Ave.
3817 1629 Blk Cor SE Chatsworth St. & Linwood Ave.
3818 2629 Blk Cor NE Bidwell Ave. & Morton St.
3819 0831B 1/16 line on Goodrich & CL Oxford
3820 1114 Alignment monument on Grand (Oakland) Ave (pt of curve) S of Lincoln
3821 __ba West property line of Dale at Fairmount
3822 __bb East property line of Dale St 121.45 south of the south property line of Crocus Hill
3823 0671 Blk Cor SE Harvard St. & Sidney St. (Gates St)
3824 0864A Blk Cor NE Dayton Ave. & Cleveland Ave.
3825 __dm Blk Cor on 1/16 line and SW Stewart Ave. & Scheffer Ave.
3826 2485 1/16 Cor Jefferson & Cleveland (192N)
3827 __kh 300 ft W. of Winthrop St. near PT 31+03.06 S. Side of Londin Lane
3829 1535 Blk Cor SE Cromwell Ave. & Hunt St. (vacated)
3830 1522B Monument on East line of Raymond at the PT opposite #1522A
3831 1613A Blk Cor NW Lexington Pkwy. & Juliet Ave.
3832 1613B Blk Cor SW Lexington Pkwy. & Juliet Ave.
3833 1702 CL Canal St & CL Fourth (4th) St
3834 1693 Angle pt in Commercial St near Fourth (4th) St
3835 0099C Blk Cor SE Marshall Ave. & Victoria St.
3836 0883A Blk Cor SW Fisk St. & Marshall Ave.
3837 2745 Blk Cor NE Manomin Ave. & Robie St.
3840 2288 Blk Cor on N side of Como Ave. between Colne St. & N. Milton St. (fka Louth) (vacated) E. Add. line of The Strand No. 2
3841 2289 Blk Cor NW Victoria St. & Como Ave.
3842 2291 Blk Cor SW Ryde St. & Como Ave.
3843 2630 Blk Cor SE Victoria St. & Como Ave. (Union St)
3844 0884B Blk Cor NE Avon St. & Marshall Ave.
3845 0883B Blk Cor NE Fisk St. & Marshall Ave.
3846 1655 CL CL Lawson & Earl
3847 1521B S line Long Ave & E line Raymond Ave
3848 0608C NE Cor Concord & Belvidere St
3849 0428A Blk Cor NW Magnolia Ave. & Desoto St.
3852 __kp SE Cor of Kennard St. & Sherwood Ave. (Not a Blk Cor)
3853 __kq NW Cor of Flandrau St. & Clear Ave. (Not a Blk Cor)
3854 __kr SW Cor of Flandrau St. & Sherwood Ave. (Not a Blk Cor)
3855 2427 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Saratoga St.
3856 __ku Blk Cor NW Laurel Ave. & Prior Ave.
3857 2447 Blk Cor SE Hague Ave. & Pascal St.
3858 2450 Blk Cor SW Hague Ave. & Saratoga St.
3859 2423 Blk Cor SW Albert St. & Ashland Ave.
3860 2426 Blk Cor SE Ashland Ave. & Warwick St. (vacated)
3861 3024 Blk Cor SE Portland Ave. & Albert St.
3862 1354 1/16 Cor Jefferson & Lexington (196N)
3863 0394B Blk Cor SE Bay St. & Armstrong Ave.
3864 __ks CL of Leone Ave. W of Sigurd St.
3865 1448C Blk Cor SE Arkwright St. & York Ave.
3866 2130 Blk Cor NE St Anthony Ave. & Wheeler St.
3867 2472 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Juliet Ave.
3868 2475 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Randolph Ave.
3869 2474 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & James Ave.
3870 0461 Blk Cor SE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Jessamine Ave.
3871 0488A Blk Cor NE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Magnolia Ave.
3872 0463 Blk Cor NE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Geranium Ave.
3873 0366 Blk Cor SE Buffalo St. & Granite St.
3874 1846 Blk Cor SE Buffalo St. & Genesee St.
3875 0370 Blk Cor NW Acker St. & Elk St.
3876 2382 Blk Cor NE Raymond Ave. & Carter Ave.
3877 __kv N. Property Line Selby Ave. & CL Kent St.
3879 __kt CL of Totem Rd. at Northerly end of Burlington Rd.
3880 __dk On Section line of Marshall Ave at Virginia St SW Cor of Nininigers Add.
3881 0019 Blk Cor SE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Maryland Ave.
3882 0020A Blk Cor SW Rice St. & Como Ave.
3883 0020B On Rice st as paved south side of Como Ave
3884 0021B Blk Cor SE Maryland Ave. & Westminster St. (McMenemy)
3885 0026A Blk Cor NW Edgerton St & Magnolia Ave
3886 0026B 1/16 Cor Edgerton St & Magnolia Ave (77N)
3887 0041 Blk Cor NE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Case Ave. See Old Index Book, Entry 488
3888 0060 Line of Humphrey Add & Sec line on Minnehaha Ave
3889 0062 Monument in tracks near elevator & on 1/16 line on Galtier St.
3890 0063 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave & Galtier St (94E)
3891 0083B Monument at intersection of south line of Wabasha St produced & Rice St
3892 0083C Monument 10 ft south of & 0.65 ft west of 1/4 post University (Melrose) & Rice
3893 0099A Monument 33' N of 1/4 corner at Marshall Ave & Victoria St.
3894 0102 1/16 Cor St Anthony & Western (136N)
3895 0126 SE Cor of brick house on Lot 4, Blk 7, Leech's Add, 117.35 W of Sec Line (old notes)
3896 0128 Monument is 93.0 ft south of Meander post or 2904.0 ft north of Sec Cor
3897 0132 1/16 Cor W line of Sec 5-28-22 (181N)
3898 0134 CL St Clair Ave west of Bay St.
3899 0135A South edge of mont is 179.75 ft north of monument 177, old index #0135B
3900 0141B NE Cor Charlton and Isabel St 45.8 ft east of Sec line
3901 0144B Monument is 104.9 ft east of MC 1115 (old index 144A) and 600.00 ft west of monument 180 (old index 141A)
3902 0153B Blk Cor NE Randolph Ave. & Victoria St.
3903 0156 1/16 Cor Randolph near Duke btwn Drake (Dale) & Western (198E)
3904 0162A WP on Add Line appx 30 ft W of E line Bidwell St & near S line Robie St (on 1/16 Line)
3905 0162B Monument near NW Cor George & Bidwell Sts is 40.8 W of 1/16 line NW Cor of brown house is 29.3 E of 1/16 line #160
3906 0188 Blk Cor NW Richmond St. & Grace St.
3907 0190 Blk Cor NW Jefferson Ave. & Vance St.
3908 0191 Blk Cor NW Jefferson Ave. & Osceola Ave.
3909 0193 Blk Cor NE Jefferson Ave. & Colborne St.
3910 0194 Blk Cor NW Jefferson Ave. & Richmond St. (vacated)
3911 0195 Blk Cor SE Grace St. & Richmond St. being the NW Cor Blk 15
3912 0196 Blk Cor SW Duke St. & Palace Ave. (fka Cascade)
3913 0197 Blk Cor NW W. 7th St. & Toronto St.
3914 0198 Blk Cor NW W. 7th St. & James Ave.
3915 0199 Blk Cor NE James Ave. & Osceola Ave. (fka Warsaw)
3916 0200 SE Blk Warsaw (Osceola) & Palace. See Old Index Book, Entry 199
3917 0201 Blk Cor SW Toronto St. & Palace Ave.
3918 0202A Blk Cor NE Victoria St. & Palace Ave.
3919 0202B Blk Cor SE Victoria St. & Palace Ave.
3920 0203 Blk Cor SE Victoria St. & James Ave.
3921 0204 Blk Cor NW Jefferson Ave. & Clifton St.
3922 0205A Blk Cor SW Ontario St. (vacated) & Hill St. (vacated) (fka Washington)
3923 0205B Blk Cor NE Eagle St. (vacated) & Spring St. (vacated)
3924 0206A Blk Cor NE Eagle St. (vacated) & Hill St. (vacted) (fka Washington)
3925 0206B Blk Cor SE Eagle St. (vacated) & Hill St. (vacated) (fka Washington)
3926 0207A Blk Cor NW Ontario St. (vacated) & Spring St. (vacated)
3927 0207B Blk Cor SE Ontario St. (vacated) & Spring St. (vacated)
3928 0211B Blk Cor NE Exchange St. & Eagle St.
3929 0212A Blk Cor NE Eagle St. (vacated) & Ryan Ave. (vacated) (fka Franklin)
3930 0212B Blk Cor SW Eagle St. (vacated) & Ryan Ave. (vacated) (fka Franklin)
3931 0213 Blk Cor NE Chestnut St. & Smith Ave. (fka Oak St.)
3932 0214 Blk Cor NW Third (3rd) St. & Bates Ave.
3933 0215 Blk Cor NE Maple St. & Fifth (5th) St.
3934 0216A CL CL Commercial & Third (3rd)
3935 0216B Blk Cor SW Commercial St. & Third (3rd) St.
3936 0218 Blk Cor SE Surrey Ave. (vacated) & Maple St. (vacated)
3937 0219A Angle pt N Side Arch btwn Linden & Columbia
3938 0219B Angle pt Center Line of Arch btwn Linden & Columbia
3939 0220 Angle pt & Lot Cor N Side of Arch btwn Linden Columbia
3940 0221A S. Side Lot Cor Arch just west of Mt Vernon (vacated)
3941 0221B Blk Cor NW Arch St. & Mt. Vernon (vacated)
3942 0222 Angle pt center line Arch at Arch (vacated) just east of Wales
3943 0223A Blk Cor NE Arch St. & Hillsdale St. (vacated)
3944 0223B Angle pt N Side Arch just west of Fairview produce
3945 0223C Angle pt center line Arch & near Fairview
3946 0223D Blk Cor SW Arch St. & Jackson St. (fka Fairview St.)
3947 0224 Blk Cor NW Glencoe St. (vacated) & Arch St. (fka Columbia)
3948 0225 CL CL Winter St & Jackson (Capitol Hts)
3949 0226 Blk Cor SE Wales St. (fka Warren) & Mt. Airy St.
3950 0227 Blk Cor SE Linden St. & Mt Airy St.
3951 0228A Blk Cor NW Valley Ave. (vacated) & Wales St. (fka Warren)
3952 0228B Blk Cor NE Valley Ave. & Wales St. (fka Warren)
3953 0229 Blk Cor NE Valley Ave. & Capital Hts. (fka Jackson St.)
3954 0230 N. side of Charles & CL of Capitol
3955 0231 Blk Cor SW Sherburne St. (vacated) & Wales St. (fka Warren)
3956 0232 Blk Cor N. Side of Sherburne St. (vacated) CL of Ashton (vacated)
3957 0233 Blk Cor NW Ashton (vacted) & University Ave. (fka Aurora Ave.
3958 0234 Blk Cor SW Magnolia Ave. & Weide St.
3959 0235 Blk Cor SW Magnolia Ave. & Payne Ave.
3960 0236 Blk Cor NE Cook Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3961 0237 Blk Cor NW Cook Ave. & Weide St.
3962 0238 Blk Cor SE Lawson Ave. & Walsh St.
3963 0239 Blk Cor NE Lawson Ave. & Edgerton St.
3964 0240 Blk Cor SW Arcade St. & Jenks Ave.
3965 0246 Blk Cor SE Weide St. & Reaney Ave.
3966 0247 Blk Cor SE Payne Ave. & Sims Ave.
3967 0248A 1/16 Cor Case & Greenbrier (77E)
3968 0248B Blk Cor SW Case Ave. & Greenbrier St.
3969 0249A Sec line on Arcade St & center of York St
3970 0249B Blk Cor SW Arcade St. & York Ave.
3971 0250 Blk Cor SE York Ave. & Edgerton St.
3972 0251A 1/4 line on Edgerton & CL Wells
3973 0251B Blk Cor SE Edgerton St. & Wells Ave.
3974 0252A Blk Cor NW Whitall St. & Edgerton St.
3975 0252B Blk Cor NE Whitall St. & Edgerton St.
3976 0252C 1/16 Cor Whitall & Edgerton (98N)
3977 0253A Blk Cor NW Edgerton St. & Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier)
3978 0253B Blk Cor NE Edgerton St. & Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier)
3980 0255 Blk Cor NE Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier) & Payne Ave.
3981 0257 Blk Cor NW Reaney & Walsh St. (Same as 2667)
3982 0258 Blk Cor NE Weide St. & Minnehaha Ave.
3983 0259 Blk Cor NW Aurora Ave. & Arundel St.
3984 0260 Blk Cor SE Aurora Ave. & Mackubin St.
3985 0261 Blk Cor SE Mackubin St. (extended) & Fuller Ave. (vacated)
3986 0262 Blk Cor NW Arundel St. & Central Ave. (fka Martin)
3987 0263A CL Dale & CL Central (Martin)
3988 0263B S Side Central & CL of Dale St
3989 0264 Blk Cor NW St Anthony Ave. & Kent St.
3990 0265 Blk Cor SW Concordia Ave (fka Rondo) & Kent St.
3991 0266 Blk Cor SW Iglehart Ave. & Western Ave.
3992 0267 Blk Cor SW Iglehart Ave. & Kent St.
3993 0268A Blk Cor NW Iglehart Ave. & Dale St.
3994 0268B Intersection Dale St & Iglehart St
3995 0268C S Side of Iglehart & CL of Dale
3996 0269 Blk Cor SW Western Ave. & Carroll Ave.
3997 0270 Blk Cor NE Carroll Ave. & Arundel St.
3998 0271 Blk Cor NW Carroll Ave. (vacated) & Kent St.
3999 0272A N Side of Carroll & CL of Dale
4000 0272B Intersection Carroll Ave & Dale St.
4001 0273A Blk Cor SW Grand Ave. & Dale St.
4002 0273B Blk Cor NE Grand Ave. & Dale St.
4003 0274A Blk Cor NW Dale St. & Goodrich Ave.
4004 0274B 1/16 Cor Dale St. & Goodrich Ave. (177N)
4005 0275 Blk Cor NE St. Albans & Goodrich Ave.
4006 0276A 1/16 Cor Grotto & Goodrich (155NE)
4007 0277 1/16 line on Goodrich & center line Avon
4008 0279 Blk Cor NW Osceola Ave. & Grotto St.
4009 0280 Blk Cor SE Osceola Ave. & Victoria St.
4010 0281A 1/16 line in the intersection of Victoria & Goodrich
4011 0284B Angle Pts on East line of Rivoli St
4012 0286 Angle Pt on west line of Rivoli St approx 100 ft south of Mt Ida
4013 0287A Blk Cor NE Mt Ida St. & Rivoli St.
4014 0287B Blk Cor SE Mt Ida St. & Rivoli St.
4015 0289B Blk Cor SW Minnehaha Ave. & Desoto St.
4016 0289C Blk Cor SE Minnehaha Ave. & Desoto St.
4017 0290 John Swanson's Div Addition Cor S side Mt Ida bwtn Otsego St & Rivoli St
4018 0291A NW Add Cor Kumli's Add
4019 0291B SW Add Cor Kumli's Add
4020 0291C CL CL Cypress & Frances (E 5th - Fifth)
4021 0291D NE Cor Lot 5, Block 6, Kumli's Add
4022 0291E NE Cor Lot 5, Block 1, Kumli's Add
4023 0292 1/16 Cor Mackubin (Hack) & Marshall (135E)
4024 0293 Blk Cor NW Kent St. & Selby Ave.
4025 0294 Blk Cor SE Mackubin St. (fka Hack) & Selby Ave.
4026 0295 Blk Cor SE Arundel St. & Selby Ave.
4027 0296 Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Dale St.
4028 0297 Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Kent St.
4029 0298 Blk Cor SW Laurel Ave. & Mackubin St.
4030 0299 Blk Cor SE Ashland Ave. & Arundel St.
4031 0300 Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Mackubin St.
4032 0301 Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Kent St.
4033 0302 Blk Cor SW Holly Ave. & Kent St.
4034 0303 Blk Cor NE Holly Ave. & Mackubin St.
4035 0304 Blk Cor SE Holly Ave. & Arundel St.
4036 0305A W Side of Arundel & S half of Portland
4037 0305B Blk Cor NW Portland Ave. & Arundel St.
4038 0306A E Side of Hack & CL of Portland
4039 0306B Blk Cor SE Portland Ave. & Mackubin St.
4040 0307 SW Cor Iron Arch & Park
4041 0308 NW Cor Lot3 Blk1 Nininger's Add. S. side of St. Anthony Ave. & E. of Western Ave.
4042 0309 SW Cor Lot 9 Blk1 Nininger's Add. NE Western Ave. & Rondo Ave.
4043 0310 Blk Cor SE Iglehart Ave. & Virgina St.
4044 0311 N Side Lot Cor Lot 32 & 9 on Marshall btwn Farrington & Louis
4045 0312 Blk Cor NW Louis St. & Carroll Ave. (vacated)
4046 0313 Blk Cor SE Garfield St. & Harrison Ave. (fka Prairie)
4047 0314 N Side of Prairie (Harrison) & Western 12.3 ft East.
4048 0315 Blk Cor NW Reaney Ave. & Earl St.
4049 0316 Blk Cor SE Earl St & Bush Ave (fka Fauquier)
4050 0317 Blk Cor NW Minnehaha Ave. & Frank St.
4051 0318 Blk Cor NE Reaney Ave. & Frank St.
4052 0319 Blk Cor NW Ross Ave. & Earl St.
4053 0320 Blk Cor NE Minnehaha Ave. & Cypress St.
4054 0321 Blk Cor SE Reaney Ave. & Cypress St.
4055 0322 Blk Cor NE Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier) & Cypress St.
4056 0323 Blk Cor SW Ross Ave. & Frank St.
4057 0324A Blk Cor NW Ross Ave. & Duluth St.
4058 0324B Blk Cor SE Ross Ave. & Duluth St.
4059 0325 Blk Cor NW Duluth St. & Minnehaha Ave.
4060 0326 CL CL Bush (Fauquier) & Forest
4061 0327 CL CL Reaney & Forest
4062 0328 NW Cor of Blk 12 Terrace Park Add. at the alley South of Grand Ave. & Lawton St.
4063 0329 Blk Cor SW Summit Lane & Lawton St.
4064 0330 Blk Cor SE Summit Lane (fka Terrace) & Heather Dr. (fka Floral)
4065 0331A Blk Cor NW Heather Dr. (fka Floral) & Grand Ave.
4066 0331B Blk Cor SE Heather Dr. (fka Floral) & Grand Ave.
4067 0332 Blk Cor East side of Dale St. & South side of the alley in Blk 4 Terrace Park Add.
4068 0333A Blk Cor NW Grand Ave. & Oakland Ave.
4069 0333B Blk Cor SW Grand Ave. & Oakland Ave.
4070 0334A In Oakland Ave. 15 ft northeasterly of the Northwest Cor of Oakland Ave. & Lincoln Ave.
4071 0334B Blk Cor NW Oakland Ave. & Lincoln Ave.
4072 0335 Angle Pt N side Lincoln btwn Dale & Grand.
4073 0336 Blk Cor SE Lincoln Ave. & Dale St.
4074 0337A NE Cor of Lot 6, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4075 0337B SE Cor of Lot 6, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add. N. side of Crocus Hill
4076 0337C SW Cor of Lot 5, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add. N. side of Crocus Hill
4077 0337D Angle point East Side of Crocus Hill in Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4078 0337E Most Easterly Cor Lot 32, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4079 0337F Most Southerly Cor Lot 2, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4081 0337H SW Cor Lot 32, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4082 0338A Blk Cor NW Goodrich Ave. (Crocus Hill) & Pleasant Ave.
4083 0338B Most Easterly Cor Lot 5, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add. Goodrich (Crocus Hill) & Pleasant
4084 0338C Blk Cor NW Goodrich Ave. (Crocus Hill) & Pleasant Ave. (Duke St)
4085 0338D End of Radius on Easterly line Lot 4, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4086 0338E Blk Cor NE Goodrich Ave. (Crocus Hill) & Pleasant Ave.
4087 0338F Most Easterly Cor Lot 2, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4088 0338G Most Easterly Cor Lot 3, Blk 6, Terrace Park Add.
4089 0339 S Line of Goodrich & CL of Duke
4090 0340 Angle Pt of Floral (Heather) North of Oakland.
4091 0341 Blk Cor NW Lawton St. & Pleasant Ave.
4092 0342 Blk Cor NE Lawton St. & Harrison Ave. (fka Prairie)
4093 0343 CL of Goodrich & the North Side of Prairie
4094 0344B Blk Cor SW Whitall St. & Jessie St.
4095 0347A 1/16 Cor Whitall & Desoto (97NE)
4096 0348B Blk Cor SW Whitall St. & Clark St.
4097 0349 Blk Cor SW Whitall St. & Arkwright St.
4098 0350 Blk Cor SW Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier) & Jessie St.
4099 0351 Blk Cor SE Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier) & Bradley St.
4100 0352 Blk Cor SE Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier) & Desoto St.
4101 0354 Blk Cor NW Minnehaha Ave. & Bradley St.
4102 0355 Blk Cor NE Minnehaha Ave. & Jessie St.
4103 0356 Blk Cor SE Drewry Lane (fka Truxton) (vacated) & Minnehaha Ave.
4104 0357A Angle Pt at Payne & Decatur (Beaumont)
4105 0357B Blk Cor NW Preble St. & Beaumont St. (fka Decatur)
4106 0358A Blk Cor SE Payne Ave. (fka Decatur) & Bedford St.
4107 0358B CL Decatur (Payne) & E Line of Bedford
4108 0358C Blk Cor NE Payne Ave. (fka Decatur) & Bedford St.
4109 0359 Blk Cor NW Maury St. & Truxton St.
4110 0360 Blk Cor SE Bates Ave. & Maury St.
4111 0361 Blk Cor SE Bates Ave. (fka Lawrence ) & Beaumont St. (fka Decatur)
4112 0362 Blk Cor SW Grennbrier St. & Maury St.
4113 0363 Blk Cor NE Bates Ave. (fka Lawrence) & North St.
4114 0364 Blk Cor NW North St. & Fountain Place (fka Preble)
4115 0367A Blk Cor NW Agate St. & Granite St.
4116 0367B Blk Cor NE Agate St. & Granite St.
4117 0368 Blk Cor SW Agate St. & Cayuga St.
4118 0369A Angle pt Westly line of Agate & N of Sycamore
4119 0371A Blk Cor NE Maple St. & Third St. (fka Wallace)
4120 0371B Blk Cor NW Third St. (fka Wallace) & Fifth St.
4121 0372B SE Cor of Blk 3, Highland Addition (3rd St & W PL Arcade St)
4122 0372C West line Arcade 1.71 ft south of south line Freemont St
4123 0373 Angle pt on Tilton & E Line of Irvine Add
4124 0374A North line of Summit & Rice
4125 0374B South line of Summit & Rice
4126 0375 Blk Cor SW Maria Ave. & Conway St.
4127 0376 Blk Cor NE Mounds Blvd. (fka Hoffman Ave) & Conway St.
4128 0377 Blk Cor SE Goodhue St. & Duke St.
4129 0378A CL CL Western & Goodhue.
4130 0378B Blk Cor NE Western Ave. & Goodhue St.
4131 0381 Blk Cor SW Minnesota St. & Tenth St.
4132 0382 Blk Cor SW University Ave. & Mississippi St.
4133 0384A Blk Cor NE Sibley St. & Seventh Place
4134 0384B Blk Cor NW Seventh Place & Wakouta St.
4135 0384C Blk Cor SW Seventh St. (fka Eight) & Wakouta St.
4136 0384D Blk Cor SE Sibley St. & Seventh St. (fka Eight)
4137 0385A North Line of Sixth & CL of Rosabel (Wall)
4138 0385B Blk Cor NE Sixth St. & Wall St. (fka Rosabel)
4139 0386 Blk Cor NW Sibley St. & Fifth St.
4140 0387A SE Cor of 5th & Wall (Rosabel)
4141 0387B SW Cor near Wall St. (fka Rosabel) & Fifth 15.16 ft Northeasterly of Southwest Blk Cor
4142 0388 Blk Cor NE Sibley St. & Fourth St.
4143 0389A Blk Cor NW Tenth St. & Lafayette Rd. (fka Locust)
4144 0389B Blk Cor SW Grove St. & Lafayette Rd. (fka Locust)
4145 0390 Blk Cor SW Seventh St. & Olive St. (now I-94)
4146 0391A 16 ft east of the west line of 4th & south line of Locust St extended
4147 0391B S line alley in Blk 48 Kittson Add & west line of Locust St
4148 0392 Blk Cor NW Fourth St. & Brook
4149 0393 Blk Cor NE Randolph Ave. & View St.
4150 0394A CL CL Bay St. & 7th. St.
4151 0394C Blk Cor NW Bay St. & 7th St.
4152 0395B Blk Cor SW Superior St. & Western Ave.
4153 0397 CL CL Winter & Rice
4155 0399A Blk Cor NW Ohio St. & W. Winifred St. & Alice St.
4156 0399B N line Robie & Military Reservation Line
4157 0399C Blk Cor NW Robie St. & Ohio Ave.
4158 0400 Blk Cor NE Beaumont St. & Desoto St.
4159 0401 Blk Cor NW Beaumont St. & Burr St.
4160 0403 Blk Cor NE Aurora Ave. & Western Ave.
4161 0404 Blk Cor SE Wesrern Ave. & Central Ave. (fka Martin St.)
4162 0405 Blk Cor SW Virginia St. & Central Ave. (fka Martin)
4163 0406 Blk Cor SE Bradley St. & Maryland Ave.
4164 0407A CL CL Jessie & Maryland
4165 0407B Blk Cor SE Maryland Ave. & Jessie St.
4166 0408 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Edgerton St.
4167 0409 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Jessie St.
4168 0410 Blk Cor NE Rose Ave. & Bradley St.
4169 0411 Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. & Burr St.
4170 0412A Blk Cor NW Desoto St. & Rose Ave.
4171 0412B Blk Cor SE Desoto St. & Rose Ave.
4172 0413A Blk Cor SW Desoto St. & Geranium Ave.
4173 0413B Blk Cor NE Desoto St. & Geranuim Ave.
4174 0414 Blk Cor NW Burr St. & Geranium Ave.
4175 0415 Blk Cor SE Geranuim Ave. & Bradley St.
4176 0416 Blk Cor NW Geranuim Ave. & Jessie St.
4177 0417 Blk Cor NW Geranuim Ave. & Edgerton St.
4178 0418 Blk Cor NW Jessamine Ave. & Edgerton St.
4179 0419 Blk Cor SW Jessie St. & Jessamine Ave.
4180 0420 Blk Cor SE Bradley St. & Jessamine Ave.
4181 0421 Blk Cor NE Burr St. & Jessamine Ave.
4183 0423 Blk Cor SW Jessamine Ave. & Arkwright St.
4184 0424 Blk Cor SW Jessamine Ave. & Woodland St.(vacated)
4185 0425A Blk Cor NE Jessie St. & Magnolia Ave.
4186 0425B S Line of Magnolia & E Line of Jessie
4187 0426 NE Blk of Magnolia & Bradley
4188 0427A Blk Cor NE Magnolia Ave. & Burr St.
4189 0427B Blk Cor SW Magnolia Ave. & Burr St.
4190 0428B 1/16 Cor Desoto & Magnolia (76NE)
4191 0429 Blk Cor NE Clark St. & Magnolia Ave.
4192 0430 Blk Cor NE Magnolia Ave. & Arkwright St.
4193 0431 Blk Cor NW Magnolia Ave. & Woodland St. (vacated)
4194 0432 Blk Cor NW Litchfield St. & Sylvan St.
4195 0433 Blk Cor NW Winnipeg Ave. & Sylvan St.
4196 0434 Blk Cor NW Walnut St. (vacated) & Irvine Ave.
4197 0435 Blk Cor NE Farrington St. & Selby Ave.
4198 0436A S Line of Central & E Line of Cedar
4199 0436B W Line of Cedar at Central
4200 0437 N Line of Iglehart & E half of Wabasha
4201 0438A Blk Cor NW Annapolis St. & Concord St.
4202 0438B S City Limits, 70 ft W of intersection of Annapolis St & Concord St
4203 0439 Blk Cor SW Reaney Ave. & Mendota St.
4204 0440A CL CL Smith & Mc Boal
4205 0440B Blk Cor NE Smith Ave. & Mc Boal St.
4206 0441 Blk Cor SE Earl St. & Third St. (fka Wallace)
4207 0442A Blk Cor NW Daniel (vacated) & Water St. on St Paul Levee line
4208 0442B Blk Cor NW Moses (Vacaded) & Water St. on St Paul Levee line
4209 0443 Blk Cor SE Belle (vacated) & Water St.
4210 0445 Blk Cor SW Water St. (vacated) & Edward (vacated)
4211 0447 Blk Cor SW Edward (vacated) & Chicago (vacated)
4212 0448 Blk Cor SW Channel St. (Vacated) & Wabasha St. (fka Dakota)
4213 0449 Blk Cor SE Chicago (vacated) & Starkey St.
4214 0450B E Line State St & Levee Line
4215 0450C SE Cor State & Alabama St
4216 0451 Blk Cor NE Old State St. & St. Lawrence St. (vacated)
4217 0452 E Line Dunwell & Spencers Add to Brooklynd & N Line St Lawrence St
4218 0453B Blk Cor SW Tennesse St. (vacated) & C.R.I. & P. Railroad
4219 0454 N-S 1/4 Line Sec 5-28-22 & Levee Line
4220 0455 Blk Cor SW Rutland St. (vacated) & Alabama St.
4221 0457 Blk Cor SW Fenton St. (vacated) & Tennessee St. (vacated)
4222 0460 Blk Cor NE Brooklyn St. & Missouri St.
4223 0462 Blk Cor NE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Rose Ave.
4224 0464A Levee 52.43 ft Southwesterly of the West line of Jackson St. (Blk 31 Cor).
4225 0464B Levee at the W. side of Jackson St. (Blk 31 Cor)
4226 0465 Blk Cor SW Agate St. (vacated) & Maryland Ave. (vacated)
4227 0466 Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. (vacated) & Agate St. (vacated)
4228 0467 Blk Cor SW Agate St. & Geranuim Ave.
4229 0468 Blk Cor NE Jessamine Ave. & Agate St.
4230 0469A SW Cor Maryland & Dell
4231 0469B 1/16 Cor Maryland & Dell btwn Westminster (McMenemy) & Jackson (fka Cortland) (54E)
4232 0470 Blk Cor SW Rose Ave. (vacated) & Dell St. (vacated)
4233 0471 Blk Cor SW Dell St. (vacated) & Geranuim Ave.
4234 0472 Blk Cor NW Dell St. (vacated) & Jessamine Ave.
4235 0473 Blk Cor NW Wisconsin Ave. (vacated) & Brooklyn St. (vacated)
4236 __sr CL/CL Cherokee Ave & Stevens St (vac), appx 360 ft N of Cherokee & King
4237 0476 Blk Cor SE Smith Ave. (fka Mohawk) & Cherokee Ave.
4238 0477 South of Smith 100ft+- CL of Cherokee (angle pt)
4239 0478 Blk Cor SE Central Ave. (vacated) & Galtier St. (vacated)
4240 0479A Blk Cor SW Kansas Ave. & Curtice St.
4241 0479B Blk Cor NE Kansas Ave. & Curtice St.
4242 0480A Blk Cor SW Andrew St. & Curtice St.
4243 0480B Blk Cor NE Andrew St. & Curtice St.
4244 0481 Blk Cor NE Brown Ave. & Curtice St.
4245 0482A Blk Cor SW Woodbury St. (Vacated) & Curtice St.
4246 0482B Blk Cor NE Woodbury St. & Curtice St.
4247 0483 Blk Cor NE Concord St. & Bancroft Ave.
4248 0484A Angle pt north side of Concord east of Andrew
4249 0484B Angle pt south side of Concord east of Andrew
4250 0485A Blk Cor NW Arthur Ave. (vacated) & Concord St.
4251 0485B Intersection of claim line & southeasterly line of Concord St
4252 0485C Angle pt on southeasterly line of Concord St btwn Curtice St & Page St
4253 0486 Blk Cor NE Duke St. & Superior St.
4254 0487 Blk Cor SW Summit Place (fka Josette) (vacated) & Central Ave. (fka Martin) (vacated)
4255 0488B Blk Cor SW Agate St. & Magnolia Ave.
4256 0489B Blk Cor SE Agate St. & Cook Ave.
4257 0490B Blk Cor SW Agate St. & Lawson Ave.
4258 0491A Blk Cor SE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Jenks Ave.
4259 0491B Blk Cor SE Agate St. & Jenks Ave.
4260 0492 Blk Cor SW Agate St. & Case Ave.
4261 0493A Blk Cor NE Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Sims Ave.
4262 0493B Blk Cor SE Agate St. & Sims Ave.
4263 0494B Blk Cor SW Agate St. & York Ave.
4264 0495B Blk Cor NE Cayuga St. & Agate St.
4265 0496 North of University & CL of Cedar
4266 0497 Center of Olive on the North Line of Pennslyvania
4267 0498A Blk Cor NW Mt Airy St. & L'Orient St.
4268 0498B Blk Cor SE Mt Airy St. & L'Orient St.
4269 0499 Blk Cor NW St Clair Ave. & Richmond St.
4270 0500B Blk Cor NW Goodhue St. & Cliff St.
4271 0501 Blk Cor SW Smith Ave. (fka Forbes) & Banfill St.
4272 0502B Blk Cor SE State St. & Concord St.
4273 0503 State St. & Oakdale Ave.
4274 0504 Blk Cor SW Plato Ave. (vacated) & Starkey St.
4275 0505A Blk Cor NW Starkey St. & Channel St. (vacated)
4277 0506 Blk Cor NE Starkey St. (vacated) & Colorado St. (vacated)
4278 0507A Blk Cor NE Starkey St. & Delos St.
4279 0507B Blk Cor SE Starkey St. & Delos St.
4280 0508 Blk Cor NW Robie St. (vacated) & Greenwood Ave. (vacated)
4281 0509 79.97 west of CL Greenwood & on the N line of Delos
4282 0510 Monument at NE Cor Delos & Clinton
4283 0511 Blk Cor NE Colorado St. & Clinton Ave.
4285 0513 Blk Cor W. Side of Robert St. & 2.15 ft North of the N. Line of 14th St.
4286 0514A Lot line Channel & just West of the sec line.
4287 0514B;0505B Blk Cor SW Channel St. (vacated) & Starkey St. (vacated) (Same as 0505B) Starkey St. Cul-De-Sac
4288 0514C Angle pt on Starkey South of Channel
4289 0515A;0505D Blk Cor NE Starkey St. & Wood St. (Same as 0505D)
4290 0515B;0505E Blk Cor SE Starkey St. & Wood St. (Same as 0505E)
4291 0516 Monument on Lot 22 off of Joy see Armstrong survey 1885
4292 0541A Blk Cor NE Cedar St. & North railroad R/W at Shepard Rd. See Armstrong's 1885 survey
4293 0541B Monument at angle point in base line East of Cedar St. & North railroad R/W at Shepard. See Armstrong's 1885 survey
4294 0542 Blk Cor NE St Peter St. & Spring St. Now Railroad R/W. See Armstrong's 1885 survey
4295 0544A Blk Cor NE Market St. (vacated) & Spring St. (vacated). See Old Index Book, Entry 543
4296 0544B Blk Cor SE Market St. (vacated) & Spring St. (vacated). See Old Index Book, Entry 543
4297 0544C Blk Cor NW Market St. (vacated) & Shepard Rd. See Old Index Book, Entry 543
4298 0545 Blk Cor NW Ontario St. (vacated) & Shepard Rd.
4299 0547B Blk Cor SW Chestnut St. & Spring St. (vacated) New Shepard Rd.
4300 0547C Blk Cor NW Chestnut St. & Old Shepard Rd.
4301 0551 N. levee line angle Pt. and Blk Cor NW Parsons (vacated) & Tile St. (vacated)
4302 0552 1/4 1/4 line at Levee line (Shepard)
4303 0553 Angle Pt Levee line (Shepard) SW of old index #552.
4304 0554B CL James St & West line Western Ave.
4305 0555A Blk Cor SE Richmond St. (vacated) & James Ave. See Armstrong's 1885 survey.
4306 0555B Blk Cor NE Richmond St. (vacated) & Randolph Ave. See Armstrong's 1885 survey.
4307 0556 Angle pt in blk line near levee line S of Randolph E of Bluff St (Omaha). See Armstrong's 1885 survey
4308 0558A 1/16 line & Barton. See Old Index Book, Entry 556
4309 0558B Blk Cor NW Barton St. (vacated) & Levee. See Old Index Book, Entry 556
4310 0559A Angle point common to lots 17 & 18 block 29 of Sub of Blocks 28 & 29 in Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's. See Armstrong's 1885 survey p.6
4311 0559B On 1/16 line 720 ft south of old index #156. See Armstrong's 1885 survey p.6
4312 0561 Blk Cor SW Drake St. & Watson Ave. (fka Lee Ave)
4313 0564 1/16 Cor near Center of Tuscarora & Victoria St (218N)
4314 0565 Monument at NW Cor St Albans & Fairmount at the back of curb on St Albans opening
4315 0566 Monument at NW Cor of Lot 3,BLK 3 rearrangement of Highland Park Add.
4316 0567 Monument at T.P (E.C) of curve on S Side of St Albans (St Albans St opening). See FB 565
4317 0568A Blk Cor NW Sycamore St. & Park Ave.
4318 0568B Blk Cor SE Sycamore St. & Park Ave.
4319 0569A Blk Cor SW Lyton Place & Park Ave.
4320 0569B Blk Cor SE Lyton Place & Park Ave.
4321 0570 Monument at N Side of Lyton Add & on W Side of Park
4322 0571 Angle Pt N Side of Lytons Add. being NW Cor BLK 2
4323 0572 Blk Cor NE Park Ave. & Atwater St.
4324 0573A Blk Cor NE Rice St. & Atwater St.
4325 0574 NW Cor Winnepeg & Park
4326 0575 NW Cor Manitoba & Park
4327 0576A N. Side of Front St. W. of Park Ave. (SW Cor of Ransom 2nd Add)
4328 0576B N. Side of Front St. E. of Park Ave. (SE Cor of Ransom 2nd Add.)
4329 0576C NW Cor of Ransom 2nd Add.
4330 0576D South Side of Lawson Ave. & East of Park St. (NE Cor of Ransom 2nd Add.)
4331 0577 N Side of Hatch (fka Jenks) & Ransom's 2nd Add.
4332 0578 NW Cor of BLK 2 Ransom's 2nd Add. S. side of Hatch Ave. & E. of Rice St.
4333 0579 NW Cor Lawson Ave. (fka Merrill) & Park St.
4334 0580A Blk Cor SW Cook Ave. & Park Ave.
4335 0580B Blk Cor NE Cook Ave. & Park St.
4336 0581A Blk Cor SW Magnolia Ave. & Park St.
4337 0581B Blk Cor NW Magnolia Ave. & Park St.
4338 0581C Blk Cor SE Magnolia Ave. & Park St.
4339 0582B Blk Cor SE Jessamine Ave. & Park St.
4340 0583A NW Blk Cor Geranium Ave. & Park St.
4341 0583B Blk Cor SE Geranium Ave. & Park St.
4342 0584A Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Park St.
4343 0584B Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. & Park St.
4344 0585A Blk Cor SW Maryland Ave. & Park St.
4345 0585B Blk Cor SE Maryland Ave. & Park St.
4346 0586 Blk Cor SE Rice St. & Rose Ave.
4347 0587 Blk Cor SE Geranium Ave. & Rice St.
4348 0588 Blk Cor SE Rice St. & Jessamine Ave.
4349 0589 Monument at on the N. line of Lyton Place & the E. alley line of Blk 1
4350 0590 Blk Cor SW Sylvan St. & Maryland Ave.
4351 0591 Blk Cor SW Sylvan St. & Rose Ave.
4352 0592 Blk Cor NW Sylvan St. & Geranium Ave.
4353 0593 Blk Cor SW Sylvan St. & Jessamine Ave.
4354 0594A Blk Cor NW Sylvan St. & Magnolia Ave.
4355 0594B Blk Cor SW Sylvan St. & Magnolia Ave.
4356 0595 Blk Cor NW Sylvan St. & Cook Ave.
4357 0596 NE Cor of Lyton's Add. W. side of Sylvan St. & N. of Lyton Place
4358 0597 Angle Pt N Side of Blk 1 Lyton Add.
4359 0598A Blk Cor NE Hatch Ave. (fka Jenks) & Park St.
4360 0598B Blk Cor NW Sylvan St. & Hatch Ave. (fka Jenks)
4361 0599B Blk Cor NW Front St. & Sylvan St.
4362 0600A Angle pt on Oakland Ave as paved.
4363 0600C Center of Western Ave & Pleasant Ave.
4364 0601 Blk Cor NE Congress St. (fka Susan) & Ada St.
4365 0602A Rice St as paved at Rondo.
4366 0602B Angle pt on east side of Rice at Rondo.
4367 0603 SWly Cor Irvine Park Drive & Ryan (Franklin)
4368 0605A Blk Cor SW Concord St. & Wyoming St.
4369 0605B Blk Cor SE Concord St. & Wyoming St.
4370 0605C Blk Cor NW Concord St & Wyoming St.
4371 0605D Blk Cor NE Concord St. & Wyoming St.
4372 0605E Angle pt in center at Wyoming St approx 75 ft south of Wyoming
4373 0606 N Side of Wyoming at intersection of RR tracks
4374 0607B NE Cor Concord & Winona (fka Lucy)
4375 0607C SW Cor Concord & Winona (fka Lucy)
4376 0609A Intersection SE'ly line of Paul Martins Addition & the W line of Concord St, north of Curtice
4377 0610C Most northerly Cor of Block 43 W St Paul Re & Improvement Syndicate Add No 2
4378 0611 E Side of Blk 27 on north side of Curtice
4379 0612 E Side of Blk 27 on S side of Gates (Sidney).
4380 0613 Monument at E side of Blk 26 S side of concord (see 485)
4381 0614A Monument at S. Cor of Page St. & Concord St. in Blk 26
4382 0615A NE Cor Kansas Ave. & Sidney St.
4383 0615B Blk Cor SW Kansas Ave. & Sidney St.
4384 0616A Blk NW Cor Kansas Ave. & Page St.
4386 0617A Blk Cor NE Kansas Ave. & Belvidere St.
4387 0617B Blk Cor SW Kansas Ave. & Belvidere St.
4388 0618A Blk Cor NE Kansas Ave. & Winona St.
4389 0618B Blk Cor SW Kansas Ave. & Winona St.
4390 0619A Blk Cor NE Kansas Ave. & Wyoming St.
4391 0619B Blk Cor SW Kansas Ave. & Wyoming St.
4392 0620 Blk Cor NW Kansas Ave. & Annapolis St.
4393 0621 SE Cor Blk 31 at Annapolis St. & E. of Kansas Ave.
4394 0622 NE Cor of Blk 30 at Winona St. & E. of Kansas Ave.
4395 0623 Blk Cor SW Kansas Ave. & Prescott St. (vacated)
4396 0624A NW Cor of Blk 35 in West St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Add No. 2. West of Stickney St. & Curtice St.
4397 0624B Blk Cor SW Stickney St. & Curtice St.
4398 0625B Blk Cor SW Belvidere St & Stickney St
4399 0625C Blk Cor NE Belvidere St & Stickney St
4400 0626 Monument at E. Side of Waterloo at intersection Lot 12 Blk 324
4401 0627 Blk Cor SE Waterloo St. (vacated) & Winona St.
4402 0628 Blk Cor NE Waterloo St. (vacated) & Wyoming St.
4403 0630B Blk Cor SW Stickney St. & Wyoming St.
4404 0631A N Side Of Belvidere where they intersect at RR
4405 0631B S Side Of Belvidere where they intersect at RR
4406 0633 Blk Cor SE Brown Ave. & Morton St. (fka Bunker)
4407 0634A Blk Cor SW Andrew St. & Morton St. (fka Bunker)
4408 0634B Blk Cor SE Andrew St. & Prescott St. (fka Campbell St.)
4409 0634C Blk Cor NE Andrew St. & Morton St. (fka Bunker)
4410 0634D Blk Cor NW Prescott St. (fka Campbell St.) & Morton St. (fka Bunker)
4411 0635A Blk Cor NE Andrew St. & Page St.
4412 0635B Blk Cor Sw Andrew St. & Page St.
4413 0636A Blk Cor NW Andrew St. & Sidney St. (fka Gates)
4414 0636B Blk Cor SE Andrew St. & Sidney St. (fka Gates)
4415 0637A Blk Cor SE Andrew St. & Belvidere St.
4416 0637B Blk Cor NW Andrew St. & Belvidere St.
4417 0638A Blk Cor NE Andrew St. & Winona St. (fka Lucy)
4418 0638B Blk Cor SW Andrew St. & Winona St. (fka Lucy)
4419 0639 Blk Cor NE Andrew St. & Wyoming St.
4420 0640 Blk Cor NE Andrew St. & Annapolis St.
4421 0641 N side E Wyoming St. between Brown Ave. & Andrew St.
4422 0642 S side E Curtice St. between Brown Ave. & E Winona St. (fka Lucy)
4423 0643A Blk Cor NE Brown Ave. & Page St.
4424 0646 1/16 Cor Hudson Road (fka Hasting) & Birmingham St. (143NE)
4425 0647 CL CL Hasting (Hudson) & Clarence
4426 0649 1/16 Cor Hudson & Hazelwood (144N)
4427 0650 Fulton (Etna) & Conway.
4428 0651 CL CL 4th & Moore (Barclay)
4429 0653 1/16 Cor Fulton (Etna) & Minnehaha (101E)
4430 0654 Ross & Hazelwood
4431 0655 CL CL Ross & Clarence
4432 0656 Blk Cor SW 7th St. & Birmingham St.
4433 0658A Blk Cor NE Reaney Ave. & Birmingham St.
4434 0658B Blk Cor SW Reaney Ave. & Birmingham St.
4435 0659A Blk Cor NW Reaney Ave. & Barclay St. (fka Moore)
4436 0659B Blk Cor SE Reaney Ave. & Barclay St. (fka Moore)
4437 0660 Blk Cor NW 5th St. (fka Frances) & Clarence St.
4438 0661A Blk Cor NE Birmingham St. & 6th St.
4439 0661B Blk Cor NW Birmingham St. & 6th St.
4440 0661C Blk Cor SW Birmingham St. & 6th St.
4441 0662 Lot Cor N.Side Lot 4 & 13 btwn Birmingham & Barkey on E.5th
4442 0663 Blk Cor NE 5th St. (vacated) & Etna St. (vacated)
4443 0668 Blk Cor SW Woodbury St. & Sydney St. (fka Gates)
4444 0669 Blk Cor NW Woodbury St. & Belvidere St.
4445 0670 Blk Cor NW Harvard St. & Belvidere St.
4446 0672A Blk Cor NE Oakdale Ave. & Belvidere St.
4447 0672B Blk Cor NW Oakdale Ave. & Belvidere St.
4448 0674 Blk Cor NW Oakdale Ave. & Sidney St.
4449 0676 Blk Cor SW Mt.Hope Ave. & Page St.
4450 0677 Blk Cor NW Mt. Hope Ave. & Curtice St.
4451 0678 Blk Cor NW Riveview Ave. (vacated) & Belvidere St.
4452 0679A Blk Cor NW Riverview Ave. & E Curtice St.
4453 0680A Blk Cor SE Riverview Ave. & E Sidney St.
4454 0681 Blk Cor SW Riverview Ave. & Page St.
4455 0682 N. Side of Page St. East of Robert St. being the SE Cor of Blk 3,
4456 0683 Blk Cor SE Robert St. & Belvidere St.
4457 0684 Blk Cor NE Robert St (66' ROW) & Curtice St
4458 0685 Blk Cor SE Robert St. & Sidney St.
4459 0686 Blk Cor NE Robert St. & Page St.
4460 0687 Blk Cor SE Robert St. & Morton St. (fka Bunker)
4461 0688 Blk Cor NE State St. & Morton St. (fka Bunker)
4462 0689 Blk Cor NW Oakdale Ave. & Morton St. (fka Bunker)
4463 0690 Lot Cor W Side Oakdale just north of Baker at Lot Cor 1 & 1 of Kilshaw's RE & W.St.RRE.& I.S. Add
4464 0691 Lot Cor east side state btwn lots 8 & 2 of Kilshaw's RE & W.St.RRE.& I.S. Add see 690
4465 0692 Blk Cor NE Ford Pkwy. (Rawle) & Hamline Ave.
4466 0693 Blk Cor SW Highland Pkwy. (fka Otto Ave.) & Syndicate St. (fka Ellsworth)
4467 0694A Blk Cor SE Highland Pkwy. (fka Otto Ave.) & Hamline Ave.
4468 0695 Blk Cor NE Bohland Ave. & Hamline Ave.
4469 0696 Blk Cor SW Syndicate St. & Ford Pkwy.
4470 0697 Blk Cor SE Hamline Ave. & Ford Pkwy.
4471 0698 Blk Cor NE Hamline Ave. & Edgecumbe Rd.
4472 0699 Blk Cor SW Syndicate St. & Bohland Ave.
4473 0700 Blk Cor SE Bohland Ave. & Hamline Ave.
4474 0701 Blk Cor NE Montreal Ave. & Hamline Ave.
4475 0702 Blk Cor SW Ellsworth St. (vacated) & Edgecumbe Rd.
4476 0703 Blk Cor SE Edgecumbe Rd. (fka Surrey St.) & Hamline Ave.
4477 0705 Blk Cor SW Surrey St. (vacated) & Summit Ave. S. (vacated)
4478 0706A SE Cor Blk 6 of West End Add. on N. Line Surrey St. (vacated) & West Line of Summit Ave. S. (Vacaded).
4479 0706B SW Cor Blk 6 of West End Add. on N. Line Surrey St. (vacated) & West Line of Summit Ave. S. (Vacaded).
4480 0706C East side of Blk 6 West Side of Summit opp. Lot 1 Blk 13.
4481 0707 East side of Blk 6 West Side of Summit Ave at inters Ridge Ave
4482 0708 NE Cor Blk 6 of West End Add. on S. side Bohland Ave. & West Side Ridge St.
4483 0709A SW Cor Blk 7 of West End Add. on N. side Bohland St. & E. line Syndicate St.
4484 0709B NE Cor Blk 7 of West End Add. on S. side Ford Parkway & W. line Ridge St.
4485 0710A SW Cor Blk 8 of West End Add. on N. line Ford Parkway & E. line Syndicate St.
4487 0710C NW Cor Blk 8 of West End Add. on N. line Highland Pkwy. & E. line of Syndicate St.
4488 0711 SW Cor Blk 9 of West End Add. N. line Ford Pkwy. & E. line of Ridge St.
4489 0712 SE Cor Blk 9 of West End Add. N. line Ford Pkwy. & W. line of Summit Ave. S.(vacated)
4490 0713 NE Cor Blk 9 of West End Add. S. line of Highland Pkwy. (fka Otto) W. line of Summit Ave. S. (vacated).
4491 0714 NW Cor Blk 9 of West End Add. S. line of Highlanf Pkwy. (fna Otto) & E. line Ridge St.
4492 0715 SW Cor Blk 10 of West End Add. N. line Bohland Ave. & E. line Ridge St.
4493 0716 SE Cor Blk 10 of West End Add. on N. line of Bohland Ave. & West line of Summit Ave. S. (vacated)
4494 0717 NE Cor of Blk 10 of West End Add. on S. line of Ford Pkwy. & West line of Summit Ave. S. (vacated)
4495 0718 SW Cor Blk 11 of West End Add. on N. line of Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & E line of Ridge Ave. (vacated)
4496 0719 On S side Blk 11 & N side Summit (vacated) Opp. Lot 26 Blk 13
4497 0720 Blk 11 on W side Summit (vacated) Opp. Lot 17 Blk 15
4498 0721 NE Cor Blk 11 of West End Add. on W. line Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & S. line Bohland Ave.
4499 0722 SW Cor Blk 12 of West End Add. on E. line Carlisle St. (vacated)
4500 0723 SE Cor Blk 12 of West End Add. at the intersection of Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & Wayland Ave. (vacated).
4501 0724 E.side Blk 12 & W line Summit (vacated) opp. Lot 19 blk 13
4502 0725 NW Cor Blk 12 of West End Add. E. line of Carlisle Ave. (vacated) & S. line of Summit Ave. S. (vacated)
4503 0726 SE Cor Blk 13 West End Add. NE line Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & W. line Wayland Ave. (vacated)
4504 0727 E.side Blk 13 W line Wayland (vacated) opp.lot 2 blk 20
4505 0728 NE Cor Blk 13 of West End Add. on S. line of Ridge Ave. (vacated) and line Between Lot 17 & 18
4506 0729 N.Point of Blk 13 at intersection Summit (vacated) & Ridge (vacated)
4507 0730 On west side blk 13 & E line Summit (vacated) about centre Lot 1.
4508 0731 On west side Blk 13 & E line Summit (vacated) on line btwn lots 3 & 4.
4509 0732 On west side Blk 13 & E line Summit (vacated) centre Lot 5.
4510 0733 On west side Blk 13 & E line Summit (vacated) on line btwn lots 7 & 8
4511 0734 On south side Blk 13 & N line Summit (vacated) nesr line btwn lots 8 & 9
4512 0735 On south side Blk 13 & N line Summit (vacated) on line btwn lots 12 & 13
4513 0736 SW side Blk 13 on N line Summit (vacated) on Lot 19
4514 0737 SE Cor Blk 14 of West End Add. on W. line of Lexington Pkwy. & N. line of Ridge Ave. (vacated)
4515 0739 Blk 14 S.line Summit (vacated) & Centre Lot 25
4516 0740 SW Cor Blk 44 of West End Add. at intersection Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & Ridge Ave. (vacated)
4517 0741 NE Cor Blk 15 of West End Add. S.line of Albion Ave. Cor Lot 14
4518 0742 N side Blk 15 S.line Albion (vacated) near btwn Lot 7 & 8
4519 0743 N side Blk 15 S.line Albion (vacated) Centre Lot 5
4520 0744 NW Cor Blk 15 West End Add. intersection of Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & Albion Ave. (vacated) Lot 4
4521 0745 SW Cor Blk 16 of West End Add. intersection of Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & Albion Ave. (vacated) Lot 5
4522 0746 S.side Blk 16 near centre Lot 8 N line Albion (vacated)
4523 0747 S.side Blk 16 near centre Lot 10 N line Albion (vacated)
4524 0748 NE Cor Blk 17 of West End Add. West End Add. S. line of Vista Ave. (vacated) Cor Lot 10
4525 0749 NW Cor blk 17 of West End Add. Cor Lot 1 intersection Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & Vista Ave. (vacated)
4526 0750 SE Cor Blk 18 of West End Add. N. line Vista Ave. (vacated) & W. line of Lexington Pkwy. (fka Pleasant Ave. Cor Lot 23.
4527 0751 NE Cor Blk 18 of West End Add. W. line Lexington Pkwy. (fka Pleasant Ave.) & S .line of Highland Pkwy. (fka Otto) Lot 14. See also 778 & 171
4528 0753 SW Cor Blk 18 of West End Add. E. line Summit Ave. S. (vacated) & N. line of Vista Ave. (vacated) Lot 1
4529 0754 NW Cor Blk 19 of West End Add. S.line of Vista Ave. (vacated) Cor Lot 1
4530 0755 SW Cor Blk 19 of West End Add. N. line Albion Ave. Cor Lot 15
4531 0756 Iner Angle pts of Dawson park
4532 0757 Iner Angle pts of Dawson park
4533 0758 Iner Angle pts of Dawson park
4534 0759 Iner Angle pts of Dawson park
4535 0760 Iner Angle pts of Dawson park
4536 0761 Iner Angle pts of Dawson park
4537 0762 Iner Angle pts of Dawson park
4538 0763 SE Cor Blk 20 of West End Add. W. line Lexington Pkwy. (fka Pleasant Ave.) Cor Lot 12
4539 0764 N side Blk 20 S.line Ridge (vacated) point of curve Lot 1
4540 0765 W side Blk 20 E line Wayland (vacated) on line btwn Lot 1 & 2
4541 0766 SW Cor Blk 20 of West End Add. E. line Wayland Ave. (vacated) Cor Lot 8
4542 0767B SE Cor Blk 21 of West End Add. W. line Elway St. Cor Lot 17
4543 0769 Most Northerly corner of Blk 21 in West End Add. at Cor of W. 7th St. & Elway St. Lot 1
4544 0770 SW point Blk 21 E line of W 7th Lot 9
4545 0771 NE Cor Blk 22 of West End Add. NW Cor W. 7th & SW Cor of Albion Ave. Lot 1
4546 0772 Point of angle Blk 23 Lot 21 W line Alaska & Race.
4547 0773 E side Blk 23 centre Lot 30 W line of Alaska
4548 0774 NW Cor Blk 23 of West End Add. S. line of Vista Ave. & E. line of Lexington Pkwy. (fka Pleasant Ave.) Lot 1
4549 0777 NE Cor Blk 24 of West End Add. W. line of Alaska Ave. & S. line of Highland Pkwy. (fka Otto) Lot 30
4550 0778 NW Cor Blk 24 of West End Add. E. line of Lexington Pkwy. (fka Pleasant Ave.) & S. line of Highland Pkwy. (fka Otto)
4551 0779 S. Cor Blk 29 of West End Add. NE line of Albion St. & NW line W. 7th St. Lot 14
4552 0780 Most Westerly Cor Lot 1 Blk 30 West End Add being the SE'ly line W. 7th & NE'ly line of Elway St.,
4553 0781A Blk Cor SE Oxford Ave. (vacated) & Cambridge Ave. of Maccalester Park Add.
4554 0781B Blk Cor SW Oxford Ave. (vacated) & Cambridge Ave. of Maccalester Park Add.
4555 0784A Blk Cor SE Goodrich Ave. (fka Princeton) & Fairview Ave. See Macalester Park Add.
4556 0784B Blk Cor NE Goodrich Ave. (fka Princeton) & Fairview Ave. See Macalester Park Add.
4557 0785A Blk Cor SE Fairview Ave. & Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.) See Macalester Park Add.
4558 0785B Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.) See Macalester Park Add.
4559 0786B Blk Cor NE Wheeler St. (fka Baldwin) & Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.) See Macalester Park Add.
4560 0787A Blk Cor SE Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.) & Princeton Ave. (fka Rutgers) See Macalester Park Add.
4561 0787D Blk Cor NW Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.) & Amherst St. (fka Princeton) See Macalester Park Add.
4562 0787E Blk Cor SW Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.) & Amherst St. (fka Princeton) See Macalester Park Add.
4563 0788A Blk Cor SE Vernon St. (fka Witherspoon St.) & Princeton (fka Rutgers St.) See Macalester Park Add.
4564 0788C Blk Cor NW Goodrich Ave. (fka Princeton) & Oxford Ave. (vacated) See Macalester Park Add.
4565 0789B Blk Cor NW Wheeler St. (fka Baldwin) & St Clair Ave. (fka Reserve Ave.) See Macalester Park Add.
4566 0790A Blk Cor NE Amherst St. (fka Princeton) & St Clair Ave. (fka Reserve Ave.) See Macalester Park Add.
4567 0790B Blk Cor NW Amherst St. (fka Princeton) & St Clair Ave. (fka Reserve Ave.) See Macalester Park Add.
4568 0791B Blk Cor NE Vernon St. (fka Witherspoon) & St. Clair Ave. (fka Reserve Ave.) See Macalester Park Add.
4569 0792A Blk Cor NW Hamilton Ave. & Macalester St.
4570 0792B Blk Cor SW Hamilton Ave. & Macalester St.
4571 0793A Blk Cor NE Dartmouth St. (vacated) & Fairview Ave. See Macalester Park Add.
4572 0793B Blk Cor SE Dartmouth St. (vacated) & Fairview Ave. See Macalester Park Add.
4573 0794 Blk Cor NW St Clair Ave. & Macalester Ave.
4574 0795A Blk Cor NW Princeton (fka Rutgers St.) & Macalester Ave.
4575 0795B Blk Cor SW Princeton (fka Rutgers St.) & Macalester Ave.
4576 0796A Blk Cor SW Dartmouth St. (vacated) & Wheeler St. See Macalester Park Add.
4577 0796B Blk Cor NE Wheeler St. (fka Amherst St.) & Geneva St. (vacated) See Macalester Park Add.
4578 0797A Lot Cor W side Geneva & about 75 ft North of Princeton
4579 0797B Lot Cor W side Geneva & about 150 ft North of Princeton
4580 0798A Blk Cor NE Geneva St. (vacated) & Oxford Ave. (vacated) See Macalester Park Add.
4581 0798B Blk Cor NW Geneva St. (vacated) & Oxford Ave. (vacated) See Macalester Park Add.
4582 0800A Blk Cor NW Smith Ave. & George St.
4583 0800B Blk Cor SE Smith Ave. & George St.
4584 0801 Blk Cor SE George St. & Cherokee Ave.
4585 0802A Blk Cor NW Smith Ave. & Stevens St.
4586 0802B Blk Cor SE Smith Ave. & Stevens St.
4588 0805B Blk Cor SE Smith Ave. & King St.
4589 0806 SW Cor Blk 26, Balmes Add in Sec 7-28-22, Blk bounded by Stevens,Smith,King,Ottawa
4590 0807 Blk Cor NW Smith Ave. (fka Mohawk) & W. Baker St.
4591 0808A Blk Cor NW Baker St. & Cherokee Ave.
4592 0811A Blk Cor SW York Ave. & Greenbrier St.
4593 0812A Blk Cor NE Sims Ave. & Greenbrier St.
4594 0813A 1/16 Cor Magnolia & Greenbrier (77NE)
4595 0813B Blk Cor NE Magnolia Ave. & Greenbrier St.
4596 0815B Blk Cor NE Geranium Ave. & Greenbrier St.
4597 0816A 1/16 Cor Greenbrier & Maryland (56E)
4598 0816B Blk Cor SE Greenbrier St. & Maryland Ave.
4599 0817 Blk Cor NE Jessamine Ave. & Edgerton St. or SW Cor of Blk 3 Jos. R. Weide's Add.
4600 0820A Blk Cor NW Weide St. & Jessamine Ave.
4601 0821A Blk Cor NE Mendota St. & Jessamine Ave.
4602 0821B Blk Cor SW Mendota St. & Jessamine Ave.
4603 0822A Blk Cor NW Payne Ave. & Geranium Ave.
4604 0822B Blk Cor NE Payne Ave. & Geranium Ave.
4605 0822C Blk Cor SW Payne Ave. & Geranium Ave.
4606 0823 Blk Cor SW Maryland Ave. & Payne Ave.
4607 0824 1/16 Cor common to SW 1/4 & SE 1/4 Sec 052822 (182N).
4608 0825 E-W 1/16 Line in SW 1/4 Sec 5-28-22 & NE Blk Cor Eaton & Morrisons Add.
4609 0826 E-W 1/16 Line in SW 1/4 Sec 5-28-22 & NW Blk Cor Eaton & Morrisons Add.
4610 0827 E-W 1/16 Line in SW 1/4 Sec 5-28-22 & NW Blk Cor Eaton & Morrisons Add.
4611 0828 SE Lot Cor on Goodrich at vacated Alley of Blk 6 of Terrace Park Add
4612 0829A CL Milton & 1/16 line on Goodrich
4613 0829C Blk Cor SW Milton St. & Goodrich Ave.
4614 0830A Blk Cor NW Chatsworth St. & Goodrich Ave.
4615 0831A Blk Cor NW Oxford St. & Goodrich Ave.
4616 0832A CL Goodrich 29.18 ft west of sec line on Lexington Ave
4617 0832B 1/16 line on Goodrich & Sec line on Lexington (175N)
4618 0834 Blk Cor SW Portland Ave. (fka Leslie Ave.) & Fairview Ave.
4619 0835 Blk Cor SW Portland Ave. & Dewey St.
4620 0836 Blk Cor SW Portland Ave. & Howell St.
4621 0837 Blk Cor NW Portland Ave. & Prior Ave.
4622 0838 Blk Cor NE Prior Ave. & Summit Ave.
4623 0839 Blk Cor NE Howell St. & Summit Ave.
4624 0840 Blk Cor NE Moore St. & Summit Ave.
4625 0841 Blk Cor NE Wilder St. & Summit Ave.
4626 0842 Blk Cor at NE Summit Ave.& Cleveland Ave.
4627 0843 Blk Cor SE Portland Ave. & Wilder St.
4628 0844 Blk Cor SW Portland Ave. & Moore St.
4629 0845A Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Moore St.
4630 0845B Blk Cor NW Ashland Ave. & Prior Ave.
4631 0846 Blk Cor SE Portland Ave. & Cleveland Ave.
4632 0847 Blk Cor SE Howell St. (fka Amos) & Ashland Ave.
4633 0848A Blk Cor SW Dewey St. (Laura) & Laurel Ave.
4634 0848B 1/16 Cor Fairview & Laurel (151N)
4635 0848C Blk Cor SE Dewey St. (Laura) & Laurel Ave.
4636 0850 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Dewey St.
4637 0851A Blk Cor SW Howell St. (Amos) & Laurel Ave.
4638 0851B Blk Cor SE Howell St. (Amos) & Laurel Ave.
4639 0852 Blk Cor SW Moore St. & Laurel Ave.
4640 0853A Blk Cor SE Laurel Ave. & Cleveland Ave.
4641 0853B Blk Cor SW Laurel Ave. & Wilder St.
4642 0854 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Cleveland Ave.
4643 0855 Blk Cor NE Selby Ave. (fka Mabel) & Wilder St.
4644 0856 Blk Cor NE Selby Ave. (fka Mabel) & Moore St.
4645 0857 Blk Cor NE Selby St. (fka Mabel) & Prior Ave.
4646 0858A Blk Cor NE Howell St. (fka Amos) & Selby Ave. (fka Mabel)
4647 0860B Blk Cor SW Fairview Ave. & Marshall Ave.
4648 0860D Blk Cor NE Dayton Ave. & Fairview Ave.
4649 0860E E line of Merriam Park Add and N line of Marshall Ave.
4650 0861 Blk Cor NW Howell St. (fka Amos) & Dayton Ave.
4651 0862 Blk Cor NW Dayton Ave. & Prior Ave.
4652 0863 Blk Cor NW Dayton Ave. & Moore St.
4653 0864B Blk Cor NW Dayton Ave. & Wilder St.
4654 0865 Blk Cor SE Cleveland Ave. & Selby Ave.
4655 0866 Blk Cor NE Summit Ave. & Dewey St.
4656 0867 CL of 6th St. on the E. property line of Smith Ave.
4657 0868A Blk Cor NE Margaret St. & Earl St.
4658 0868B Blk Cor SE Margaret St. & Earl St.
4659 0871 Blk Cor NE Atlantic St. & Margaret St.
4660 0872A Blk Cor NE English St. & Margaret St.
4661 0872B Blk Cor SW English St. & Margaret St.
4662 0873 Blk Cor SW Clarence St. & Margaret St.
4663 0874 Blk Cor SW Cook Ave. & Western Ave.
4664 0875 1/16 Cor St Anthony Ave. & Dale St. (135N)
4665 0876 Blk Cor NE Oxford St. & St Clair Ave.
4666 0877 Blk Cor NE Griggs St. & St Clair Ave.
4667 0879 Blk Cor NW Grand Ave. & Victoria St.
4668 0880 Blk Cor NW (SW?) Victoria St. & Lincoln Ave.
4669 0882 CL of Univeristy at the West County line
4670 0884A Blk Cor SW Avon St. & Marshall Ave.
4671 0885B Blk Cor SE Victoria St. & Laurel Ave.
4672 0886 Blk Cor NW Fisk St. & Laurel Ave.
4673 0887 Blk Cor NW Avon St. & Laurel Ave.
4674 0888A 1/16 Cor Western Ave. & Thomas Ave. (115N)
4675 0888B Blk Cor NE Western Ave. & Thomas Ave.
4676 0889A Blk Cor SE Rice St. & Central Ave. (vacated) (fka Martin) being 6 ft of N. line Ewing & Chute Add. & S. line of Martin St.
4677 0889B S. line of Central Ave. (fka Martin) & Rice St. as paved.
4678 0890 Blk Cor SW Cleveland Ave. & Soo Line Railroad RW
4679 0891 Blk Cor SE St. Anthony Ave. & Cleveland Ave.
4680 0892 Blk Cor SE Cleveland Ave. & Roblyn Ave. (Power)
4681 0893 Blk Cor SE Cleveland Ave. & Carroll Ave. (Parker St.)
4682 0895A Blk Cor NE Wilder St. & Carroll Ave.
4683 0895B Blk Cor SE Merriam Lane (Terrace Park) & Wilder
4684 0895C Blk Cor NW Wilder St. & Carroll Ave. (fka Parker)
4685 0895D Blk Cor SW Merriam Lane (Terrace Park) & Moore St.
4686 0896A Angle pt East side of Wilder South of St Anthony
4687 0896B Blk Cor SW Wilder St. & St Anthony Ave.
4689 0898 Blk Cor NW St. Anthony Ave. & Wilder St. (fka Astoria or Short Line Ave.) (vacated)
4690 0899 Blk Cor SE Wilder St. (fka Astoria or Short Line Ave.) (vacated) & Milwaukee Ave. (vacated)
4691 0900 Blk Cor SE Wilder St. (fka Astoria or Short Line Ave.) (vacated) & Soo Line Railroad (fka C.M. St.P.& P.RY)
4692 0901A Blk Cor NW St. Anthony Ave. & Wilder St.
4693 0901B Blk Cor NW Moore St. (fka Railroad Ave.) & St. Anthony Ave.
4694 0901C Angle pt S side St Anthony at Moore (Railroad)
4695 0902 Blk Cor SW St. Anthony Ave. & Merrian Lane
4696 0903A Blk Cor SW St. Anthony Ave. & Prior Ave.
4697 0903B Blk Cor NW St. Anthony Ave. & Prior Ave.
4698 0904A Blk Cor NW Roblyn Ave. (fka Rondo) & Prior Ave.
4699 0904B Blk Cor SE Roblyn Ave. (fka Rondo) & Prior Ave.
4700 0905 Blk Cor NW Carroll Ave. & Prior Ave.
4701 0907 Blk Cor NW Iglehart Ave. & Moore St.
4702 0908 Blk Cor NW Iglehart Ave. & Prior Ave.
4703 0910A Blk Cor NE Roblyn Ave.(Rondo) & Howell St.
4704 0911 Blk Cor SW St. Anthony Ave. & Ferdinand (fka Willis St.)
4705 0912B N. side of Roblyn (Rondo) East of Dewey St.(Laura) being the SE Cor Lot 4 Blk 11.
4706 0913B NE Blk 23 on S. line of Carroll East of Dewey (Laura)
4707 0914B SE Lot Cor 114.13 ft east of NE Blk Cor Dewey St. & Iglehart Ave.
4708 0915 1/16 Cor Lexington & St Anthony (133N)
4709 0916 CL CL Lexington & Carroll Ave.
4710 0917 CL CL Lexington & Fuller
4711 0918 CL CL Lexington & Aurora
4712 0919 CL CL Victoria St. & Carroll Ave.
4713 0920 CL CL Victoria & Fuller
4714 0921 CL CL Victoria St. & Aurora Ave.
4715 0922 CL CL Fuller Ave. & Dale St. fall on a MH.
4716 0923 CL CL Dale St. & Aurora Ave. falls on a MH.
4717 0924 Blk Cor NW Sherburne Ave. (fka Ellen) & Arundel St.
4718 0925 Blk Cor NE Arundel St. & Charles Ave.
4719 0926 Blk Cor SE Arundel St. & Edmund Ave.
4720 0927 Blk Cor NW Arundel St. & Thomas Ave.
4721 0928 Blk Cor NW Arundel St. & Lafond Ave.
4722 0929 Blk Cor NW Blair Ave. & Arundel St.
4723 0930 Blk Cor NE Sherburne Ave. & Mackubin St.
4724 0931 Blk Cor SE Mackubin St & Charles Ave
4725 0932 Blk Cor NE Mackubin St. & Edmund Ave.
4726 0933 Blk Cor NE Mackubin St. & Thomas Ave.
4727 0934 Blk Cor NE Mackubin St.& Lafond Ave.
4728 0935 Blk Cor NW Mackubin St. & Blair Ave.
4729 0936 Blk Cor NE Mackubin St. & Van Buren Ave.
4730 0937A 1/16 Cor Forest & Case (78E)
4731 0937B Blk Cor NW Forest St. & Case Ave.
4732 0938A Blk Cor SW Forest St. & Jenks Ave.
4733 0938B 1/16 line on Forest & CL Jenks
4734 0939 Forest St. & Lawson Ave.
4735 0940 Blk NW Cor Cook Ave. & Forest St.
4736 0941A Blk Cor SW Magnolia Ave. & Forest St.
4737 0941B Blk Cor NE Magnolia Ave. & Forest St.
4738 0942A Blk Cor NW Forest St. & Jessamine Ave.
4739 0942B Blk Cor SE Forest St. & Jessamine Ave.
4740 0943A Blk Cor SW Forest St. & Geranium Ave.
4741 0943B Blk Cor NE Forest St. & Geranium Ave.
4742 0944B Blk Cor SE Forest St. & Rose Ave.
4743 0945A 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave. & Forest St. (57E)
4744 0945B Blk Cor SW Maryland Ave. & Forest St.
4745 0946A Blk Cor NW Grand Ave. (fka Pleasant Ave.) & (summit Ave. (fka Ramsey St.)
4746 0946B Blk Cor NE Grand Ave. (fka Pleasant Ave.) & (summit Ave. (fka Ramsey St.)
4747 0947A Blk Cor SW Grand Ave. (fka Pleasant Ave.) & (summit Ave. (fka Ramsey St.)
4748 0947B Blk Cor SE Grand Ave. (fka Pleasant Ave.) & (summit Ave. (fka Ramsey St.)
4749 0948 CL Forbes Ave. (fka Lisbon) West of Garfield cross on coping of wall.
4750 0949 Blk Cor SW Michigan St. & Ann St.
4751 0951 Monument S. side of Cliff on 1/4 1/4 line of Douglas St. (produced)
4752 0952 Blk Cor NW Dousman St. & Superior St.
4753 0953 Blk Cor NE Superior St. & Western Ave.
4754 0954 Blk Cor NW Dousman St. & Goodhue St.
4755 0956 Blk Cor SW Dousman St. & Goodrich St.
4756 0957 CL CL Ann St. (vacated) & Banfill St. (vacated)
4757 0958 1/16 Cor Western Ave. & Goodrich St. (178N)
4758 0959 CL Forbes Ave. (fka Lisbon) & West line of Douglas St.
4759 0960A 1/16 Cor Goodrich Ave. & Douglas St. (178NE)
4760 0960B CL CL Douglas St. & Goodrich Ave.
4761 0961 Blk Cor SE W. 7th St. & Forbes Ave. now at CL CL W 7th St. & Forbes Ave.
4762 0963 1/16 Cor Douglas St. & Summit Ave. (fka Ramsey) (157E)
4763 0964 Blk Cor SE Leech St. & Summit Ave. (fka Ramsey St.)
4764 0965 Blk Cor NE Frank St. & Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier)
4765 0966 Blk Cor NW Bush Ave. (Fauquier) & Duluth St.
4766 0967A Blk Cor NW Altantic St. & Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier)
4767 0967B Blk Cor NE Altantic St. & Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier)
4768 0968 Blk Cor SW English St. & Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier)
4769 0974 1/4 1/4 on Duke St. & Michigan St.
4770 0975 CL Erie St. & S. line of Wright's Add.
4771 0976 CL Oneida St. & S. line of Wright's Add. N. of Superior St.
4772 0978 CL CL Randolph Ave. & Oneida St.
4773 0979 CL Erie St. & N. line of Clay St.
4774 0980 CL CL Erie St. & Palace Ave. (fka Cascade)
4775 0982 1/16 Cor Chatsworth St. & University Ave. (112E)
4776 0983 CL CL Oxford St. & University Ave.
4777 0984 1/16 Cor Griggs St. & University Ave. (111E)
4778 0986 1/16 Cor Pascal St. & University Ave. (110E)
4779 0987 1/16 Cor Thomas Ave. & Hamline Ave. (111N)
4780 0988 1/16 Cor Aldine St. & University Ave. (109E)
4781 0990 1/16 Cor Dale St. & Thomas Ave. (114N)
4782 0991 1/16 Cor Victoria St. & Thomas Ave. (113N)
4783 0992 1/16 Cor Chatsworth St. & Thomas Ave. (112NE)
4784 0993 CL CL Oxford St. & Thomas Ave.
4785 0994 1/16 Cor Lexington Ave. & Thomas Ave. (112N)
4786 0995 1/16 Cor Snelling Ave. & Thomas Ave. (110N)
4787 0996 1/16 Cor Aldine St. & Thomas Ave. (109NE)
4788 0997 1/16 Cor Fairview Ave. & Thomas Ave. (109N)
4790 0999 On Minnehaha Ave. section line at intersection of Milton St.
4791 1000 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave. & Chatsworth St.(91E)
4792 1002 1/16 Cor Griggs & Minnehaha (90E)
4793 1003 1/16 Cor Pascal St. & Minnahaha Ave. (89E)
4794 1004 W. line Aldine St. & CL Minnehaha Ave.
4795 1006 CL Dale St. & 50 ft North of CL of Charles Ave.
4796 1007 CL CL Blair Ave. & Dale St.
4797 1008 CL Victoria St. & 50 ft North of CL of Charles Ave.
4798 1009 CL Victoria St. & 50 ft North of CL of Blair Ave.
4799 1012 Blk Cor SE 6th St. & Payne Ave. (fka Bradley) (vacated)
4800 1013 1/16 Cor English St. & Seventh St. (101N)
4801 1014 1/16 Cor Birmingham & Seventh (101NE)
4802 1015A Blk Cor NE York Ave. (fka Brand) & Johnson Pkwy. (fka Phalen)
4803 1015B CL Case Ave. (fka Harvester) & CL Johnson Pkwy. (fka Phalen Ave.)
4804 1015C CL CL York Ave. (fka Brand) & Johnson Pkwy. (fka Phalen Ave.)
4805 1016 CL CL York Ave. (fka Brand) & Birmingham St.
4806 1017 CL CL Hazelwood Ave. & York Ave.
4807 1018 1/16 Cor Case Ave. & Birmingham St. (80E)
4808 1021A Blk Cor NW Cleveland Ave. & University Ave.
4809 1021B CL CL Cleveland Ave. & University Ave.
4810 1022 Blk Cor NE University Ave. & Pillsbury St.
4811 1023 Blk Cor NW University Ave. & Hampton Ave. (fka Bernheimer)
4812 1024 Blk Cor NE University Ave.& La Salle St.
4813 1025 Blk Cor NE University Ave. & Carleton St.
4814 1026 SE Cor of Lot 48 in Hewitts Outlots 1st Div. at University Ave. & E. of Raymond Ave.
4815 1027A Blk Cor SE E. Seventh St. & Hope St.
4816 1027B Blk Cor SW E. Seventh St. & Sinnen St.
4817 1027D Intersection of E line Arcade produce & N line of E Seventh
4818 1027E Blk Cor NE E. Seventh St. & Beech St.
4819 1028A Blk Cor SW Mendota St. & E. Seventh St. (7th)
4820 1028B Blk Cor NE Minnehaha Ave. & Mendota St.
4821 1028C Blk Cor NE Minnehaha Ave. & E. Seventh St. (7th)
4822 1029A West intersection Cor of E 7th St. & Reaney Ave.
4823 1029B SW Cor Forest St. & E 7th St. on island
4824 1030A Blk Cor NE Bush Ave. (fka Fauquier) & E. 7th St.
4825 1030B Blk Cor SW Cypress St. & E. 7th St.
4826 1032B Blk Cor SW Earl St. & E. 7th St.
4827 1033 Blk Cor NE Frank St. & E 7th St.
4828 1034 Blk Cor NW Duluth St. & E. 7th St.
4829 1035B Blk Cor NW Atlantic St. & E. 7th St.
4830 1035C Blk Cor NE Atlantic St. & E 7th St.
4831 1036 1/16 Cor Pascal St. & Marshall Ave. (131E)
4832 1037 CL CL Pascal St. & St Anthony Ave.
4833 1038 CL CL St. Anthony Ave. & Hamline Ave.
4834 1039 Angle pt CL CL St. Anthony Ave. & Griggs St.
4835 1040 1/16 Cor St. Anthony Ave. & Snelling Ave. (131N)
4836 1042 CL CL St. Anthony Ave. & Aldine St.
4837 1045 CL CL Larpenteur Ave. & E. of Oxford St. North side of Larpenteur (fka Niagara) 660.17 ft East of Lexington Ave.
4838 1048 Blk Cor NE Raymond Ave. & Territorial Road.
4839 1050 E. line of Sec 292923 at CL Ellis St. (vacated) (87N)
4840 1056 1/16 Cor Raymond Ave. & Ellis St. (86N)
4841 1058 1/16 Cor Westminster St. & Ivy Ave. (vacated) (55N)
4842 1060 1/16 Cor Westminster St. & Hoyt Ave. (34N)
4843 1064 1/16 Cor Edgerton St. & Brainerd Ave. (56N)
4844 1068 CL CL Arkwright St. (fka Brainerd Ave.) & Maryland Ave.
4845 1069A 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave. & Desoto St. (55E)
4846 1069B Blk Cor NW Maryland Ave. & Desoto St.
4847 1070 Angle Pt CL CL Brainerd Ave. & Arkwright St.
4848 1071 Angle Pt CL CL Brainerd Ave. & Desoto St.
4849 1081 1/16 Cor Marshall Ave. & Cretin Ave. (128E)
4850 1082 1/16 Cor Cleveland Ave. & Laurel Ave. (150N)
4851 1083 1/16 Cor Cleveland Ave. & Goodrich Ave. (171N)
4852 1084 1/16 Cor St. Clair Ave. & on S. line of Sec 5-28-23 (170E)
4853 1089 1/16 Cor CL Raymond Ave. (vacated) North of Beverly Rd. 1317.56 ft (107N)
4854 1091 On Wakouta St. as paved near N. side of 2nd St.
4855 1092A On Wakouta St. as paved near N. side of 3rd St
4856 1092B On Wakouta St. as paved near S. side of 3rd St
4857 1093A On Wakouta St. as paved near N. side of 4th St.
4858 1093B On Wakouta St. as paved near S. side of 4th St.
4859 1094A On Wakouta St. as paved near N. side of 5th St.
4860 1094B On Wakouta St. as paved near S. side of 5th St.
4861 1095A On Wakouta St. as paved near N. side of 6th St.
4862 1095B On Wakouta St. as paved near S. side of 6th St.
4863 1096A On Wakouta St. as paved near N. side of 7th St.
4864 1096B On Wakouta St. as paved near S. side of 7th St.
4865 1097 On Wall St. (fka Rosabel) as paved near 4th St.
4866 1098 On 9th St. as paved near Broadway St.
4867 1099 CL Ninth St. & S. line of Neill St.
4868 1100 CL Prince St. & N. line of Broadway
4869 1101 CL Prince St. & S. line of Pine St.
4870 1102 Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & on W line Farrington Ave
4871 1103 Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & on E line Western Ave
4872 1104 Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & on E line Arundel St
4873 1105 Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & appx 5 ft W of W line Mackubin St
4874 1106 Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & on E line Kent St
4875 1107B Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & near W line Dale St
4876 1107A Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & on E line Dale St
4877 1108 Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Dayton Ave & on E line Grotto St
4878 1109 Paving Offset 20 ft N of S line Portland Ave & on E line Dale St
4879 1110 Paving Offset 22 ft S of N line Holly Ave & on E line Dale St
4880 1111 20 ft East of W. line of Western Ave. & S. line Holly Ave.
4881 1112 20 ft East of W. line of Western Ave. & S. line Laurel Ave.
4882 1113 15 ft West of E. line of Oakland Ave. & S. line of Summit Ave.
4883 1115A Monument at Sta 20+01.42 on CL Grand Ave. (fka Oakland Ave.) NE of Duke St. (vacated)
4884 1115B Monument at Sta 19+99.35 on N. ROW Grand Ave. (fka Oakland) NE of Duke
4885 1116 Cedar St as paved near 5th St
4886 1117 Cedar St. as paved near 7th St.
4887 1118A Cedar St. as paved near N. line of 8th St.
4888 1118B 8th St. as paved near E. line of Cedar St.
4889 1119A Cedar St. as paved near N. line of 9th St.
4891 1120 Cedar St. as paved near 10th St.
4892 1121 Cedar St. as paved near College Ave.
4893 1122 Cedar St. as paved near Central Ave.
4894 1123 Minnesota St. as paved N. side of 2nd St. (vacated) near old Pioneer Press Bldg.
4895 1124C W line Minnesota St. & CL 3rd St. as paved
4896 1125 Minnesota St. as paved and N. line of 5th St.
4897 1126 Minnesota St. as paved near 7th St.
4898 1127A On Minnesota St. at S. line of 8th St. as paved
4899 1127B On 8th St. at W. line of Minnesota St. as paved
4900 1129 Robert St. as paved near 10th St.
4901 1130 Robert St. as paved near 11th St.
4902 1131A Robert St. as paved on N. line of 12th St.
4903 1131B Robert St. as paved on S. line of 12th St.
4904 1132 Robert St. as paved on N. line 7th St. (produced)
4905 1133 Robert St. as paved near Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. (fka Central Ave.)
4906 1134 CL Eighth St. & N. line of Wabasha St.
4907 1135 15 ft West of E. line of Eighth St. & S. line of Jackson St.
4908 1136 16.77 ft West of E. line of Eighth St. & S. line of Sibley St.
4909 1137A 18 ft West of E. line of Eighth St. on N. line of Broadway (produced)
4910 1137B 45 ft East of W. line of Eighth St. on S. line of Broadway (produced)
4911 1138 18.0 ft West of E. line of Eighth St. & N. line of 9th St.
4912 1139 14 ft East of W. line of Jackson St. & N. line of 9th St.
4913 1141 On Jackson St. as paved N. side of Grove St.
4914 1142 6th St. as paved near St. Peter St.
4915 1143 6th St. as paved S. side of Washington St.
4916 1144 45.18 ft West of E. line of 6th St. & S. line of Exchange St.
4917 1145 CL 6th St. (vacated) & S. line of Summit Ave.
4918 1146 CL Cedar St. & S. line of Aurora Ave. (vacated)
4919 1147A In the intersection of Cedar St. & Sherburne Ave.
4920 1147B In the intersection of Cedar St. & Sherburne Ave.
4921 1148 18.25 ft West from E. line of Sherburne & N. line Rice St.
4922 1149 14 ft West from E. line of Sherburne & N. line Capital Blvd. (fka Brewster Ave.)
4923 1150 45 ft West from E. line of Wabasha St. & N. line of College Ave.
4924 1151 15.9 ft East of W. line of Wabasha St. & N. line of Summit Ave.
4925 1152 Angle Pt 15 ft East of W. line of Wabasha St. & N. line of Central Ave.
4926 1153 15 ft East of W. line of Cedar St. & S. line of Charles Ave.
4927 1154 15 ft East of W. line of Cedar Ave. & S. line of Como Ave.
4928 1155 15 ft East of W. line of Tenth St. & N. line of St. Peter St.
4929 1156 Angle Pt 15 ft N. of S. line of Tenth St. & E. of Main St.
4930 1157 15 ft East of W. line of Rice St. on N. line of College Ave.
4931 1163 Blk Cor NW Atlantic St. & Beech St.
4932 1164 Blk Cor SE Atlantic St. & Minnehaha Ave.
4933 1165 Blk Cor NW Atlantic St. & Ross Ave.
4934 1166A Blk Cor SW Atlantic & R/W line of C.St.P.M.& O.R'y
4935 1166B Blk Cor NE Atlantic & R/W line of C.St.P.M.& O.R'y
4936 1167 Blk Cor SE Atlantic St. & Copley Ave. (vacated)
4937 1168 1/16 Cor Arcade & E 5th (120N)
4938 1169 Earl St. & E. 5th St. 6.86 ft North of 1/16 corner (121N)
4939 1171 Blk Cor SW E. 5th St. & English St.
4940 1172 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave. & Greenbrier St. (vacated) (98E)
4941 1173 Blk Cor NE Mississippi St. & Jessamine Ave.
4942 1175 CL CL Conway St. (E-W 1/4 line) & Cypress St.
4943 1176 Blk Cor NW Case Ave. & Burr St.
4944 1177 Blk Cor NW Burr St. & Maryland Ave.
4945 1178A Monument S. of Brainerd Ave. on Burr St. at N. line of Wilgus & Clark's Add.
4946 1178B Blk Cor SW Brainerd Ave. & Burr St.
4947 1180 Blk Cor NE Edgerton St. & Sims Ave.
4948 1181 Blk Cor NE Edgerton St. & Cook Ave.
4949 1185 Blk Cor NE Suburban Ave & Cypress St
4950 1186 Blk Cor NW Cypress St. & Fremont Ave.
4951 1188 Blk Cor NE Clermont St. & Mound St.
4952 1189 Angle pt on N. line of old Mound St, East of Earl St.
4953 1191 Blk Cor NW Frank St. & Mound St.
4954 1192 Blk Cor SW Burns Ave. & Frank St.
4955 1193A Blk Cor SW Frank St. & Thorn St.
4956 1193B Blk Cor SE Frank St. & Thorn St.
4957 1194B Blk Cor SE Beech St. & Duluth St.
4958 1195 Blk Cor NW Beech St. & English St.
4959 1196 Blk Cor SE Beech St. & Earl St.
4960 1197A Blk Cor SW Beech St. & Frank St.
4961 1197C Blk Cor NE Beech St. & Frank St.
4962 1198 Blk Cor NW Albert St. & Minnehaha Ave.
4963 1199 Blk Cor SW Albert St. & Hewitt Ave.
4964 1200 CL CL Taylor Ave. & Albert St.
4965 1201 Blk Cor SE Pascal St. & Englewood Ave. (fka Capitol)
4966 1202 Blk Cor SW Pascal St. & Hewitt Ave.
4967 1203 CL Taylor Ave. & W. line of Pascal St.
4968 1204 Blk Cor NW Holton St. & Minnehaha Ave.
4969 1205 Blk Cor SW Hewitt Ave. & Holton St.
4970 1206 Blk Cor NW Holton St. & Taylor Ave.
4971 1208 Blk Cor SW Fry & Pierce Butler Route (fka Northern Route)
4972 1209 CL CL Englewood Ave. & Snelling Ave.
4973 1210 1/16 Cor Snelling Ave. & Hewitt Ave. (89N)
4974 1211 CL CL Snelling Ave. & Taylor Ave.
4975 1213 CL Englewood Ave. & W. line of Aldine St.
4976 1214 Monument 40 ft South of N. line Hewitt Ave. & W. line of Aldine St.
4977 1215 CL Taylor Ave. & W. line of Aldine St.
4978 1216 CL of Englewood Ave. & 30 ft West of the E. line of Hamline Ave.
4979 1218 CL of Taylor Ave. & 30 ft West of the E. line of Hamline Ave.
4980 1219A Blk Cor SW Cypress St. & Cook Ave.
4981 1219B Blk Cor NE Cypress St. & Cook Ave.
4982 1220 Blk Cor SW Earl St. & Cook Ave.
4983 1221A Blk Cor NW Arcade St. & Cook Ave.
4984 1221C Blk Cor SE Arcade St. & Cook Ave.
4985 1222 Blk Cor SW Jessie St. & Cook Ave.
4986 1223 Blk Cor SE Bradley St. & Cook Ave.
4987 1224 Blk Cor NE Mississippi St. & Cook Ave.
4988 1225 Angle Pt about 440 East of Agate St & CL Cayuga
4989 1226 CL Cayuga St. on the Add Line just West of Mississippi St.
4990 1227 Blk Cor NW Forest St. & York Ave.
4992 1229 CL York Ave. & W. line of Walsh St.
4993 1230 Blk Cor NW York Ave. & Bradley St.
4994 1231A Blk Cor SW York Ave. & Desoto St.
4995 1231B Blk Cor NE York Ave. & Desoto St.
4996 1232 Blk Cor SE Magnolia Ave. & Mississippi St.
4997 1233A 1/16 Cor Magnolia Ave. & Westminster St. (76N)
4998 1233B Blk Cor NW Magnolia Ave. & Westminster St.
4999 1234A 1/16 Cor Magnolia & Arcade (78N)
5000 1234B Blk Cor SW Magnolia Ave. & Arcade St.
5001 1235 Blk Cor NW Sims Ave. & Forest St.
5002 1236 Blk Cor SW Sims Ave. & Mendota St.
5003 1237 Blk Cor NW Arcade St. & Sims Ave.
5004 1238A Blk Cor NE Case Ave. & Mississippi St.
5005 1238B Blk Cor SE Case Ave. & Mississippi St.
5006 1240A 1/16 Cor Case Ave. & Desoto St. (76E)
5007 1241 Blk Cor NW Case Ave. & Mendota St.
5008 1242 Blk Cor NW Johnson Pkwy. (fka Phalen) & E. 7th St.
5009 1243A Blk Cor NE Hudson Rd. (fka Hastings) & Earl St.
5010 1243B Blk Cor SE Hudson Rd. (Hastings) & Earl St.
5011 1244A Blk Cor NW Suburban Ave. & Earl St.
5012 1244B Blk Cor SE Suburban Ave. & Earl St.
5013 1245 Blk Cor NW Thorn St. & Earl St.
5014 1246 Blk Cor NE Woodbridge St. & Atwater St.
5015 1247 Blk Cor NE Milford St. & Woodbridge St.
5016 1248 Blk Cor SE Wayzata St. & Woodbridge St.
5017 1249 Blk Cor NW Woodbridge St. & Hatch Ave.
5018 1250 Blk Cor NE Woodbridge St. & Lawson Ave.
5019 1251 Blk Cor NE Woodbridge St. & Cook Ave.
5020 1252 Blk Cor NE Woodbridge St. & Jessamine Ave.
5021 1253 Blk Cor NW Woodbridge St. & Geranium Ave.
5022 1254 Blk Cor NE Woodbridge St. & Rose Ave.
5023 1255 Blk Cor NW Marion St. & Atwater St.
5024 1256 Blk Cor NE Marion St. & Milford St.
5025 1257 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Front Ave.
5026 1258 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Hatch Ave.
5027 1259 Blk Cor NE Marion St. & Lawson Ave.
5028 1260 Blk Cor SW Marion St. & Cook Ave.
5029 1261 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Jessamine Ave.
5030 1262 Blk Cor NE Marion St. & Rose Ave.
5031 1264 Blk Cor SE St. Anthony Ave. & Howell St. (vacated)
5032 1265 NW Cor Iglehart Ave. & Howell St.
5033 1267 CL of Wall St. & N. line of 3rd St.
5034 1268 CL Wall St. & ? (south of 3rd)
5035 1271 WC 100 ft east of MC on right bank of Mississippi River on line common to Secs 14 & 23-28-23
5036 1279 Monument CL St. Clair Ave. 25 ft East from the MC on the N. line of sec 8
5037 1284 Monument 15 ft east of the MC on Highland at W. city limits
5038 1286 WC 75 ft East of Center Sec 17-28-23 at the Ford plant.
5039 1288 Monument 25 ft E of MC S. line of Sec 17-28-23 Measure west of Cleveland Ave.
5040 1297A CL CL Otto Ave. & W 7th St.
5041 1297B CL Otto Ave. & East line of W. 7th St.
5042 1298A Angle Pt CL of W 7th & N. line of Leland (vacated).
5043 1298B Angle Pt SE'ly line of W 7th.
5044 1299 CL CL W 7th St. & Hamline Ave.
5045 1300 CL W. 7th St. angle point & on the S. line of Sec 15-28-23 (Sta. 101+27.7).
5046 1301 CL W 7th St. & Sec line bet Sections 21 & 22-28-23 (Snelling Ave)
5047 1326 CL CL Victoria St. (fka Quincy) & Nebraska Ave.
5048 1331 Blk Cor SW Arlington Ave. & Milton St.
5049 1333 Blk Cor SW Cottage Ave. (vacated) & Victoria Ave.
5050 1334 Blk Cor SE E. Como Blvd. & Cottage Ave.
5051 1335 Blk Cor NW W. Ivy Ave & Victoria St. extended Quincy St. (vacated)
5052 1338 CL CL W 7th St. & Davern Ave.
5053 1339A North line of W. 7th S. of Norfolk Ave.
5054 1339B Angle point on CL W 7th near Norfolk (Stewart) (W 7th Sta 152+18.7)
5055 1341;2294 CL Maryland Ave. & E. line of Como Ave.
5056 1343 Blk Cor SW Chestnut St. (vacated) & Summit Ave.
5057 1344 Blk Cor NW Chestnut St. & 35-E (fka Pleasant Ave.)
5058 1345 CL Pine St. (vacated) (fka DeBow St.) & N. line of Olmsted St. (vacated)
5059 1346 Angle Pt CL of Pine St. (vacated) (fka DeBow St.) & about 320 ft N of Olmsted St.
5060 1347 Angle Pt CL of Pine St. (vacated) (fka DeBow St.) & about 186.5 ft S. of Williams (vacated)
5061 1348 CL CL Pine St. (vacated) (fka DeBow St.) & Williams (vacated)
5062 1349 Angle pt on Stewart Ave. about 1090 ft SW'ly of Otto and 248.8 ft Northest of NS 1/4 line Sec 14-28-23
5063 1350 Angle pt on CL of Stewart Ave. on 1/16 line NW 1/4 Sec 14-28-23 near Vista Ave. (vacated)
5064 1351 CL CL Grace St. & Toronto St.
5065 1352 CL CL Bay St. & Grace St.
5066 1353 Blk Cor NE Grace St. (vacated) & Victoria St.
5067 1355B Blk Cor NW Bay St. & Randolph Ave.
5068 1356 CL CL W 7th St. & Randolph Ave.
5069 1357 CL CL W 7th St. & Tuscarora Ave.
5070 1358 CL CL W 7th St. & Victoria St.
5071 1359 1/16 Cor Lexington Ave. N. of Bayard Ave. (217N)
5072 1360 Intersection of Stewart Ave. & CL of Tuscarora Ave.
5073 1362 1/16 Cor Randolph Ave. & Chatsworth St. (196E)
5074 1363A 1/16 Cor Chatsworth St. & St. Clair Ave. (175E)
5075 1364 1/16 Cor Chatsworth St. & Otto Ave. (217E)
5076 1365 1/16 Cor Chatsworth St. & Tuscarora Ave. (217NE)
5077 1370 Angle pt CL of Pleasant Ave. & South of Tuscarora Ave. & about 1481 ft south of Randolph Ave.
5078 1371 Blk Cor NE Randolph Ave. & Clifton St.
5079 1372 Blk Cor NW Randolph Ave. & Milton St.
5080 1373 Blk Cor NE James Ave. (vacated) & 35-E (fka Pleasant Ave.)
5081 1374 Blk Cor SE Juliet Ave. (vacated) & 35-E (fka Pleasant Ave.)
5082 1375 CL CL Grace St. (vacated) & View St. (vacated)
5083 1376 Blk Cor SE Osceola Ave. & Grace St.
5084 1377 CL CL St. Clair Ave. & Osceola Ave. (vacated)
5085 1379 1/16 Cor on Tuscarora Ave. W. of Bay St. on Add. line common to Clark Add. & Asylum Add. (218NE)
5086 1380 Blk Cor NW Pleasant Ave. & Monroe Court being the angle pt in Lot 14, Blk 11, Ridgewood Park
5087 1381 Monument on the 1/4 line Victoria St. & 989.88 ft North of the 1/4 line on Randolph Ave.
5088 1383 Blk Cor NE Victoria St. & Armstrong Ave.
5089 1384A NW Blk Cor Cypress St. (vacated) & Ross Ave. (vacated)
5090 1384B E. line of Cypress St. & 72.82 ft North of the N. line of Ross Ave.
5091 1384C N. line of Ross Ave. at the SE cor Lot 9, Blk 15, Terry's Add.
5093 1385 Blk Cor NE Chatsworth St. & Juno Ave.
5094 1386 Blk Cor SE Chatsworth St. & Armstrong Ave.
5095 1387 CL CL Palace St. (vacated)(fka Cascade) & Western Ave. (vacated)
5096 1388 CL Western Ave. & NWly line of 7th St.
5097 1389 CL CL St. Clair Ave. & 7th St.
5098 1390 Blk Cor NW 7th St. & Duke St.
5099 1391 CL CL W 7th St. & Jefferson Ave.
5100 1392 CL James Ave. & East line of Duke St.
5101 1393 1/16 Cor Marshall Ave. & Chatsworth St. (133E)
5102 1394 CL James Ave. & West line of Oneida St.
5103 1396 Angle pt in west side Lot 1, Summit Court Add. near Summit Court & Summit (Terrace) Lane
5104 1397 Blk Cor SW Summit Lane & Summit Court being the NE Cor Lot 9, Summit Court
5105 1398 Blk Cor Mid Block S. side of Blk 5 La Fond's Add. on Van Buren Ave. (vacated) to the East of Como Ave..
5106 1399 Blk Cor Mid Block N. side of Blk 5 La Fond's Add Straight N. of Blk Cor Old Index 1398
5107 1400 CL CL Mc.Boal & Wilkin
5108 1401 CL CL Forbes Ave. & Smith Ave.
5109 1402 Angle pt CL Pleasant Ave. (vacated) & SWly line of Sherman Ave. (vacated)
5110 1403 Intersection of Pleasant Ave. & St Albans St.
5111 1404 CL CL Webster St. & Pleasant Ave.
5112 1405 CL CL W 7th St. & Ann
5113 1406 CL CL St Albans St. (vacated) & Michigan St. (vacated)
5114 1407 CL CL Mc Boal Ave. and Douglas St.
5115 1408 CL CL Goodrich St. & Leech St.
5116 1409A 1/16 Cor Griggs St. & Randolph Ave. (195E)
5117 1409B Blk Cor SE Randolph Ave. & Griggs St.
5118 1410 In the intersection of Wabasha & Fillmore at 20 ft offset line W. of the E. line of Wabasha
5119 1411 Angle pt CL Wabasha (Dakota) & South of Channel St. (vacated)
5120 1412 2nd Angle pt CL Wabasha (Dakota) & S. of Channel St. (vacated)
5121 1413 3rd Angle pt CL Wabasha (Dakota) & S. of Channel St. (vacated)
5122 1414 4th Angle pt CL Wabasha (Dakota) & S of Channel St. (vacated)
5123 1415 5th Angle pt CL Wabasha (Dakota) & S of Channel St. (vacated)
5124 1416 6th Angle pt CL Wabasha (Dakota) & S. of Channel & N of Colorado
5125 1417 Angle pt CL Wabasha (Dakota) & S. of Colorado
5126 1418 Intersection of Wabasha (Dakota) & Delos St.
5127 1420 Blk Cor NW Dale St. & Hague Ave.
5128 1421 Blk Cor SE St. Albans St. & Laurel Ave.
5129 1422 Blk Cor NW Dale St. & Laurel Ave.
5130 1423 Blk Cor NW Dale St. & Holly Ave.
5131 1424A On Ames St (Herbert St) 328' S. of Canal St.
5132 1424B On W side of Ames St (Herbert St) & S of Commercial St.
5133 1424C On E. side of Ames St (Herbert St) & 19.52 ft S of Commercial St.
5134 1424D On Commercial St. E. of Ames St. (Herbert St)
5135 1424E On the S. side of Commercial St. 125 ft W of W side of Essex St.
5136 1424F Blk Cor SE Canal St. (vacated) & Ames St. (vacated) (fka Herbert St)
5137 1424G Blk Cor NE Canal St. & Ames St. (vacated) (fka Herbert St.)
5138 1425A CL of Essex St. (vacated) S. of Canal St. (vacated)
5139 1425B Blk Cor of SW Essex St. (vacated) & Canal St. (vacated)
5140 1425C Blk Cor NW Essex St. (vacated) & Canal St. (vacated)
5141 1425D CL of Essex St. (vacated) & 14.3 ft N. of the S. line of Commercial St.
5142 1426A Blk Cor NW Robie St. & Andrew St.
5143 1426B Blk Cor NE Robie St. & Andrew St.
5144 1428 Blk Cor NW Orleans St. & W Baker St.
5145 1429 Angle Pt in State St. (vacated) just S. at Morrison St. (vacated)
5146 1430 Blk Cor SE Isabel St. & State St.
5147 1431 Blk Cor NE State St. & Congress St.
5148 1432 Intersection of Annapolis St. & S. Robert St.
5149 1433 1/16 Cor S Robert St. & S. of Elizabeth St. (202NE)
5150 1434 Blk Cor SE Edward (vacated) & Indiana Ave. (vacated)
5151 1435 Angle Pt center Indiana Ave. (vacated) 1.06 ft N. of the S. extended line of Moses St. (vacated)
5152 1436 CL of Indiana Ave. (vacated) & 20 ft East of the East line of Ethel (vacated)
5153 1437 CL of Congress & between Hall Ave. & Humbolt
5154 1438 Blk Cor NW Page St. & Manomin Ave.
5155 1439 1/16 Cor Griggs St. & Marshall Ave. (132E)
5156 1440 1/16 Cor University Ave. & Prior Ave. (108NE)
5157 1441 Intersection of University Ave. & Beacon Ave.
5158 1442A Blk Cor SE Cayuga St. (vacated) & Mississippi St. (vacated)
5159 1442B Angle pt on CL of Mississippi St. (vacated) 103 ft N. of Cayuga St. (vacated)
5160 1442C Blk Cor Mississippi St. N. of Cayuga St. being the SW Cor of Blk 14, E Rice's Trout Brook Add.
5161 1443 Blk Cor NE Jenks Ave. (vacated) & Mississippi St. (vacated)
5162 1444 Blk Cor SE Lawson Ave. & Mississippi St.
5163 1445A Monument on S. line of Geranium Ave. (vacated) & 100 ft W. of W. line Mississippi St. (vacated)
5164 1445B Blk Cor SE Geranium Ave. (vacated) & Mississippi St. (vacated)
5165 1447 Blk Cor NE York Ave. (vacated) & Mississippi St. (vacated)
5166 1448B Mid Blk on S. line of York between Arkwright St.& Clark St. on addition line
5167 1448D Blk Cor SW Clark St. & York Ave.
5168 1449 Blk Cor NE York Ave. & Terrace St. (vacated)
5169 1450 NE Blk Cor Terrace St. (vacated) & Lookout Pl. (vacated)
5170 1451 Blk Cor SW Case Ave. & Terrace St. (vacated)
5171 1452 Blk Cor SW Sims Ave. (fka Lookout Pl.) & Arkwright St.
5172 1453B Blk Cor SE Sims (fka Lookout Pl.) & Westminster St.
5173 1454 Blk Cor SW Arkwright St. & Cayuga St.
5174 1455 Blk Cor SW Arkwright St. & Case Ave.
5175 1456A Blk Cor SE Pennsylvania Ave. (vacated) & Pine (vacated) "cross in stone wall"
5176 1456B SE Blk Cor Pennsylvania Ave. (vacated) & Pine (vacated)
5177 1457A Blk Cor NE Kennard St. & E. 7th St.
5178 1457B Blk Cor SE Kennard St. & E 7th St.
5179 1458A Blk Cor SW Flandrau St. & E 7th St.
5180 1458B Blk Cor NE Flandrau St. & E 7th St.
5181 1459 Blk Cor SW White Bear Ave. & E 7th St.
5182 1460A Blk Cor NW Stillwater Ave. (fka Kerwin) & Flandrau St.
5183 1460B Blk Cor NE Stillwater Ave. (fka Kerwin) & Flandrau St.
5184 1460C Blk Cor SE Stillwater Ave. (fka Kerwin) & Flandrau St.
5185 1460D Blk Cor SW Stillwater Ave. (fka Kerwin) & Flandrau St.
5186 1461A Blk Cor NW Flandrau St. & York Ave.
5187 1461B Blk Cor NE Flandrau St. & York Ave.
5188 1461C Blk Cor SE Flandrau St. & York Ave.
5189 1462A Blk Cor NW Sims Ave. (fka Keogh) & Flandrau St.
5190 1462B Blk Cor SW Sims Ave. (fka Keogh) & Flandrau St.
5191 1463B Blk Cor SE Case Ave. & Flandrau St.
5192 1465B Blk Cor SE Ames Ave. & Flandrau St.
5194 1468 Blk Cor SE Plum St. & Maria Ave.
5195 1469 Blk Cor SE Plum St. (vacated) & Bates Ave. (vacated)
5196 1470 Blk Cor SE Hudson Rd. & Mound St. (falls in I-94)
5197 1471B Blk Cor NE Hudson Rd. (fka Hastings Ave.) & Forest St.
5198 1471C Blk Cor SE Hudson Rd. (fka Hastings Ave.) & Forest St.
5199 1472 CL CL Hudson Rd. (vacated) (fka Hastings Ave.) & Pt. Douglas Rd. (vacated)
5200 1473 CL of Pt. Douglas Rd. (vacated) (fka Hastings) & W. line of Griffith St. (vacated)
5201 1474 CL of Pt. Douglas Rd. & S. line of Pacific St.
5202 1475 CL of Pt. Douglas Rd. & N. line of McLean Ave.
5203 1476 Angle Pt CL of Pt. Douglas & between Mc Lean Ave. & English St.
5204 1477 CL of Pt. Douglas Rd. & W. line of English St.
5205 1478 Blk Cor SW Bates Ave. & Clermont St.
5206 1479A Blk Cor NW McLean St. & Forest St.
5207 1479B Blk Cor SW McLean St. & Forest St.
5208 1480 Blk Cor NW Pacific St. & Forest St. being the intersection of the W. line of Forest St. & the addition line.
5209 1481 Blk Cor SW Wakefield Ave. & Forest St.
5210 1482 Blk Cor SE Forest St. & E 4th St.
5211 1483A 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave. & Forest St. (99E)
5212 1483B CL Minnehaha Ave. & CL Forest St.
5213 1484 Blk Cor NW 6th St. (fka Dawson) & Forest St.
5214 1485 Blk Cor SE Payne Ave. & Hawthorne Ave.
5215 1486 Blk Cor NW Payne Ave. & Hyacinth Ave.
5216 1487 Blk Cor SW Payne Ave. & Ivy Ave.
5217 1488 Blk Cor SE York Ave. & Clark St.
5218 1490B Blk Cor SE Iowa Ave. (fka Brighton St) & Edgerton St.
5219 1491 Blk Cor SE Idaho Ave. & Edgerton St.
5220 1492 Blk Cor SW Nevada Ave. & Edgerton St.
5221 1493 CL of Robie St. & about 160 ft east of Andrew St.
5222 1494A Blk Cor SW Bates Ave. & North St.
5223 1494B Blk Cor SE Bates Ave. & North St.
5224 1496 CL CL Earl St. & Fremont Ave.
5225 1497 CL CL Victoria St. & Lafond Ave.
5226 1498 CL CL Lexington Pkwy. & Lafond Ave.
5227 1499;2674 Blk Cor NW Albemarle St & Wayzata St
5228 1500 Blk Cor NE Albemarle St. & Hatch Ave.
5229 1509 Blk Cor SW Arkwright St. & Cook Ave.
5230 1510 Blk Cor SE Cook Ave. & Desoto St.
5231 1511;0644 Jct CL Burns Ave & CL Etna St
5232 1514 Blk Cor SW Cook Ave. & Albemarle St.
5233 1515 Blk Cor SE Jessamine Ave. & Albemarle St.
5234 1516 Blk Cor NE Como Blvd. & Maryland Ave.
5235 1517 Blk Cor NW Farrington St. & Maryland Ave.
5236 1518 Blk Cor NE Territorial Rd. (vacated) near Blair Ave. & Fry St. (See Woodlawn Park Add.0
5237 1519A Blk Cor NW Van Buren Ave. & Fry St.
5238 1519B Blk Cor SW Van Buren Ave. & Fry St.
5239 1520 CL CL University Ave. & Raymond Ave.
5240 1521A PC of 20 degree curve at center Raymond Ave. & about 80 ft S. at CL CL Raymond & Long Aves.
5241 1521C Blk Cor NE Long Ave. & Raymond Ave.
5242 1522A Monument at CL of Raymond at the PT About 167 ft S. of Hampden
5243 1523A Monument on CL of Raymond at PC about 7.6 ft S of the S. line of Hampden.
5244 1523B Monument on CL of Raymond at PT about 169 ft N. of the PC S. of Hampton
5245 1523C Blk Cor SE Raymond Ave. & Hampden Ave.
5246 1524A Monument on CL of Raymond about 183.6 ft S. of the S. line of Manvel.
5247 1524B Monument on CL of Raymond about 49.4 ft N of the S. line of Manvel
5248 1524C Blk Cor NW Manvel St. & Raymond Ave.
5249 1524D Blk Cor SW Manvel St. & Raymond Ave.
5250 1525 Blk Cor SW Raymond Pl. & Raymond Ave.
5251 1526 Blk Cor SE Manvel St. & Bayless Ave.
5252 1527A Monument on the S. line of Manvel Lot 1 Blk 65 between Cromwell & Bayless
5253 1527B Monument on the S. line of Manvel Lot 26 Blk 65 between Cromwell & Bayless
5254 1528A Monument at PC N line of Manvel 207 ft East of NE Cor Robbins & Manvel.
5255 1528B Monument at PT N line of Manvel 98 ft East of NE Cor Robbins & Manvel
5256 1529 Blk Cor SE Manvel St. & Robbins St.
5257 1530A Blk Cor NE Bayless Pl. (fka Cudworth) (vacated) & Eustis St.
5258 1530B Blk Cor SE Bayless Pl. (fka Cudworth) (vacated) & Eustis St.
5259 1531 Blk Cor SE Eustis St. & Pearl St. (vacated)
5260 1532A End of curve on CL of Bayless & North of Pearl
5261 1532B End of curve on CL of Bayless & North of Pearl
5262 1533 Monument at CL of Bayless South 94 ft of the S. line of Manvel
5263 1534 Blk Cor NW Territorial Rd. & Cromwell Ave.
5264 1536 CL CL Bayless & Cromwell
5265 1537A Blk Cor SW Pearl St. & Cromwell Ave.
5266 1537B Blk Cor NE Pearl St. & Cromwell Ave.
5267 1538 Monument at PC CL of Cromwell & 59.3 ft N of Pearl
5268 1539 Monument at PT CL of Cromwell & 396 ft N of PC (PC is 59.3 ft N of Pearl)
5269 1540A PC & PT on Cromwell S of Manvel curve to the East
5270 1540B PC & PT on Cromwell S of Manvel curve to the West
5271 1541A End of curve on CL of Bayless (Cudworth) throught the intersection of Cromwell
5272 1541B End of curve on CL of Bayless (Cudworth) throught the intersection of Cromwell
5273 1542 CL CL Bayless (Cudworth) & Bayless
5274 1543 PC at CL CL of Bayless (Cudworth) & Bayless to the E to the PT 94.1 ft
5275 1544 PC & PT on Bayless & South of Manvel
5276 1545 PT on Bayless & 369 ft NW of CL CL Raymond
5277 1546 CL CL on Pearl at alley East of Eustis
5278 1547 CL CL on Pearl at alley East of Cromwell
5279 1548 Blk Cor SW Bayless Ave. & Pearl St.
5280 1549A Blk Cor NW Hersey St. & Hampden Ave. (vacated)
5281 1549B CL CL Hersey & Hampden
5282 1549C 1/16 Cor Ellis & Hersey (86NE)
5283 1550 Blk Cor SE Bradford St & Hampden Ave
5284 1551 Monument PC on Hampden & 151.5 ft S of S Cor of Bradford & Hampden
5285 1552 CL CL of Vane Pl & Bayless
5286 1553 Monument on Vane 184 ft S of CL CL of Vane Pl & Bayless
5287 1554 Blk Cor NE Cambridge St. & Hamilton Ave.
5288 1555 Blk Cor NW Cambridge Ave. and the alley S. of Oxford Ave. (vacated)
5289 1556 Blk Cor NE Cambridge Ave. and the alley S. of Hamilton Ave.
5290 1557 Blk Cor NE Cambridge Ave. and the alley N. of Rutgers St. (vacated) also NW Cor of Highwinds Add. No. 1
5291 1558 Blk Cor NE Cambridge Ave. and the alley E. of Fairview Ave.
5292 1559 Blk Cor SE Oxford Ave. and the alley (vacated) S. of Summit Ave.
5293 1560 Blk Cor SE Oxford Ave. and the alley N. of Cambridge Ave. (vacated)
5295 1562 Blk Cor NE Goodrich Ave. (fka Princeton Ave.) and the vacated alley S. of Oxford Ave. (vacated)
5296 1563 Blk Cor SW Goodrich Ave. (fka Princeton Ave.) and the 2nd alley S. of Oxford Ave. (vacated)
5297 1564 Blk Cor SW Goodrich Ave. (fka Princeton Ave. and the alley N. of Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.)
5298 1565 Blk Cor NW Amherst St. (fka Princeton Ave. and the first alley S. of Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.)
5299 1566 Blk Cor NE Amherst St. (fka Princeton Ave. and the 2nd alley S. of Princeton Ave. (fka Cambridge Ave.)
5300 1567 Blk Cor SW Amherst St. (fka Princeton Ave.) and the first alley N. of St. Clair Ave.
5301 1568 Lot Cor Monument between lots 15 & 16 on Cambridge between Rulgers & Hamilton
5302 1570 CL CL Robert St. & Jackson St.
5303 1571 Angle pt of Jackson St. at Arch 21.45 ft S. of CL CL Jackson at Arch
5304 1572 CL CL Mt Airy St. & Jackson St. (FKA Fairview St.)
5305 1573A Angle pt on Mt Airy center line btwn Linden & L'Orient.
5306 1573B Angle pt on Mt Airy center line btwn Linden & L'Orient.
5307 1574 Blk Cor NW L'Orient St. (vacated) & Arch St. (fka Glencoe)
5308 1575 Blk Cor SW L'Orient St. (vacated) & Pennsylvinia Ave. (vacated)
5309 1576 CL CL Pennsylvinia Ave. (vacated) & Columbia (vacated)
5310 1577 CL CL Columbia (vacated) & Arch St.
5311 1578 CL CL Linden St. & Glencoe (vacated)
5312 1579A 1st angle pt on center on Glencoe East of Linden St. & west of Columbia
5313 1579B 2nd angle pt on center on Glencoe East of Linden St. & west of Columbia
5314 1579C 3rd angle pt on center on Glencoe east of Linden & west of Columbia
5315 1580 Angle pt on center on Linden St. Sta 5+49.2 S of Arch St.
5316 1581 CL CL Arch St. & Linden St.
5317 1582 Blk Cor NE Jackson St. & Valley (vacated)
5318 1583 Blk Cor NE Pennslyvinia Ave. (vacated) & Ash St. (vacated)
5319 1584 Blk Cor SW Pennslyvinia Ave. (vacated) & Mt. Vernon (vacated)
5320 1585 Blk Cor SE Pennslyvinia Ave. (vacated) & Hilldale (vacated)
5321 1586 1/16 Cor Ravoux St. (fka St. Anthony Ave.) & Galtier St. (fka Jay) (136NE)
5322 1587 Blk Cor NW E. 7th St. & German St.
5323 1588 CL CL Kent St. & Minnehaha Ave.
5324 1589 1/16 Cor Minnehaha & Mackubin (93E)
5325 1590 CL CL Minnehaha & Arundel
5326 1591 CL CL Eustis St. & Territorial Rd.
5327 1592 1/16 Cor Marshall Ave. & Grotto St. (134E)
5328 1593 1/16 Cor Whitall between Vale approx Terrace Court & Westminster (97N)
5329 1594 1/16 Cor Greenbrier St. & S. of St. P & D.R.R (98NE)
5330 1595 1/16 Cor Jefferson Ave. & Hamline Ave. (195N)
5331 1596 1/16 Cor St. Clair Ave. & Griggs St. (174E)
5332 1597 1/16 Cor Griggs St. & Summit Ave. (153E)
5333 1598 1/16 Cor Pascal St. & Summit Ave. (152E)
5334 1600 1/16 Cor Pascal St. & Otto Ave. (Highland Parkway) (215E)
5335 1603 1/16 Cor Pascal St. & Randolph Ave. (194E)
5336 1604 1/16 Cor Snelling Ave. & Goodrich Ave. (173N)
5337 1605 1/16 Cor Hartford (Tuscarora) & Hamline Ave. (216N)
5338 1606 Blk Cor SE Edgcumbe Rd (fka South Summit Ave) & Randolph Ave
5339 1607 Blk Cor NE Como Ave. & Lexington Pkwy.
5340 1609 CL CL Lexington Pkwy. & Blair Ave.
5341 1610 CL CL Lexington Pkwy. & Edmund St.
5342 1611 CL CL Lexington Ave. & Grand Ave.
5343 1612A Blk Cor SW Osceola Ave. & Lexington Ave.
5344 1612B Blk Cor NE Osceola Ave. & Lexington Ave.
5345 1614 Blk Cor NE Dayton Ave. & Dunlap St.
5346 1615A Blk Cor SW Griggs St. & Dayton Ave.
5347 1615B Blk Cor NE Griggs St. & Dayton Ave.
5348 1616 Blk Cor NE Syndicate St. & Dayton Ave.
5349 1617A Blk Cor SW Hamline Ave. & Dayton Ave.
5350 1617B Blk Cor NE Hamline Ave. & Dayton Ave.
5351 1618 CL CL Dayton Ave. & Snelling Ave.
5352 1619 Blk Cor NW Pierce St. & Dayton Ave.
5353 1621 Blk Cor NE Wheeler St. & Dayton Ave.
5354 1622 Blk Cor NW Dayton Ave. & Dewey Ave.
5355 1623 Blk Cor NE Deubener Pl. & Benhill Road
5356 1624 Blk Cor NW Milton St. & Benhill Road
5357 1625 Angle Pt on N line of Benhill Rd. & W of Milton St.
5358 1626 W. line of Benhill Rd. & S. of SW Cor Deubener & Benhill Rd.
5359 1627 Blk Cor SW Osceola Ave. & Oxford St.
5360 1628 Blk Cor SW Osceola Ave. & Chatsworth St.
5361 1630 Blk Cor SW Linwood Ave. & Oxford St.
5362 1631 Blk Cor SW Linwood Ave. & Milton St.
5363 1632A Blk Cor NW Benhill Road & Crescent (vacated)
5364 1632B Blk Cor SW Benhill Road & Crescent (vacated)
5365 1633A At PT E. side of Benhill Rd. & about S. line of Crescent Ct.
5366 1633B At PC E. side of Benhill Rd. & S. of PT.
5367 1634A Blk Cor NE Lombard Ave. & Benhill Road
5368 1634B Blk Cor SE Lombard Ave. & Benhill Road
5369 1634C Blk Cor SW Lombard Ave. & Benhill Road
5370 1635 Angle Pt South of St. Clair Ave. on the W. line of Benhill Rd.
5371 1637 Blk Cor SE Lexington Pkwy. & Nettleton Ave.
5372 1639 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Walsh St.
5373 1641 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Weide St.
5374 1643 Blk Cor SW Orange Ave. & Arcade St.
5375 1644 Blk Cor SW Arcade St. & Hyacinth Ave.
5376 1645 CL CL Weide St. & Maryland Ave.
5377 1646 Blk Cor SW Hawthorne Ave. & Weide St.
5378 1647 Blk Cor NW Orange Ave. & Weide St.
5379 1648 Blk Cor SE Weide St. (vacated) & Ivy Ave. (vacated)
5380 1649 Blk Cor NW Walsh St. & Orange Ave.
5381 1650 Blk Cor NE Walsh St. & Hyacinth Ave.
5382 1651 CL CL Magnolia Ave. & Mendota St.
5383 1652 CL CL Magnolia Ave. & Cypress St.
5384 1653 CL CL Cypress St. & Case Ave.
5385 1654 CL CL Jenks St. & Earl St.
5386 1656 1/16 Cor Magnolia Ave. & Earl St. (79N)
5387 1657 CL CL Mendota Ave. & Maryland Ave.
5388 1658 CL CL Cypress St. & Maryland Ave.
5389 1659 1/16 Cor Case Ave. & Duluth St. (79E)
5390 1660 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave. & Duluth St. (58E)
5391 1661 CL CL Snelling Ave. & Grand Ave.
5392 1662 CL CL Hamline Ave. & Grand Ave.
5393 1663 Blk Cor NW St. Anthony Ave. & Grotto St.
5394 1664 Blk Cor NW Carroll Ave. & Grotto St.
5396 1666 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave. Sec line at Galtier St .(52E)
5397 1667 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave Sec line at Mackubin St (51E)
5398 1668 1/16 Cor Dale St. & Atwater-Hewitt Ave (93N)
5399 1669 1/16 Cor Jessamine Ave. & Dale St. (72N)
5400 1670 1/16 Cor Atwater St. & Western Ave. (94N)
5401 1671 1/16 Cor Western Ave. between Jessemine Ave. & W Cook Ave. (73N)
5402 1672 1/16 Cor Rice St. & Magnolia Ave. (74N)
5403 1673 Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. & Sylvan St.
5404 1674 Blk Cor NE Sylvan St. & Geranium Ave.
5405 1675 Lot Cor 3 & 4 Blk 2 of in Saint Paul North OutLots on the S. side of Rose Ave. E. of Sylvan St.
5406 1676 Lot Cor 3 & 4 Blk 2 in Saint Paul North OutLots on the N. side of Geranium Ave. E. of Sylvan St.
5407 1677 Lot Cor 3 & 2 Blk 2 in Saint Paul North OutLots on the S. side of Rose Ave. E. of Sylvan St.
5408 1679 Blk Cor NW Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Rose Ave.
5409 1680 Lot Cor 3 & 2 Blk 1 in Saint Paul North OutLots on the N. side of Rose Ave. E. of Sylvan St.
5410 1681 Lot Cor 5 & 4 Blk 1 in Saint Paul North OutLots on the N. side of Rose Ave. E. of Sylvan St.
5411 1682 1/16 Cor Jackson St. (fka Cortland) at alley between Cayuga & Granite (96N)
5412 1683 1/16 Cor Jackson St. (fka Cortland) & Magnolia Ave. (75N)
5413 1686 1/16 Cor Case Ave. & Westminster (75E)
5414 1687 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave. & L'Orient (96E)
5415 1688 1/16 Cor on Gov't Lot line on Sylvan St. & Front St. (74E)
5416 1689 1/16 Cor on Gov't Lot line on Sylvan St. & Maryland Ave. (53E)
5417 1690 Angle Pt in E. Sixth (6th) St. approx. 150 S. of Center Sec 32-29-22
5418 1691 Blk Cor NW E. Fifth (5th) St. (vacated) & Commercial St. (vacated)
5419 1692 Angle pt CL of Commercial St. & between 5th St. & 4th St.
5420 1694 Angle pt in Commercial St. between E. Third (3rd/Kellogg Blvd) St. & Conway St.
5421 1695 CL Commercial St. & CL Conway St.
5422 1696 Near Commercial St. & Herbert St.
5423 1697 CL Commercial St. and CL Essex St. (vacated)
5424 1698 Angle Pt in Commercial St. near Euclid St.
5425 1699 Blk Cor NW Commercial St. & Wilson Ave. (formerly Hudson Ave.)
5426 1700 CL Plum St. & CL Commercial St.
5427 1703 Blk Cor NE Third (Kellogg Blvd.) St. & Canal St. (vacated)
5428 1704 Blk Cor NW Herbert St. (vacated) & Canal St. (vacated)
5429 1705 CL Canal St. (vacated) & CL Essex St. (vacated)
5430 1707 1/16 Cor Montreal Ave. at Davern Ave. (235E)
5431 1708 1/16 Cor Montreal Ave. between Snelling Ave. & Hamline Ave. (236E)
5432 1710 1/16 Cor Edgcumbe Rd. between Snelling Ave. & Hamline Ave, center of SW 1/4 15-28-23 (257NE)
5433 1711 1/16 Cor on Snelling Ave. at Edgcumbe Rd. (257N)
5434 1713 1/16 Cor Fairview Ave. (produced) & Edgcumbe Rd. (produced) (256N)
5435 1715 1/16 Cor near the intersection of W. 7th St. & Springfield St. (257E)
5436 1717 1/16 Cor Larpenteur Ave & N Grotto St (8E)
5437 1719 1/16 Cor N. Dale St. & Hoyt Ave. (produced) (30N)
5438 1720 1/16 Cor Ivy Ave produced (Wheelock Pkwy.) & Dale St. (51N)
5439 1721 1/16 Cor W Arlington Ave. & N. Grotto St. (29E)
5440 1722 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave. & Grotto St. (50E)
5441 1723 1/16 Cor Victoria St. & Hoyt Ave. (29N)
5442 1724 1/16 Cor W Ivy Ave. between Osage St. & Victoria St. (50N)
5443 1725 Witness Cor 337.22 feet N. of old index #11 (Monument 50)
5444 1726 1/16 Cor English St. & Ivy Ave. (59N)
5445 1727 1/16 Cor Birmingham St. & Larpenteur Ave. (17E)
5446 1728 1/16 Cor Birmingham St. & Arlington Ave. (38E)
5447 1729 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave. & Birmingham St. (59E)
5448 1731 1/16 Cor Hazelwood St. (fka Bock St.) & Hoyt Ave. (39N)
5449 1733 1/16 Cor Hazelwood Ave & Ivy Ave (60N)
5450 1734 1/16 Cor Kennard St. & Larpenteur Ave. (18E)
5451 1735 1/16 Cor Kennard St. & Arlington Ave. (39E)
5452 1736 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave & Kennard St (60E)
5453 1738 1/16 Cor White Bear Ave & Hoyt Ave. (fka Vassar Ave.) (40N)
5454 1743 1/16 Cor Larpenteur Ave. & Galtier St. (10E)
5455 1744 1/16 Cor Larpenteur Ave. & MacKubin St. (9E)
5456 1746 1/16 Cor Western Ave. & Hoyt Ave. (fka Kansas) (31N)
5457 1748 1/16 Cor Arlington Ave. & Galtier St. (31E)
5458 1750 1/16 Cor Rice St. & Hoyt Ave. (32N)
5459 1751 1/16 Cor Rice St. & Ivy Ave. (fka South St.) (53N)
5460 1752 1/16 Cor Western Ave. & Ivy Ave. (52N)
5461 1753 On 1/16 line (Chatsworth St) S. of W. Como Lake Dr. in NW 1/4 Sec 26-29-23
5462 1754 1/16 Cor Jessamine Ave. & Victoria St. (71N)
5463 1755 1/16 Cor Jessamine & N. Grotto, center of NE 1/4 Sec 26-29-23 (71NE)
5464 1756 1/16 Cor Front Ave. & N. Grotto St. (71E)
5465 1758 1/16 Cor Lexington Pkwy. & Hewitt Ave. (91N)
5466 1759 1/16 Cor Victoria St. & Hewitt Ave. (92N)
5467 1760 Blk Cor SE Stinson St. & Lexington Parkway
5468 1761 Blk Cor NE Burgess St. & Lexington Parkway
5469 1762 Blk Cor SW Hewitt Ave. (vacated) & Lexington Parkway
5470 1764A SW Cor Pascal St. & Como Ave. / Langford Ave.
5471 1764B 1/16 Cor Pascal St. & Como Ave. (47E)
5472 1765A Blk Cor NW Como Ave. & Arona Ave.
5473 1765B Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Arona Ave.
5474 1767 Blk Cor SE Winston St. & Como Ave.
5475 1768 Blk Cor SW Packard St. & Como Ave.
5476 1769 Blk Cor SW Prior Ave. (vacated) & Como Ave.
5477 1770 Blk Cor SW Stella St. (vacated) & Como Ave.
5478 1771A Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Carter St. (vacated)
5479 1771B Blk Cor SE Como Ave. & Carter St. (vacated)
5480 1772A Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Fifield St.
5481 1772B Blk Cor SE Como Ave. & Fifield St.
5482 1773B Blk Cor SE Como Ave. & Raleigh St.
5483 1774B Blk Cor SE Como Ave. & Gibbs Ave.
5484 1775 Monument CL of Como Ave. (fka Langford Ave.) 80.6 ft. South (tie) of Monument 1052.
5485 1776 Monument PC CL of Como Ave. NW of Rich Ave.
5486 1777 Monument PC S. line of Como Ave. NW of Rich Ave.
5487 1778 Monument PT S. line of Como Curving onto Raymond 55.77 ft from Monument 1777
5488 1779 Monument CL Como Ave. 86.76 ft from 1779 (Monument near CL Como Ave. 80.76 ft from Monument 1776)
5489 1780 Blk Cor NE Como Ave. & Raymond Ave.
5490 1781 Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Raymond Ave.
5491 1782D Blk Cor NE Scudder St. & Como Ave.
5492 1783 CL CL Knapp St. & Como Ave.
5493 1784 CL of Como Ave. & 315.82 ft NW of Monument 1783
5494 1785A CL CL Knapp & Hillside
5495 1786 Blk Cor SW Albert Ave. & Como Ave. (fka Langford)
5497 1788 Monument S. line on Langford & 2.95 ft E. of an iron at the SE Cor Langford & Prior
5498 1789 Monument CL Langford at W. line of the alley East of Carter
5499 1790A Monument CL of Langford & between Fifield & Raleigh near E. side of the alley
5500 1790B Monument S. line of Langford & between Fifield & Raleigh near E. side of the alley
5501 1791A Blk Cor NW Geranium Ave. & Westminster St. (fka McMenemy )
5502 1791B Blk Cor SE Geranium Ave. & Westminster St. (fka McMenemy)
5503 1792 Blk Cor SE Geranium Ave. & Arkwright St.
5504 1793A Blk Cor NW Geranium Ave. & Arcade St.
5505 1793B Blk Cor SE Geranium Ave. & Arcade St.
5506 1794 Blk Cor NW Geranium Ave. & Earl St.
5507 1795 Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. & Arkwright St.
5508 1796 Blk Cor NE Rose Ave. & Payne Ave.
5509 1797B Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. & Greenbrier St.
5510 1798A Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Arcade St.
5511 1798B Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. & Arcade St.
5512 1799 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Earl St.
5513 1800 Blk Cor SE Rose Ave. & Mississippi St.
5514 1801 Blk Cor SW Burgess Ave. & Mackubin St.
5515 1802 Blk Cor NW Mackubin St. & Stinson St.
5516 1803 Blk Cor NW Mackubin St. & Como Ave.
5517 1804A Blk Cor SW Van Buren Ave. & Aldine St.
5518 1804B Blk Cor SE Van Buren Ave. & Aldine St.
5519 1805 Monument N. line of Van Buren & on the Add line W. of Aldine
5520 1806 Intersection of Front Ave. & Churchill St.
5521 1807 Blk Cor NW Hatch Ave. & Churchill St.
5522 1808 Blk Cor NW Orchard Ave. & Churchill St.
5523 1809 Blk Cor SW Northern Pacific RR & Churchill St.
5524 1810 Blk Cor NE Stinson St. & Western Ave.
5525 1811 Blk Cor NW Stinson St. & Gaultier St.
5526 1812 Blk Cor NE Stinson St. & Farrington St.
5527 1813 Blk Cor SE Farrington St. & Front Ave.
5528 1814 Monument on intersection of the N. line of Stinson & the Subdivision line East of Farrington
5529 1815 CL CL Earl St. & E 6th St.
5530 1817A Blk Cor SW E. 6th St. & English St.
5531 1817B Blk Cor SE E. 6th St. & English St.
5532 1819 Blk Cor SE Mendota St. & E.6th St.
5533 1820A Blk Cor NW Case Ave. & Jessie St.
5534 1820B Blk Cor SW Case Ave. & Jessie St.
5535 1821 Blk Cor SW Jessie St. & Brainerd Ave.
5536 1822 CL CL Whitall St. & Payne Ave.
5537 1823 CL CL Annapolis & Mendota Rd. Station 0+0
5538 1840 Blk Cor NE Jackson St. & Sycamore St. (fka Agate St.)
5539 1841 Blk Cor NE Jackson St. & Granite St.
5540 1843 Blk Cor NW Genesee St. (vacated) & Mississippi St.
5541 1844 Blk Cor NW Granite St. & Mississippi St.
5542 1845 Blk Cor SW Mississippi St. & Maryland Ave. (vacated)
5543 1847 Blk Cor SW Elk St. & Sycamore St. (fka Agate St.)
5544 1848 Blk Cor NW Agate St. & Cayuga St.
5545 1849 Blk Cor NW York Ave. & Agate St.
5546 1850 Blk Cor SE E. 4th St. & Mendota St.
5547 1851 Blk Cor NW E. 4th St. & Cypress St.
5548 1852 CL CL E. 4th St. & Earl St.
5549 1853 Blk Cor NW E. 4th St. & Gotzian St.
5550 1854 Blk Cor NE E. 4th St. & English St.
5551 1855 1/16 Cor Earl St. & 7th St. (100N)
5552 1856 Blk Cor NW Magnolia Ave. & Earl St.
5553 1857 1/16 Cor Ivy Ave. & Earl St. (58N)
5554 1858A CL CL Case & Arkwright
5555 1858B Blk Cor NW Case Ave. & Arkwright St.
5556 1859 Blk Cor NW Arkwright St. & Lawson Ave.
5557 1861 CL Mt. Ida & N-S 1/4 1/4 line (Desoto St.) NW 1/4 Sec 32-29-22
5558 1862 Blk Cor NE Reaney Ave. & Duluth St.
5559 1863 CL CL Reaney Ave. & English St.
5560 1864 CL CL Reaney Ave. & Hazelwood St. (Bock)
5561 1865 Angle Pt on CL Mt. Ida between Rivoli St. & Otsego St.
5562 1870 Blk Cor SW Urban Pl. & Maria Ave.
5563 1871 Blk Cor SW Cherry St. & Bates Ave.
5564 1878 1/16 Cor Ruth St. & E. 7th St. produced (104N)
5565 1882 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave. & Winthrop St. (104E)
5566 1886 CL Plato Ave. & Sec line common to Sec 5 & 6-28-22
5567 1887 Blk Cor NW Fairfield (vacated) & Edward (vacated)
5568 1888 Blk Cor NW Walter (vacated) & Fairfield (vacated)
5569 1889 Blk Cor NW Bidwell (vacated) (fka Hyde) & Fairfield (vacated)
5570 1890 Blk Cor SW Moses (vacated) & Fairfield (vacated)
5571 1891 Blk Cor SW Daniel (vacated) & Fairfield (vacated)
5572 1892 Blk Cor SW Ethel (vacated) & Fairfield (vacated)
5573 1893 Blk Cor NW Belle (vacated) & Fairfield (vacated)
5574 1894A Blk Cor SW Indiana (vacated) & Moses (vacated)
5575 1895 Blk Cor SW Daniel (vacated) & Indiana (vacated)
5576 1896A Blk Cor SW Walter (vacated) & Chicago (vacated)
5577 1896B Blk Cor SE Chicago (vacated) & Channell (vacated)
5578 1897 Blk Cor NW Bidwell (vacated) & Chicago (vacated)
5579 1898 1/16 Cor Bidwell & N. line of Delos (180E)
5580 1901 Blk Cor NW State St. & Fillmore Ave.
5581 1902 Blk Cor SE Robertson St. (vacated) & Fillmore Ave.
5582 1903 Blk Cor SE Eaton Ave. (vacated) & Fillmore Ave.
5583 1904 Blk Cor NW Eaton Ave. (vacated) & Fairfield Ave. (vacated)
5584 1905 Blk Cor SE Eaton Ave. (vacated) & Fairfield Ave. (vacated)
5585 1906 Blk Cor SE Robertson St. (vacated) & Fairfield Ave. (vacated)
5586 1907 Blk Cor NW State St. & Indiana Ave.
5587 1908 Blk Cor SE Robertson St. (vacated) & Indiana Ave. (vacated)
5588 1909 Blk Cor SW Eaton Ave. (vacated) & Indiana Ave. (vacated)
5589 1910 Blk Cor NW Eaton Ave. (vacated) & Indiana Ave. (vacated)
5590 1911 S. line of Chicago Ave. & W. line of Eaton Ave.
5591 1912 S. line of Chicago Ave. & E. line of Eaton Ave.
5592 1913 Blk Cor SE Chicago Ave. (vacated) & Robertson St. (vacated)
5593 1914 Blk Cor SW Plato Ave. (vacated) & State St. (vacated)
5594 1915 Blk Cor SE Plato Ave. (vacated) & Robertson St. (vacated)
5595 1916 Blk Cor SE Eaton Ave. (vacated) & Plato Ave. (vacated)
5596 1917 Blk Cor NE Eaton Ave. (vacated) & Florida St. (vacated)
5598 1919 CL CL Annapolis & Oakdale
5599 1920 CL Oakdale & 338.78 ft N. of Monument 1919 (Oakdale & N. side Wyoming)
5600 1921 CL Oakdale & 332.80 ft N of Monument 1920 (Oakdale & N. side Winona (fka Lucy)
5601 1922 CL Oakdale & 311.86 ft N of Monument 1921
5602 1923 CL CL S Robert St. & State St.
5603 1924 CL CL S Robert St. & Page St.
5604 1925 On 1/16 line on the W. side of State St. S. of Robie
5605 1926 Blk Cor SW Minnetonka St. (vacated) & Alabama St.
5606 1927 Blk Cor SW Chester St. (vacated) & Alabama St.
5607 1928 Blk Cor SW Wyandotte St. (vacated) & Alabama St.
5608 1929 E. Line Dunwell & Spencers Add. to Brooklynd & S. Line Kentucky St.
5609 1930 E. Line Dunwell & Spencers Add. to Brooklynd & S. Line Texas St.
5610 1931 Blk Cor NW Rutland St. & St. Lawrence St.
5611 1932 Blk Cor NW Wyandotte St. (vacated) & St. Lawrence St. (vacated)
5612 1933 Blk Cor NW Chester St. (vacated) & St. Lawrence St. (vacated)
5613 1934 Blk Cor NW Minnetonka St. (vacated) & St. Lawrence St. (vacated)
5614 1935 Blk Cor NW Fenton St. (vacated) & St Lawrence St. (vacated)
5615 1936 Blk Cor NW Minnetonka St. (vacated) & Constans St. (vacated)
5616 1937 Blk Cor NW Minnetonka St. (vacated) & Florida St. (vacated)
5617 1938 Blk Cor NW Minnetonka St. (vacated) & Utah St. (vacated)
5618 1939 Blk Cor NW Minnetonka St. (vacated) & Perry St. (vacated)
5619 1940 Blk Cor NE State St. (vacated) & Utah St. (vacated)
5620 1941 Blk Cor NE State St. (vacated) & Texas St. (vacated)
5621 1942 Blk Cor NE State St. (vacated) & Tennessee St. (vacated)
5622 1943 Blk Cor SE State St. (vacated) & Kentucky St. (vacated)
5623 1944 CL Fenton St. & E-W 1/16 Line in SW 1/4 Sec 5-28-22
5624 1945 CL State St. & E-W 1/16 Line in SW 1/4 Sec 5-28-22
5625 1946 Blk Cor NE State St. (vacated) & Florida St. (vacated)
5626 1947 Blk Cor NE State St. (vacated) & Constans St. (vacated)
5627 1949 Center of Belvidere & N-S 1/4 line Sec 8-28-22 (CL Belvidere between Oakdale & Harvard)
5628 1950 CL of Curtice on 1/4 Section line between Mt. Hope & Harvard
5629 1951 CL on Gates between Mt. Hope & Harvard
5630 1952 Center of Page St. & N-S 1/4 line Sec 8-28-22 (CL Page between Mt. Hope & Harvard)
5631 1953 Center of Morton (Bunker) St & N-S 1/4 line Sec 8-28-22 (CL Morton (Bunker) St btwn Mt Hope & Harvard)
5632 1954 Blk Cor SE Halsted St. (vacated) & Bancroft Ave. (vacated)
5633 1958 Blk Cor SE Witham (vacated) & Halsted St. (vacated)
5634 1960 Blk Cor NE Niagara St. & Bancroft (vacated)
5635 1961 Blk Cor SE Bancroft Ave & Congress St (taken for US-52)
5636 1963 Blk Cor SE Congress St. & Brown Ave. (vacated)
5637 1966 Blk Cor SW Robie St. & Brown Ave. (vacated)
5638 1967 Angle pt N. side of Prescott St. & center of Bancroft St.
5639 1968 Center Concord St. & N-S center line of Sec 8-28-22 (CL Congress between Anita & Ada)
5640 1969 CL on Ada on the N-S Center line of Sec 8-28-22 just south of Winnifred
5641 1972 CL on Smith Ave. & N. line of Annapolis St.
5642 1974 CL CL Ohio St. & Annapolis St.
5643 1975 Intersection CL W. Wyoming St. & E. line Sec 12-28-23
5644 1977 Intersection CL W Curtice St. (Belmont) & E. line Sec 12-28-23 (Deleware St.)
5645 1978 Intersection CL W Sydney St. & E. line Sec 12-28-23 (Deleware St.)
5646 1980 Intersection CL W. Morton St. & E. line Sec 12-28-23
5647 1981 Blk Cor NW Belvidere St. & Brown Ave.
5648 1983 Monument CL on Page & on the 1/4 line on Charlton
5649 1984 Intersection CL Morton St & 1/4 line on Charlton
5650 1986 Monument CL on Winslow on E-W center Sec line of 7-28-22 & S of Elizabeth.
5651 1987 Monument CL on Hall Ave. on E-W center Sec line of 7-28-22 & S of Elizabeth.
5652 1988 Monument CL on Stryker on E-W center Sec line of 7-28-22 & S. of Elizabeth.
5653 1989 Intersection CL W. Baker St. & E. line Sec 12-28-23 (Delaware Ave.)
5654 1997 Intersection CL Cherokee Ave & E-W 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22
5655 1999 Intersection CL Smith Ave. (fka Mohawk) & E-W 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22
5656 2003 CL W. George St. & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton St.
5657 2004 CL W. Robie St. & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton St.
5658 2005 CL W. Winifred St. & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton St.
5659 2006 CL W. Congress St. & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton St.
5660 2007 CL W. Isabel St. & N-S 1/4 line Sec 7-28-22 on Charlton St.
5661 2009 Monument at angle pt just E. of the W. line on State St. & between Stevens (Dearborn) & Louisa.
5662 2010 CL CL Morton (Bunker) & on 1/16 line of S. Robert St.
5663 2011 CL CL of the N. jog of Page & on the 1/4 1/4 line of Bidwell.
5664 2013 Blk Cor NE Missouri St. (vacated) & Perry St. (vacated)
5665 2014 Blk Cor NE Missouri St. (vacated) & Plymouth St. (vacated)
5666 2016 Blk Cor NW Perry St. (vacated) & Wisconsin Ave. (vacated)
5667 2017 Blk Cor NW Wisconsin Ave. (vacated) & Plymouth St. (vacated)
5668 2021 Monument CL on Waseca St. & North of Baker St. on the E.-W. line of Sec 7-28-22
5669 2022 Monument CL on Bellows & North of Baker on the E.W line of Sec 7-28-22.
5670 2026 Intersection CL W Robie St & Old Military Reservation Line
5671 2027 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Rice St.
5672 2028 Blk Cor SW Maryland Ave. & Albemarle St.
5673 2029 Blk Cor NE Rose Ave. & Matilda St.
5674 2030 Blk Cor SE Farrington St. & Rose Ave.
5675 2031 Blk Cor NE Virginia St. (fka Hand St.) & Rose Ave.
5676 2032 Blk Cor NW Farrington St. & Geranium Ave.
5677 2033 Blk Cor SW Virginia St. (fka Hand St.) & Geranium Ave.
5678 2034 Blk Cor SW Geranium Ave. & Matilda St.
5679 2035 Blk Cor NW Geranium Ave. & Albemarle St.
5680 2036 Blk Cor SW Jessamine Ave. & Virginia St.
5681 2037 Blk Cor NE Jessamine Ave. & Farrington St.
5682 2038 Blk Cor SE Matilda St. & Jessamine Ave.
5683 2039 Blk Cor SW Cook Ave. & Virginia St.
5684 2040 Blk Cor SW Cook Ave. & Matilda St.
5685 2041 Blk Cor SW Virginia St. & Lawson Ave.
5686 2042 Blk Cor NW Hatch Ave. & Farrington St.
5687 2043 Blk Cor NE Matilda St. & Hatch Ave.
5688 2044 Blk Cor SE Hatch Ave. & Virginia St.
5689 2045 Blk Cor NE Virginia St. & Front Ave.
5690 2046 Blk Cor NE Farrington St. & Front Ave.
5691 2048 Blk Cor NW Cook Ave. & Farrington St.
5692 2049 Blk Cor NW Lawson Ave. & Farrington St.
5693 2050 Blk Cor NW Lawson Ave. & Matilda St.
5694 2051 Intersection of tangents at Sta 0+68.12 CL Bayless & Pickard (vacated)
5695 2052 PI of Carter Sta 2+17.18 N of Bayless
5696 2053 PT of Carter Sta 2+90.78 N of the PI Monument 2052.
5697 2054 CL PT of Pickard (fka Wheeler) & just S. of Ada (vacated)
5699 2056 PI of Pickard (fka Wheeler) Sta 6+85.23 S. of PC Monument 2055
5700 2057 CL of Pickard (fka Wheeler) Sta 8+62.75 E. of PI Monument 2056
5701 2058 Blk Cor SE Energy Park Drive (fka Kasota) & Marsh Ct. (vacated)
5702 2059 Blk Cor SW Energy Park Drive (fka Kasota) & Bartlett Ct. (vacated)
5703 2060 Blk Cor SE Energy Park Drive (fka Kasota)& Gibbs Ave. (vacated)
5704 2061 Blk Cor NE Ada St. (vacated) & Pickard (vacated) (fka Wheeler St.)
5705 2062 Monument CL Langford at Lot line 10 & 9 Blk 43 St Anthony Park North at Sta 102+61.14
5706 2063 Monument CL Hillside CL of Gordon Sta 112+97.77
5707 2064 Monument CL Langford at PT Sta 116+62.44 btwn Gordon & Dooley.
5708 2065 Monument CL Langford Sta 119+87.41 west of Dooley
5709 2067 Blk Cor SE Raymond Ave. & Priscilla St.
5710 2071 Blk Cor NE Raymond Ave. & Blake Ave.
5711 2072 Blk Cor NW Raymond Ave. & Kendrick St. (vacated)
5712 2073 PI on Raymond Sta 14+27.75 S of CL Langford Sta 0+00
5713 2074 PI on Raymond Sta 15+39.7 S of Monument PI 2073
5714 2075 PI on Raymond Sta 17+61.05 S of Monument PI 2074
5715 2076 PI on Raymond Sta 18+98.90 S of Monument PI 2075
5716 2077 PI on Raymond Sta 20+58.05 S of Monument PI 2076
5717 2078 PI on Raymond Sta 23+55.14 S. of Monument PI 2077
5718 2079 Blk Cor SE Bayless Ave. (vacated) & Kendrick St. (vacated)
5719 2080 Monument W line of Bayless & S side of N.P.R.R right of way
5720 2081 Blk Cor SW Bayless Ave. (vacated) & Langford Park Pl.
5721 2082 Monument SW Cor of Branch & the alley south of Langford Park Pl
5722 2083 0+00 CL of Blake & 33 ft E of the W line of Langford Park Pl
5723 2085 Blk Cor SW Langford Park Pl. & Knapp St.
5724 2086 PC 33 ft E of the W. line of Langford Park Pl at Sta 7+12.5 S of Knapp.
5725 2087 PT Sta 8+96.2 & CL of Knapp & east of Langford Park Pl.
5726 2088 CL of Knapp Sta 10+15.8 & east of Monument 2087
5727 2089D E side of Langford Park Pl & S line of Gordon
5728 2089E E side of Langford Park Pl & S line of Gordon
5729 2089F E side of Langford Park Pl & S line of Gordon
5730 2089G E side of Langford Park Pl & S line of Gordon
5731 2090 PCC of 10 deg curve left Sta 18+92.4 on Gordon & 17 ft east of the W line of Langford Park Pl
5732 2091 Blk Cor SE Langford Park Pl & Blake Ave.
5733 2092 PC of 30 deg curve right Sta 24+50.8 & 17 ft E of the W line of Langford Park Pl & south of Blake.
5734 2093 Monument at E line of Langford Park Pl. & N.P.R.R.right ofway line Sec29-29-23
5735 2094 CL CL Blake & Gordon
5736 2095 PC 20 deg curve right on north side Gordon & E line of Ludlow
5737 2096 PT 20 deg curve right on CL Gordon west of Ludlow
5738 2099A Blk Cor NW Gordon Ave. & Commonwealth Ave. (fka Dooley)
5739 2099B Blk Cor SW Gordon Ave. & Commonwealth Ave. (Dooley)
5740 2100 PT Sta 5+69.2 on CL Gordon & just west of the alley.
5741 2101 Monument S side of Gordon at lots 29 & 30 one Lot west of alley
5742 2102 CL of Gordon Sta 7+55.7 & about CL of Carter.
5743 2103 Blk Cor SE Ada (vacated) & Kendrick St. (vacated)
5744 2104 CL CL Gibbs & Scudder
5745 2105 Blk Cor NE Raymond Ave. & Scudder St.
5746 2106 CL of Scudder & W. line of Raymond.
5747 2107 Angle Pt Sta 7+89.07 CL of Scudder & btwn Como & Raymond
5748 2108 Blk Cor SW Cleveland Ave. (fka Gibbs) & Knapp St.
5749 2109 CL of Knapp & W line of Raymond
5750 2110 Angle Pt Sta 7+89.07 CL of Knapp & just west of the CL of Chelmsford
5751 2111 Angle Pt Sta 10+52.84 CL of Knapp & btwn Chelmsford & Como
5752 2112 CL CL Como & Chelmsford
5753 2113 Blk Cor SW Raymond Ave. & Commonwealth Ave. (fka Dooley)
5754 2114 Angle Pt Sta 6+63.58 CL of Dooley (Commonwealth) & Between Raymond & Chelmsford
5755 2115 Blk Cor NW Commonwealth Ave. (fka Dooley) & Chelmsford St.
5756 2116 CL of Dooley (Commonwealth) & east of County Rd.
5757 2117 CL CL Territorial Rd. & Raymond
5758 2118 Blk Cor SW Territorial Rd. & Cromwell Ave.
5759 2120 Angle Pt CL Territorial & btwn Eustis & W.cities limits.
5760 2121 CL Territorial & the West City limits
5761 2122 Blk Cor NW Hunt PL. & Territorial Rd.
5762 2123 Blk Cor SE University Ave. & Cromwell Ave.
5763 2124 Blk Cor SE Shields Ave. & Fairview Ave.
5764 2125 Blk Cor NE Shields Ave. & Beacon Ave.
5765 2126 Blk Cor NW Shields Ave. & Wheeler St.
5766 2127 Blk Cor SW Shields Ave. & Aldine St.
5767 2128 Blk Cor NE Beacon Ave. & St. Anthony Ave.
5768 2129 Blk Cor SW Beacon Ave. & University Ave.
5769 2131 Blk Cor NE St. Anthony Ave. & Wheeler St.
5770 2132 Blk Cor NW St. Anthony Ave. & Herchel St.
5771 2133 Blk Cor SE University Ave. & Herchel St.
5772 2136 Blk Cor NE Bradford St. & Ellis St.
5773 2137 Blk Cor NE Bradford St & Long Ave
5774 2138 Blk Cor NE Long Ave. (vacated) & Ellis St. (vacated)
5775 2139 Blk Cor NW Long Ave. & Ellis St. (vacated)
5776 2141 Blk Cor SE Robbins St. (vacated) & Eustis St. (vacated)
5777 2143 PT of 14 Deg. 25' curve at Robbins St. & Manvel St.
5778 2144 Angle Pt S line of Robbins & btwn Manvel & Bayless
5779 2145 CL of Robbins & SE of Bayless
5780 2146 Blk Cor SE Prior Ave. & Charles Ave.
5781 2147 Blk Cor NW Snelling Ave. & Concordia Ave. (fka Rondo St.)
5782 2148 Blk Cor SE Concordia Ave. (fka Rondo St.) & Fry St.
5783 2149 Monument S.line of Concordia Ave. (Rondo) & West of Fry on the W line of Collage park
5784 2150 Blk Cor SE Concordia Ave. (fka Rondo St.) & Aldine St.
5785 2151 Monument S.line of Rondo & east of Fairview on the E line of Lovering Park add.
5786 2153 Blk Cor NW Snelling Ave. & Iglehart Ave.
5787 2154 Blk Cor NW Iglehart Ave. & Soo Line (fka C.M. and St. R Ry)
5788 2155 Blk Cor SE Iglehart Ave. & Aldine St.
5789 2156 Blk Cor NE Iglehart Ave. & Herchel St.
5790 2159 Blk Cor NE Iglehart Ave. & Fairview Ave.
5791 2160 CL CL Lexington & Selby
5792 2161 Blk Cor SE Selby Ave. & Snelling Ave.
5793 2162 Blk Cor NE Selby Ave. & Fairview Ave.
5794 2163 Blk Cor SE Griggs St. & Thomas Ave.
5795 2164 CL CL Avon & St Clair
5796 2166 NE Cor Milton & Eleanor
5797 2167 SE Cor Milton St & Pleasant Ave
5798 2168 SE Cor Milton & Jefferson
5800 2169B SE Cor Milton & south line of C.M.& St.P.right-of-way
5801 2170 Hub at the intersection of Victoria & Bayard
5802 2171 Blk Cor (3 nails in walk) NW Palace Ave. & Victoria St.
5803 2172 Hub CL CL Chatworth & Palace
5804 2173 Blk Cor (3 nails in walk) NE Palace (vacated) & Pleasant (vacated)
5805 2174 Blk Cor SW Victoria St. & James Ave.
5806 2175 CL CL James & Chatsworth
5807 2176 CL CL Wood St. & Parnell St. (vacated)
5808 2177 CL CL Wood St. (vacated) & Clinton Ave. (vacated)
5809 2178 CL Greenwood & N. line of Delos
5810 2179 CL Clinton & N line of Delos
5811 2180 CL of So.Robert & N line of Delos
5812 2181 CL of Livingston & & N line of Delos
5813 2182 CL Robie & W line of Sec 8-28-22
5814 2183 CL CL Robie & Gorman
5815 2184 CL CL Livingston & Robie
5816 2185 CL CL S Robert & Robie
5817 2186 CL CL Greenwood & Robie
5818 2187 CL Stevens (Dearborn) at W line of Sec 8-28-22
5819 2188 CL Elzabeth at W. line of Sec 8-28-22
5820 2189 CL Morton at W line of Sec 8-28-22
5821 2191 1/16 Cor Maryland Ave & Winthrop St produced (62E)
5822 2192 1/16 Cor White Bear Ave & Magnolia Ave (82N)
5823 2193 1/16 Cor Ruth St & Magnolia Ave (83N)
5824 2195 1/16 Cor Case Ave W of Edgewater Blvd (Winthrop St produced) (83E)
5825 2196 1/16 Cor E 7th St. & McKnight Rd (105N)
5826 2197 1/16 Cor Prior & Como (45E)
5827 2198 1/16 Cor Aldine & Como (46E)
5828 2200 1/16 Cor Fairview & Jessamine (67N)
5829 2201 1/16 Cor Prior & Front (66E)
5830 2203 1/16 Cor Aldine & Front (67E)
5831 2204 1/16 Cor Fairview Ave & Hewitt (88N)
5832 2205 1/16 Cor Minnehaha Ave & Aldine (88E)
5833 2206 1/16 Cor McKnight Ave & Fifth St (126N)
5834 2207 1/16 Cor Ruth St & Fifth St (125N)
5835 2208 1/16 Cor White Bear Ave & Fifth St (124N)
5836 2210 1/16 Cor Hazel St & Conway St (124E)
5837 2212 1/16 Cor Winthrop St & Conway St (125E)
5838 2214 1/16 Cor McKnight Rd bwtn Burns Ave & Conway St (147N)
5839 2215 1/16 Cor Ruth St bwtn Burns Ave & Conway St (146N)
5840 2216 1/16 Cor White Bear Ave bwtn Burns Ave & Conway St (145N)
5841 2218 1/16 Cor Burns Ave & Hazel St (145E)
5842 2220 1/16 Cor Burns Ave & Winthrop St (146E)
5843 2222 1/16 Cor Larpenteur Ave & Winthrop St (20E)
5844 2223 1/16 Cor Larpenteur Ave & Hazel St (19E)
5845 2225 1/16 Cor McKnight Rd & Hoyt Ave (42N)
5846 2226 1/16 Cor Arlington Ave & Winthrop St (41E)
5847 2227 1/16 Cor Arlington Ave & Hazel St (40E)
5848 2228 1/16 Cor Ivy Ave & Ruth St (62N)
5849 2231 1/16 Cor Fifth St & Hazelwood St (123N)
5850 2232 1/16 Cor Kennard St & Conway St (123E)
5851 2235 1/16 Cor Hazelwood St (165N)
5852 2239 1/16 Cor (165E) Near 'A' St. East of Point Douglas Rd.
5853 2242 1/16 Cor Hazelwood St (186N)
5854 2244 1/16 Cor S line Sec 3-28-22 (185E)
5855 2246 1/16 Cor S line Sec 3-28-22 (186E)
5856 2248A NE Corner Sturgis St & Western Ave. (Spike)
5857 2248B SE Corner Sturgis St & Western Ave (Hub)
5858 2248C NE Corner Sturgis St. & Garfield St. (Hub)
5859 2248D SE Corner Sturgis St & Garfield St (Hub)
5860 2248E NW Corner Sturgis St & Douglas St (Hub)
5861 2248F SW Corner Sturgis St & Douglas St (Hub)
5862 2249 1/16 Cor McKnight Rd btwn Upper Afton Rd & Burns (168N)
5863 2259 1/16 Cor Larpenteur Ave & Pascal Ave (5E)
5864 2260 1/16 Cor Larpentuer & Merrill (6E)
5865 2262 1/16 Cor Pascal & Arlington (26E)
5866 2265 1/16 Cor Larpentuer & Prior (3E)
5867 2267 1/16 Cor Larpentuer & Aldine (4E)
5868 2269 1/16 Cor Hoyt & Snelling (26N)
5869 2271 1/16 Cor Arlington & Aldine (25E)
5870 2273 1/16 Cor Snelling & Midway Pkwy (47N)
5871 2274 1/16 Cor Arlington & Prior (24E)
5872 2275 1/16 Cor Pascal & Front (68E)
5873 2276 1/16 Cor Front & Griggs (69E)
5874 2277 1/16 Cor Hewitt & Hamline (90N)
5875 2278 Blk Cor NE Beaver (vacated) & Annapolis St. on the Sec line
5876 2279 Blk Cor SE Wyoming St. (vacated) & Rush St. (vacated)
5877 2281 Blk Cor SE Sidney St. & Rash St.
5878 2284 Lot Cor btwn lots 22 & 24 of Clark's Sub. North of union
5879 2285 Lot Cor btwn lots 22 & 21 of Clark's Sub. North of Lot Cor Monument 2287
5880 2286 Blk Cor NE Como Ave. & Chatsworth St.
5881 2287 N side of Como Ave btwn Kilburn St & Ryde St
5882 2290 Blk Cor SE Colne St. & Como Ave.
5883 2292 Blk Cor NW Kilburn St. & Jessamine Ave.
5884 2293 1/16 Cor Center of NW 1/4 Sec 26-29-23 Chatsworth St & Jessamine Ave. (70NE)
5885 2295 1/16 Cor Grotto & 1/16 line of S 1/2 23-29-23 (50NE)
5886 2296 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. & Sta 55+61
5887 2297 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. & Sta 62+13
5888 2298 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 0+00 = 82+47
5889 2299 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 8+68.19
5890 2300 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 11+28.32
5891 2301 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 12+45.18
5892 2302 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 16+30.04
5893 2303 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 18+90.94
5894 2304 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 19+93.03
5895 2305 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 34+23.31
5896 2306 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 37+75.89
5897 2307 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 42+80.94
5898 2308 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 47+20.16
5899 2309 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 51+19.50
5901 2311 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 63+39.39
5902 2312 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 72+15.23
5903 2313 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 80+74.69
5904 2314 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 87+75.81
5905 2315 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 95+56.65
5906 2316 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 99+25.00
5907 2318 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 136+40.00
5908 2319 CL Pt. Douglas Rd. (Hastings Rd.) & Sta 151+90.00
5909 2320A Blk Cor NW Wells Ave. & Greenbrier St.
5910 2320B 1/4 1/4 line on Greenbrier & CL Wells.
5911 2321 CL Bush (Fauquier) & 1/4 1/4 line of Greenbrier
5912 2322 CL CL Walsh & Minnehaha
5913 2323 CL CL Bush (Fauquier) & Walsh
5914 2324 Blk Cor SW Wells Ave. & Walsh St.
5915 2325 CL CL Wells & Weide
5916 2326 CL CL Bush (Fauquier) & Weide
5917 2327 CL CL Minnehaha & Weide
5918 2330 CL Bidwell & just south of S line of Morton.
5919 2331 On Bidwell & CL Page going West
5920 2332 1/16 Cor Bidwell & North of Curtice on the 1/4 1/4 line (222NE)
5921 2333 Blk Cor SE Page St. & Stryker Ave.
5922 2336 On the E-W Line of the SW 1/4 Sec.8-28-22
5923 2337 Blk Cor SE Sydney St. (fka Tyler) & Humbolt Ave. (fka Goff Ave.)
5924 2338 Blk Cor SE Gorman Ave. & Curtice St.
5925 2339 Monument on the east line of Gorman btwn Belvidere & Curtice
5926 2340 Monument on 08282233 in alley between Belvidere & Winona E. of livingston
5927 2341 Blk Cor SE Hall Ave. & Belvidere St.
5928 2343 Blk Cor SE Winona St. (fka Lucy) & Hall Ave.
5929 2346 Judicial Monument S. side Belvidere & approx. 185 ft West of Livingston Ave.
5930 2347 E. line Hornsby Sub. & North line of Winona (fka Lucy), about 50 ft. West of S. Robert.
5931 2348 E. line Hornsby Sub. & North line of Wyoming, about 50 ft. West of S. Robert.
5932 2351 CL Maria Ave & E. line Sec 32-29-22
5933 2352 CL Payne & CL Beaumont
5934 2353 CL Payne & the N. line of Minnehaha Ave.
5935 2354 CL Payne & the N. line of Bush (Fauquier)
5936 2355 CL Payne & the S.line of Whitall
5937 2356 CL Payne & the S.line of Case.
5938 2357 CL Payne Ave. & the S. line of Magnolia
5939 2358 Blk Cor NE Pacific St. & Forest St.
5940 2359 Blk Cor NE McLean Ave. & Forest St.
5941 2360 CL CL Pacific St & Earl St (N-S 1/4 line)
5942 2361 CL CL McLean Ave & Earl St (N-S 1/4 line)
5943 2362 CL CL English & Pacific
5944 2363 CL CL English & McLean
5945 2364 CL CL English & Hudson
5946 2365 CL of the S bound lane on Dooley at Sta 1+66.5 (Sta 0+0 is S.line of Como)
5947 2366 CL of the S bound lane on Dooley at Sta 4+21.2 (Sta 0+0 is S.line of Como).
5948 2369 CL of Dooley at Sta 12+70.9 south of keston (0+0 is S.line of Como)
5949 2370 CL of Dooley at Sta 14+81.4 south of keston (0+0 is S.line of Como)
5950 2371 CL of Carter & about 20 ft north of Como
5951 2372 Angle pt CL of Carter at Sta 2+11.7 on curve sta 0+0 is the s.line of Como
5952 2373 CL of Carter at Sta 8+79.9 (0+0 is the s.line of Como
5953 2374 CL of Carter at Sta 12+12.9 on curve (0+0 is the S line of Como)
5954 2375 CL of Carter at Sta 14+16.5 (0+0 is the s.line of Como)
5955 2376 CL of Carter at Sta 18+63.6 (0+0 is the s.line of Como)
5956 2377 Blk Cor NE Carter Ave. & Eustis Ave.
5957 2379 Angle pt on Keston between Bourne & Carter
5958 2380 CL of Keston Just south of Doswell at Sta 9+75.83
5959 2381 Blk Cor NW Raymond Ave. & Alley between Scudder St. & Como Ave. (fka Langford Ave.)
5960 2383 Blk Cor NE Raymond Ave. & Buford Ave.
5961 2385 Blk Cor SE Raymond Ave. & Dudley Ave.
5962 2386 Center of the inner part of Raymond Pl. of Blk 61.
5963 2387 On raymond Pl. 6.7 ft north of blk 6 & 5 30.2 ft southeast of CL of Raymond Pl.
5964 2388 CL on Raymond Ave & CL of Raymond Pl. on Curve
5965 2390 Blk Cor SE Hillside Ave. (fka Langford) & County Rd.
5966 2392 CL Como Sta 1+53.25 North of Dooley
5967 2393 CL Como Sta 4+23.29 Just so of Carter.
5968 2394 CL Como Sta 10+80.83 Just No of Doswell
5969 2395 CL Como Sta 12+34.35 at Alley btwn Doswell & Pierce
5970 2398 CL Como Sta 17+79.26 South of Buford
5971 2399 CL Como Sta 19+35.08 at Buford
5972 2401 CL Como Sta 23+43.43 btwn Como & Hendon
5973 2402 CL Como Sta 26+47.97 South of Hendon
5974 2403 CL Como Sta 28+93 at S.line of Hendon
5975 2404 CL CL University & Albert
5976 2405 Blk Cor SW Griggs St. & Hewitt Ave.
5977 2406 CL CL Minnehaha & Como
5978 2408 Angle Pt CL Sidney on the Add. line & east of east line Sec 8-28-22
5979 2409 Blk Cor NE Sidney St. & Curtice St.
5980 2411 Blk Cor SW Osceola Ave. & Linwood Ave. (fka Linwood Place)
5981 2412 Blk Cor NE Grotto St. & Linwood Ave. (fka Linwood Pl.)
5982 2413 CL Linewood Place at Sta 4+91 btwn Osceola & Grotto
5983 2414 CL CL Lexington & Leslie
5984 2415 CL CL Lexington & Ashland
5985 2416 Blk Cor NE Dunlap St. & Ashland Ave.
5986 2417 Blk Cor SW Dunlap St. & Ashland Ave.
5987 2418 CL CL Griggs & Ashland
5988 2419 Blk Cor NW Griggs St. & Ashland Ave.
5989 2420 CL CL Hamline & Ashland
5990 2421 Blk Cor SW Hamline Ave. & Ashland Ave.
5991 2422 Blk Cor NE Albert St. & Ashland Ave.
5992 2424 Blk Cor NE Pascal St. & Ashland Ave.
5993 2425 CL CL Pascal & Ashland
5994 2428 Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Saratoga St.
5995 2429 10 ft south of CL CL Snelling Ave & Ashland Ave.
5996 2430 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Fry St.
5997 2433 Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Pierce St.
5998 2434 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Aldine St.
5999 2435 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Herschel St.
6000 2436 Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Herschel St.
6002 2438 Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Wheeler St.
6003 2439 Blk Cor NE Ashland Ave. & Fairview Ave.
6004 2440 CL CL Hague & Lexington
6005 2441 Blk Cor NE Hague Ave. & Dunlap St.
6006 2442 Blk Cor SW Hague Ave. & Dunlap St.
6007 2443 CL CL Hague & Griggs
6008 2444 CL CL Hague & Hamline
6009 2445 Blk Cor SE Hague Ave. & Albert St.
6010 2446 Blk Cor NW Hague Ave. & Albert St.
6011 2448 CL CL Hague & Pascal
6012 2451 CL CL Hague & Snelling
6013 2454 Blk Cor NE Hague Ave. & Pierce St.
6014 2455 Blk Cor SW Hague Ave. & Pierce St.
6015 2457 Blk Cor SW Hague Ave. & Aldine St.
6016 2458 Blk Cor NE Hague Ave. & Hersel St.
6017 2459 Blk Cor SW Hague Ave. & Hersel St.
6018 2461 Blk Cor SW Hague Ave. & Wheeler St.
6019 2462 Blk Cor SE Hague Ave. & Fairview Ave.
6020 2464 Blk Cor SE Dayton Ave. & Fairview Ave.
6021 2465 CL CL Lincoln & Fairview
6022 2466 1/16 Cor Goodrich & Fairview (172N)
6023 2467 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Berkeley Ave. (fka Lydia Ave.)
6024 2468 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Stanford Ave.
6025 2469 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Wellesly Ave.
6026 2471 1/16 Cor Fairview & Jefferson (193N)
6027 2476 Blk Cor SW Fairview Ave. & Randolph Ave.
6028 2477 Blk Cor NW Fairview Ave. & Juno Ave.
6029 2478 Blk Cor SE Fairview Ave. & Juno Ave.
6030 2479 Blk Cor NW Fairview Ave. & Niles Ave. (produced)
6031 2480 Blk Cor SE Fairview Ave. & Niles Ave. (produced)
6032 2481 Blk Cor NW Fairview Ave. & Watson Ave. (produced)
6033 2482 Blk Cor SE Fairview Ave. & Watson Ave. (produced)
6034 2483 Blk Cor NE Fairview Ave. & Hartford Ave.
6035 2484 CL CL Cleveland & Lincoln
6036 2486 CL CL Summit & Herschell
6037 2487 CL CL Summit & Pierce
6038 2488 CL CL Summit & Saratoga
6039 2489 CL CL Summit & Albert
6040 2490 CL CL Summit & Syndicate
6041 2491 CL CL Summit & Dunlap
6042 2492 CL CL Marshall & Wheeler
6043 2493 CL CL Marshall & Fry
6044 2494 CL CL Marshall & Albert
6045 2495 CL CL Marshall & Dunlap
6046 2497 Blk Cor SW Syndicate Ave. & Lincoln Ave.
6047 2499 Blk Cor SW Syndicate Ave. & Goodrich Ave.
6048 2501 Blk Cor SW Syndicate Ave. & Fairmount Ave.
6049 2503 Blk Cor SW Syndicate Ave. & Osceola Ave.
6050 2504 Blk Cor NE Syndicate Ave. & Sargent Ave.
6051 2505 Blk Cor SW Syndicate Ave. & Sargent Ave.
6052 2506 CL CL Syndicate & St Clair
6053 2507 CL CL Hamline & Lincoln
6054 2508 CL CL Snelling & Lincoln
6055 2509 1/16 Cor Atwater & Gaultier (94NE)
6056 2510 Blk Cor NW Atwater St. & Gaultier St.
6057 2511 Blk Cor NW Galtier St. & Topping St.
6058 2512 Blk Cor NW Gaultier St. & Burgess St.
6059 2513 Blk Cor SE Burgess St. & Western Ave.
6060 2514 Blk Cor SE Topping St. & Western Ave.
6061 2515 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Larpenteur Ave.
6062 2516 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Idaho Ave.
6063 2518 Blk Cor SE Marion St. & Nebraska Ave.
6064 2519 Blk Cor NW Marion St. & Arlington Ave.
6065 2520 Blk Cor SW Rice St. & Idaho Ave.
6066 2521 Blk Cor SW Rice St. & Hoyt Ave.
6067 2522 Blk Cor SW Rice St. & Nebraska Ave.
6068 2523 Blk Cor NW Idaho Ave. & Albemarle St.
6069 2524 Blk Cor SE Albemarle St. & Larpenteur Ave.
6070 2525 Blk Cor NE Gaultier St. & Idaho Ave.
6071 2526 Blk Cor NE Hoyt Ave & Galtier St (vac)
6072 2527 Blk Cor NE Gaultier St. & Nebraska Ave.
6073 2528 Blk Cor SW Albemarle St. & Nebraska Ave.
6074 2529 Blk Cor NW Albemarle St. & Hoyt Ave.
6075 2530 Blk Cor NW Albemarle St. & Arlington Ave.
6076 2531 Blk Cor SE Larpenteur Ave. & Woodbridge St.
6077 2532 Blk Cor NW Woodbridge St. & Idaho Ave.
6078 2533 Blk Cor NW Woodbridge St. & Hoyt Ave. (fka Kansas)
6079 2534 Blk Cor NE Woodbridge St. & Nebraska Ave.
6080 2536 Blk Cor SE Jackson St. & University Ave.
6081 2537 Blk Cor NE Mt Airy & Jackson St.
6082 2538 Blk Cor SE Pennsylvania Ave. & (old) Fairview St.
6083 2539 South Cor of (old) Fairview & Jackson
6084 2540 Monument at 14th & E & W 1/4 line Through Sec 31-29-22
6085 2541 Blk Cor NE 14th St. & Jackson St.
6086 2542 Blk Cor SW 14th St. & Jackson St.
6087 2543 CL CL Annapolis & Winslow
6088 2544 Blk Cor NE Delos St. & Winslow Ave.
6089 2545A 1/16 Cor at Laurel & Chatsworth (154NE)
6090 2545B Blk Cor NW Laurel Ave. & Chatsworth St.
6091 2546A Center of Laurel & center of Milton.
6092 2546B Blk Cor SE Laurel Ave. & Milton St.
6093 2547 CL CL Lawson & Westminster
6094 2548 CL CL Westminster & Jenks
6095 2549 CL CL Desoto & Jenks
6096 2550 CL CL Lawson & Desoto
6097 2551 CL CL Jenks & Edgerton
6098 2552 CL CL Greenbrier & Jenks
6099 2553 CL of Lawson & E. line of Greenbrier
6100 2554 Section line on Arcade & CL Lawson
6101 2555 Section line on Arcade & CL Jenks
6103 2557 Blk Cor SE Randolph Ave. & Pleasant Ave. (vacated)
6104 2558 Blk Cor NE Juno Ave. (vacated) & Pleasant Ave. (vacated)
6105 2559 Blk Cor SE Park St. & Como Ave.
6106 2560 Blk Cor SE Park St. & Winter St.
6107 2561 Blk Cor NW Park St. & Winter St.
6108 2562 Blk Cor SE Park St. (vacated) & Arch St. (vacated)
6109 2563 Blk Cor SW Capitol Blvd. (vacated) & Arch St. (vacated)
6110 2564 CL CL Winter & Sylvan
6111 2565 CL Weide & 1/4 line on Case
6112 2568 Angle pt on CL Cherokee Ave 70'+- N of W Stevens St
6113 2569 1/4 1/4 on Bidwell & btwn Baker & Elizabeth
6114 2570 Monument S line of Wyoming & Kribbs & Gill's Sub of Blk 88 Banning & Olivier's Add
6115 2571 Blk Cor SE Rash (vacated) & Winona St. (vacated)
6116 2572 NE Blk Cor Rash (vacated) & Curtice St. (vacated) (fka Belmont)
6117 2573 1/16 Cor of Sec 11-28-22 (209N)
6118 2574 1/16 Cor McKnight Rd & Londin Lane Sec 11-28-22 (210N)
6119 2579 1/16 Cor of Sec 11-28-22 (230N)
6120 2584 1/16 Cor on Pt. Douglas Rd north of Springside Sec 14-28-22 (251N)
6121 2586 1/16 Cor Sec 14-28-22 (252N)
6122 2590 1/16 Cor (hub) of Sec 14-28-22 (250E)
6123 2591 1/16 of Sec 14-28-22 (272N)
6124 2592 1/16 Cor on Ogden Ave. Common to 14282241 14282242 14282243 14282244 (272NE)
6125 2593 1/16 Cor of Sec 14-28-22 (273N)
6126 2601 1/16 Cor of Sec 11-28-22 (208N)
6127 2604 Monument at W line PC on Chelton & North of Pusey
6128 2605 Monument at E line PC on Chelton & North of Pusey
6129 2606 Monument at N line PC on Tatum near the southeastly intersection Chelton
6130 2608 Blk Cor NE Tatum St. & Chelton Ave.
6131 2609 Monument at E line PT on Chelton near the northeastly intersection Chelton.
6132 2610 Monument at E line PC on Chelton at intersection Clayland
6133 2611 Blk Cor NE Chelton Ave. & Tatum Pl. (fka Mays)
6134 2612 1/16 Cor in Sec 3-28-22 (164E)
6135 2613 1/16 Cor in Sec 10-28-22 (206N)
6136 2617 1/16 Cor in Sec 10-28-22 (227N)
6137 2621 Blk Cor SW Humbolt Ave. & Morton St.
6138 2623 Blk Cor SW Harvard St. & Curtice St.
6139 2624 Monument S.line of Morton & 145.31 ft E for CL of Bidwell as measured along the N line Lot A
6140 2625 Blk Cor SW Gorman Ave. (vacated) & Morton St. (vacated)
6141 2626 Blk Cor NE Gorman Ave. (vacated) & Morton St. (vacated)
6142 2628 Blk Cor NE Livingston Ave. & Morton St.
6143 2631 Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Como Pl. (vacated)
6144 2632 Blk Cor NW Burgess St. & Western Ave.
6145 2633 Blk Cor NE Como Ave. & Burgess St.
6146 2634 Blk Cor SW Como Ave. & Burgess St.
6147 2635 Blk Cor SE Kent St. (vacated) & Burgess St.
6148 2636 Blk Cor SE Dale St. & Burgess St.
6149 2637 1/16 line on Atwater & CL Como
6150 2638 On N-S 1/16 line (Chatsworth St) at Hatch Ave in NW 1/4 Sec 26-29-23
6151 2639 On N-S 1/16 line (Chatsworth St) at Orchard Ave in Nw 1/4 Sec 26-29-23
6152 2640 North Cor Linwood Pl. & Kenwood terrace
6153 2641 Monument at angle pt on Kenwood Terrace about 175 ft south of Monument 2640 (N Cor Linwood Pl & Kenwood Terrace)
6154 2643 Monument at angle pt on Kenwood Terrace about 110.24 ft north of Monument 2642 (GM on Kenwood Pkwy angle pt on blk line)
6155 2644 On north line of Linwood Pl. 79.07 ft west of Monument 2640 (North Cor Linwood Pl. & Kenwood Terrace).
6156 2645 Monument at angle pt CL of Langford park Sta 13+86.5
6157 2648 Monument at angle pt CL of Langford park Sta 24+28.8
6158 2649 Monument at angle pt CL of Langford park Sta 30+14.4
6159 2650 1/32 line on Cypress & Sims
6160 2651 CL CL Sims & Earl
6161 2652 Blk Cor NW Wheeler St. & Van Buren Ave.
6162 2653 Blk Cor NE Van Buren Ave. & Fairview Ave.
6163 2655 1/16 Cor in Sec 15-28-22 (249N)
6164 2657 1/16 Cor in Sec 15-28-22 (270N)
6165 2660 Angle pt N. Side between Robert & Jackson
6166 2661 Margaret & 1/4 line on Hazlewood
6167 2662 Blk Cor SE Margaret St. & Barclay St.
6168 2663 CL CL Birmingham & Minnehaha Ave.
6169 2665 CL CL Old Hudson Rd (fka Hastings) & English
6170 2666 CL CL Hazelwood & Old Hudson Rd (Hastings)
6171 2670;0657 Monument N side Bush (Fauquier) & btwn Lots 4 & 5 west of Barclay. (Same as 0657)
6172 2671A Blk Cor NW Sylvan St. & Lawson Ave.
6173 2671B Blk Cor NE Sylvan St. & Lawson Ave.
6174 2672 Monument on the line btwn Ramsey Add & Farrington & Kinney's Add on the W line of St Peter
6175 2673 Blk Cor NW Summit Ave. & St. Peter St.
6177 2675 CL CL of the south intersection Blair & Western
6178 2676 CL CL Western & Edmund
6179 2677 Blk Cor SE Dale St. & Minnehaha Ave.
6180 2678 CL of Edmund & E line of Kent
6181 2679 Blk Cor SW Iglehart Ave. (vacated) & St Peter St. (vacated)
6182 2680 1/16 Cor Hazelwood & Magnolia (81N)
6183 2681 1/16 Cor Snelling & Gov't Lot Line near Laurel Ave (152N)
6184 2682 1/16 Cor near the W line of Pascal & S line of Jessamine (68NE)
6185 2686 1/16 Cor Arlington & Forest (36E)
6186 2687 1/16 Cor Forest & Ivy (57NE)
6187 2689 1/16 Cor Bohland & Hamline (237N)
6188 2690 1/16 Cor Griggs & Otto (Highland Parkway) (216E)
6189 2691 1/16 Cor near Alaska & Race (238N)
6190 2692 N'ly Blk Cor Montreal Ave. & Stewart Ave. (vacated)
6191 2693 SE'ly R/W line Stewart & S line Sec 14-28-23
6192 2694A Blk Cor NE Vista Ave. (vacated) & Stewart Ave. (vacated)
6193 2694B Intersection 1/4 1/4 line & SE'ly R/W line Stewart
6194 2695 1/16 Cor Montreal & east 1/4 1/4 line East of Stewart (238E)
6195 2697 1/16 Cor SW Cor Gov't Lot 1 Sec 14-28-23 (239N)
6196 2701 Blk Cor NW Reaney Ave. & Atlantic St.
6197 2702 Blk Cor NE Atlantic St. & Minnehaha Ave.
6198 2703 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Mendota St.
6199 2704 Blk Cor NW Cypress St. & Geranium Ave.
6200 2705 Angle Point on CL of Third (3rd) St (Kellogg Blvd) & East PL Cedar St
6201 2710 Blk Cor NE Arcade St. & Wells Ave.
6202 2711 Blk Cor NW Forest St. & Wells Ave.
6203 2712 CL CL Arcade & Bush (Fauquier)
6205 2714 Blk Cor SE Mendota St. & Cook Ave.
6206 2715 Blk Cor SW Cypress St. & Lawson Ave.
6207 2716A Blk Cor NW Jenks Ave. & Mendota St.
6208 2716B Blk Cor SE Jenks Ave. & Mendota St.
6209 2717 CL S Robert St & S R/W Fillmore Ave
6210 2718 CL S Robert St & CL Indiana Ave
6211 2720 CL Robert & on the N. line of Eaton & Morrison Add.
6212 2721 CL CL W. 7th St. (vacated) & W. 6th St.
6213 2722 CL E. 6th St. & E. line of St. Peter St.
6214 2723 CL E 6th St. & E. line of Wabasha St.
6215 2724 CL E 6th St. & W. line of Cedar St.
6216 2725 CL E 6th St. & W. line of Minnasota St.
6217 2726 CL E 6th St. & on the Claim line East of Jackson St.
6218 2727 CL CL Exchange St. (vacated) & W 7th St. (vacated)
6219 2728 CL 7th St. & W. line of St. Peter St.
6220 2729 CL 7th Pl. & W. line of Cedar St.
6221 2730 CL 7th Pl. & E. line of Minnesota St.
6222 2731 CL 7th Pl. & E. line of Jackson St.
6223 2732 CL CL 7th St. (vacated) & Broadway (vacated)
6224 2733 Blk Cor NW Arch St. (vacated) & Hillsdale St. (vacated)
6225 2734 Blk Cor NW Sylvan St. (vacated) & Arch St. (vacated)
6226 2735 Blk Cor SW Arcade St. & Maryland Ave.
6227 2736 WC 335 ft west of monument 28 west side Lake Como on Arlington line
6228 2737 Blk Cor SE Fillmore (vacated) & Edward (vacated)
6229 2739 CL CL George (going West) & Bidwell
6230 2740 CL CL Bidwell St. & Stevens St.
6231 2741 Jct CL Robie St & Add Line appx 30 ft W of E line Bidwell St
6232 2742 CL CL Bellows St. & Robie St.
6233 2743 Monument at PI of Cherokee NW of Ohio
6234 2746 CL 7th (Angle pt on E 7th St) & EW Qtr Line Sec 32-29-22
6235 2748 CL CL 7th St. & North St.
6236 2749 CL CL Maple St. & 7th St.
6237 2750 1/16 Cor St. Anthony Ave. & Victoria St. (134N)
6238 2751 1/16 Cor on Chatsworth St. & CL St. Anthony Ave.
6239 2752 Blk Cor SW St. Anthony Ave. & Avon St.
6240 2753 Blk Cor SW St. Anthony Ave. & Fisk St.
6241 2754 CL Victoria St. & 55 ft South of CL Concordia Ave. (fka Rondo)
6242 2755 CL Lexington & 75 ft South of CL Rondo now Concordia
6243 2756 NE Cor Arlington Ave & Hamline Ave, Como Park Boundary
6244 2757 Como Park Boundary
6245 2758 Como Park Boundary
6246 2759 Como Park Boundary
6247 2760 Como Park Boundary
6248 2761 Como Park Boundary
6249 2762 Como Park Boundary
6250 2763 Como Park Boundary
6251 2765 Como Park Boundary E. line of Chatsworth St. (fka Shrub St.) & 25 ft N. of N. line of Arlington Ave. (fka L. Como & Phalen Ave.)
6252 2766 Como Park Boundary E. of Chatsworth St. (fka Shrub St.) & 25 ft N. of N. line of Arlington Ave. (fka L. Como & Phalen Ave.)
6253 2767 Como Park Boundary E. of Chatsworth St. (fka Shrub St.) & 25 ft S. of S. line of Arlington Ave. (fka L. Como & Phalen Ave.)
6254 2768 W. side of E Como Blvd btwn W Arlington Ave & Parkview Ave, Como Park Boundary
6255 2769 E. side of E. Como Blvd. btwn. W. Arlington Ave. & Parkview Ave, Como Park Boundary
6256 2770 Blk Cor NE E. Como Blvd & Parkview Ave .Como Park Boundary
6257 2771 Blk Cor NE E. Como Blvd. & Cottage St. (vacated), Como Park Boundary
6258 2772 Blk Cor SE E. Como Blvd. & Cottage St. (vacated), Como Park Boundary
6259 2773 Blk Cor NE E. Como Blvd. & Lakeview Ave, Como Park Boundary
6260 2775 E. side of E Como Blvd. btwn. Lakeview Ave. & W. Ivy Ave, Como Park Boundary
6261 2776 Blk Cor NE E. Como Blvd. & W. Ivy Ave, Como Park Boundary
6262 2777 Blk Cor SE E. Como Blvd. & W. Ivy Ave, Como Park Boundary
6263 2778 S. of Monument 2777 on E. Como Blvd. btwn. W. Ivy & Victoria St, Como Park Boundary
6264 2779 S. of Monument 2778 on E. Como Blvd. btwn. W. Ivy & Victoria St, Como Park Boundary
6265 2780 N. side of E. Como Blvd. btwn. Monument 2777 & Victoria St, Como Park Boundary
6266 2782 Blk Cor SE W. Ivy Ave. & Victoria St.
6267 2785 Blk Cor SE E. Como Blvd. & W. Maryland Ave.
6268 2786 Blk Cor NE E. Como Blvd. & W Rose Ave.
6269 2787 E. PL. Como Blvd. between W. Como Lake Dr. & W. Como Lake Dr.
6270 2788 Blk Cor NE E. Como Blvd. & Gerranium Ave. (vacated)
6271 2789 NE PL. on Como Ave. at intersection of Gateway Dr.
6272 2790 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como.
6273 2791 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como
6274 2792 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como
6275 2793 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como
6276 2794 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como
6277 2795 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como
6278 2796 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como
6279 2797 Park boundary on S side of Lake Como
6280 2798 Park boundary on S. side of Lake Como
6281 2799 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Laurel Ave.
6282 2800 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Dayton Ave.
6283 2801 Blk Cor NW Laurel Ave. (vacated) & Otis Ave.
6284 2802 1/16 Cor CL Laurel & West of Otis & East of the alley (149N)
6284 2802 1/16 Cor CL Laurel & West of Otis & East of the alley (149N)
6285 2803 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd. (Shadow falls park)& 203.3 ft North of CL of Summit.
6286 2804 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 257 ft east of Monument PI Old Index 2803
6287 2805 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 200.5 ft east of Monument PII 2804
6288 2806 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 124.5 ft east of Monument PI 2805
6289 2807 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 93 ft east of Monument PI 2806
6290 2808 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 84.5 ft east of Monument PI 2807
6291 2809 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 216 ft East of Monument PI 2808
6292 2810 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 110 ft North of Monument PI 2809
6293 2811 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 142 ft NW of Monument PI 2810
6294 2812 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 126 ft SW of Monument PI 2811
6295 2813 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 326 ft West of Monument PI 2812
6296 2814 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 325 ft west of Monument PI 2813
6297 2815 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 135 ft West of Monument PI 2814
6298 2816 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 328 ft SW of Monument PI 2815
6299 2817 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 204 ft NW of Monument PI 2816
6300 2818 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& About 236 ft north of Monument PI 2817
6301 2819 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 223 ft North of Monument PI 2818
6302 2820 Monument at PI on Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park)& about 140 ft north of Monument PI 2819
6303 2821 CL CL Mississippi River Blvd (Shadow falls park) & Laurel
6305 2823 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. (fka Summit Ave. Blvd.) & Dayton Ave.
6306 2824 Angle pt on Mississippi River Blvd E.side Between lots 7 & 8 btwn Dayton & Marshall
6307 2825 Angle pt on Mississippi River Blvd E.side Between lots 3 & 4 btwn Dayton & Marshall
6308 2826 Monument NE Cor Arcade & Northern Pacific RR R.O.W.
6309 2827 Monument NW Cor Arcade & Northern Pacific RR R.O.W.
6310 2828 Monument SW Cor Arcade & Northern Pacific RR R.O.W.
6311 2829 Monument SE Cor Arcade & Northern Pacific RR R.O.W.
6312 2830 Monument SE Cor Arcade & Omaha RR R.O.W
6313 2831 Monument SW Cor Arcade & Omaha RR R.O.W
6314 2832 S. side of Water St. & NW Cor of Blk 1 Cox's 1st Add.lot 19
6315 2833 Blk Cor SW Water St. & Joy St. (vacated)
6316 2835 Blk Cor SW Edward St. (vacatd) & vacated M & O RR R.O.W by the Mississippi River
6317 2836 Blk Cor NE Wyandotte St. & Alabama St.
6318 2838 E Line Court St & Levee Line (S Line Tennessee St)
6319 2839 Monument E. side of Lowell at Levee line
6320 2840 On 1885 River Survey line btwn River Survey monuments 522 and 459
6321 2842 Spring St. & NE Cor of Blk 43 Lot 1 of Rice & Irvines Add. (Same as 0543)
6322 2843 N. of Horton St. on NW Cor of W. Como Blvd. (NE Cor of Lot 1)
6323 2844 S. of Monument Old Index 2843 on W. side of W. Como Blvd. between lots 3 & 4
6324 2845 S. of Monument Old Index 2844 on W. side of W. Como Blvd. between lots 7 & 8
6325 2846 S. of Monument Old Index 2845 on W. side of W. Como Blvd. between lots 11 & 12
6326 2847 Blk Cor NW W. Como Blvd. & Horton Ave.
6327 2848 Blk Cor NE Horton Ave. & Churchill St.
6328 2849 N. of Horton Ave. on E. side of Churchill St. between lots 17 & 18
6329 2850 N. of Monument OLd Index 2849 on E. side of Churchill St. between lots 21 & 22
6330 2851 N. of Monument Old Index 2850 on E. side of Churchill St. between lots 24 & 25
6331 2852 E side of Churchill St N of Monument 2851 NW Cor of Lot 29
6332 2853 Blk Cor SW Horton St. & W. Como Blvd.
6333 2854 On W. Como Blvd. between Horton St. & Chatsworth St. (NW of Monument Old Index 2855)
6334 2856 Blk Cor NE Van Slyke Ave. & Argyle St. (SW Cor Lot 14).
6335 2857 On NE side of Van Slyke Ave. between Churchill St. & Argyle St.
6336 2858 Blk Cor SE Horton St. & Van Slyke Ave.
6337 2859 NE Blk Cor of Bazille & Guerin's Old Claim Line on Twelfth St.
6338 2860 Monument at 209.5 SW of Monument Old Index 2859
6339 2861 Monument at 222.56 South of Monument Old Index 2860 at N. line of Cottage Ave.
6340 2862 Monument at Bazille & Guerin's Old Claim Line & N. line of Cottage Ave.
6341 2863 Blk Cor NE Portland Ave. & Dunlap St.
6342 2864 Blk Cor SW Portland Ave. & Dunlap St.
6343 2865 Blk Cor SE Portland Ave. & Griggs St.
6344 2866 Blk Cor NW Portland Ave. & Griggs St.
6345 2867 Blk Cor NW Portland Ave. & Syndicate St.
6346 2868 Blk Cor SE Portland Ave. & Syndicate St.
6347 2869 Blk Cor SE Hamline Ave & Portland Ave
6348 2870 CL CL Portland Ave. & Hamline Ave.
6349 2871 Blk Cor NE Syndicate St. & Ashland Ave.
6350 2872 Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Dunlap St.
6351 2873 Blk Cor SW Laurel Ave. & Dunlap St.
6352 2874 Blk Cor SE Laurel Ave. & Griggs St.
6353 2875 Blk Cor NW Laurel Ave. & Griggs St.
6354 2877 Blk Cor SW Laurel Ave. & Syndicate St.
6355 2880 E. line of Howell St. & N. line of Taylor Ave. (fka Hilles Ave.)
6356 2881 Blk Cor SW Howell St. (fka Pusey Ave.) & Taylor Ave. (fka Hilles St.)
6357 2882 Blk Cor NE Howell St. (fka Pusey Ave.) & Hewitt Ave. (fka Tallula Ave.)
6358 2883 Blk Cor SW Howell St. (fka Pusey Ave.) & Hewitt Ave. (fka Tallula Ave.)
6359 2884 Blk Cor NE Howell St. (fka Pusey Ave.) & Pennock Ave.
6360 2885 Blk Cor SW Howell St. (fka Pusey Ave.) & Pennock St.
6361 2886 Blk Cor NE Howell St. (fka Pusey Ave.) & Chelton Ave.
6362 2887 Monument at PT on E line of Mississippi River Blvd South of Summit.
6363 2888 Monument at PC on E line of Mississippi River Blvd Between Summit & Goodrich
6364 2889 Monument at PT on E line of Mississippi River Blvd Between Summit & Goodrich
6365 2891 Monument at PT on E line of Mississippi River Blvd Between Princeton & St Clair Between lots 19 & 18.
6366 2892 Monument at PT on E line of Mississippi River Blvd North of St Clair btwn lots 14 & 13
6367 2893 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & St. Clair St.
6368 2894 Monument at E. line of Mississippi River Blvd. & 269 ft S. of Monument 2893 at SE Blk Cor Mississippi River Blvd & St. Clair Ave.
6369 2895 E. line of Mississippi River Blvd. & about 38 ft South of Monument Old Index 2894
6370 2896 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Stanford Ave. (fka Grace St.)
6371 2897 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Stanford Ave. (fka Grace St.)
6372 2898 Angle Pt E. line of Mississippi River Blvd. & South half of Lot 15 South of Stanford.
6373 2899 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd & Jefferson Ave.
6374 2900 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd & James Ave. (vacated)
6375 2902 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Randolph Ave.
6376 2903 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Juno Ave. (produced).
6377 2904 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Juno Ave. (produced).
6378 2905 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Niles Ave. (produced).
6379 2906 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Niles Ave. (produced).
6380 2907 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Watson Ave. (produced).
6381 2908 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Watson Ave. (produced).
6382 2909 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Hartford Ave.
6383 2910 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Hartford Ave.
6384 2911 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Bayard Ave. (Produced)
6385 2912 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd & Bayard Ave. (Produced)
6386 2913 Monument CL Scheffer (produced) & SW Cor of Lot 13 190.69 ft from West Sec line
6387 2914 Monument at angle pt E line Mississippi River Blvd & on Blk 1 Lot 16 Riverwood Add
6388 2915 Monument at PT E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & on Blk 2 Lot 1 Edgecliffe Addition No. 2
6389 2917 E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South Sec Line CL of Highland Pkwy.
6390 2918 E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & about 73 ft South of CL Highland Pkwy.
6391 2919 Angle Pt E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & on Lot 9 South of Highland Pkwy.
6392 2920 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Ford Parkway
6393 2921 Angle Pt & E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & between Lot 14 & 15 South of Ford Parkway
6394 2922 Angle Pt & E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & on Lot 16 South of Ford Parkway
6395 2923 PT E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & between lots 21 & 22 North of vacated Bohland
6396 2924 PC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & vacated Surrey
6397 2925 PT E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South of vacated Surrey.
6398 2926 PC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South of vacated Surrey
6399 2927 PC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South 1/4 line of the North half of Sec 17-28-23
6400 2928 PT E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & 1125.55 ft S. of Old Index #2927
6401 2929 PC W. line Mississippi River Blvd. & E. side of Lot 3 of Ford Motor Company.
6402 2930 PT W. line Mississippi River Blvd. & 172 ft N. of Old Index #2929
6403 2931 SE Cor Lot 1 of Ford Motor Company First Addition & 211 ft NE of Old Index #2930
6404 2932 PC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & on Lot 2 BLK 4 of Bisanz Riverwood Terrace No. 2
6406 2934 E. line Mississippi River Blvd. at lot 27 Blk 3 Hiawatha Park Addition No. 2
6407 2935 E. line Mississippi River Blvd. at lot 22 Blk 3 Hiawatha Park Addition No. 2
6408 2936 E. line Mississippi River Blvd. at lot 16 Blk 3 Hiawatha Park Addition No. 2
6409 2937 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd. & Itasca Ave.
6410 2938 Blk Cor SE Mississippi River Blvd. & Itasca Ave.
6411 2939 E. line Mississippi River Blvd. at SE Cor lot 18 Blk 8 Hiawatha Park Addition No 2
6412 2940 PT E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South sec line 172823 CL Ramlow
6413 2941 PC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & Just North of Elsie Lane on Lot 11.
6414 2942 PT E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South about 174 ft SE Cor Elsie Lane on Lot 13.
6415 2943 PRC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South of Eisie Lane on Lot 12.
6416 2944 PRC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & South of Eisie Lane on Lot 10.
6417 2945 PC E line Mississippi River Blvd. & South of Eisie Lane on Lot 9.
6418 2946 PT E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & 65.50 ft South of Old Index 2945.
6419 2947 PC E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & North of Cleveland Ave. & on Lot 23
6420 2948 PT NE line of Mississippi River Blvd. & Cleveland Ave. on Lot 11
6421 2949 PC NE line of Mississippi River Blvd. South of Cleveland Ave. on Lot 13
6422 2950 PT NE line of Mississippi River Blvd. North of Kenneth St. on Lot 14
6423 2951 PC NE line of Mississippi River Blvd. South of Kenneth St. on Lot 14
6424 2952 PT NE line of Mississippi River Blvd. South of Kenneth St. on Lot 15
6425 2953 PC NE line of Mississippi River Blvd. South of Kenneth St. on Lot 18
6426 2954 Angle Pt. N. line of Mississippi River Blvd. NW of Prior Ave. on Lot 22
6427 2955 N. line of Mississippi River Blvd. on CL of Prior Ave.
6428 2956 Blk Cor NW Mississippi River Blvd. & vacated W. 7th St.
6429 2957 Blk Cor NE Mississippi River Blvd & vacated W. 7th St.
6430 2958 Blk Cor NW Mississippi River Blvd. & W 7th St.
6431 2959 Blk Cor SE Atlantic St. & Ross Ave.
6432 2960 Blk Cor NW Forest St. & Maryland Ave.
6433 2966 Blk Cor NE Walsh St & York Ave
6434 2967 Blk Cor SW Walsh St. & Sims Ave.
6435 2969 CL Walsh St. & 1/4 line S. of the center of Case Ave.
6436 2972 Blk Cor NW Thomas Ave. & Hamline Ave.
6437 2973 Blk Cor NW Thomas Ave. & Albert St.
6438 2974 Blk Cor NW Thomas Ave. & Pascal St.
6439 2975 Blk Cor SE Thomas Ave. & Simpson St.
6440 2976 Blk Cor NE Thomas Ave. & Asbury St.
6441 2977 Blk Cor NE Thomas Ave. & Snelling Ave.
6442 2978 Blk Cor SE Maryland Ave. & Abell St.
6443 2979 Blk Cor NW Rose Ave. & Abell St.
6444 2980 Blk Cor NW Charles Ave. & Pascal St.
6445 2981 Blk Cor SE Simpson St. & Charles Ave.
6446 2982 Blk Cor SE Charles Ave. & Asbury St.
6447 2983 Blk Cor SE Charles Ave. & Snelling Ave.
6448 2984 Blk Cor NE Snelling Ave. & Wynne Ave.
6449 2985 Blk Cor NE Wynne Ave. & Arona Ave.
6450 2986 Blk Cor NE Wynne Ave. & Pascal Ave.
6451 2987 Blk Cor NE Wynne Ave. & Albert Ave.
6452 2988 CL CL Wynne Ave. & Hamline Ave.
6453 2989 Blk Cor SW Snelling Ave. & Laurel Ave.
6454 2990 Blk Cor SW Laurel Ave. & Fry St.
6455 2992 Blk Cor SE Laurel Ave. & Pierce St.
6456 2994 Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Aldine St.
6457 2995 Blk Cor 29.85 ft W. from W. line Herschel & 33 ft North of CL Laurel Ave.
6458 2996 Blk Cor SE Laurel Ave. & Herschel St.
6459 2997 Blk Cor SE Laurel Ave & Wheeler St
6460 2998 Blk Cor SE Fairview Ave. & Laurel Ave.
6461 3000 Blk Cor NW Portland Ave. & Fry St.
6462 3001 Blk Cor SE Portland Ave. & Pierce St.
6463 3002 Blk Cor NW Portland Ave. & Pierce St.
6464 3003 Blk Cor NE Portland Ave. & Aldine St.
6465 3004 Blk Cor NE Portland Ave. & Herschel St. (vacated)
6466 3005 S. side of Portland & 29.40 ft from the W. line of Herschel St. (vacated)
6467 3006 Blk Cor NE Portland Ave. & Wheeler St.
6468 3008 Blk Cor NW Franklin Ave. & Curfew St.
6469 3009 Blk Cor SW Curfew St. & Ellis St.
6470 3010 Blk Cor NW Raymond Ave. & Wabash Ave.
6471 3011 Blk Cor NW Raymond Ave & Myrtle Ave
6472 3012 Blk Cor NW Summit Ave. & Cretin Ave.
6473 3013 Blk Cor NW Cretin Ave. & Riverwood Pl. (vacated Laurel)
6474 3016 Blk Cor NW Selby Ave. & Finn St.
6475 3018 Blk Cor SW Finn ST. & Marshall Ave.
6476 3020 Blk Cor SW Hawthorne Ave. & Arcade St.
6477 3023 Blk Cor NE Grand Ave. & Albert St.
6478 3029 S. line of Marshall Ave. & 29.56 ft from 1/4 1/4 line (CL Cretin Ave.)
6479 ___a E. line of Wacouta St. & CL 8th St.
6480 ___b 1/16 Cor Hazel St. & Hoyt Ave. (40NE)
6481 ___c 1/16 Cor Hoyt Ave. & Winthrop St. (41NE)
6482 ___d 1/16 Cor Kennard St. & Ivy Ave. (60NE)
6483 ___e 1/16 Cor Ivy Ave. & Winthrop St. / Orange Ave. (62NE)
6484 ___f 1/16 Cor Emerald & Ellis (85N)
6485 ___g 1/16 Cor University Ave. & Mackubin St. (114E)
6486 ___h 1/16 Cor University & Galtier (115E)
6488 ___j 1/16 Cor Rice & St Anthony produced. (137N)
6489 ___k 1/16 Cor Snelling Ave. & Jefferson Ave. (194N)
6490 ___l 1/16 Cor Cleveland & Hartford, falls on Sanitary MH (213N)
6491 ___m 1/16 Cor Highland Parkway & Davern, falls on Sanitary MH (214E)
6492 ___n 1/16 Cor Cleveland Ave. & Magoffin Ave. (255N)
6493 ___o Kennard St. & Orange Ave.
6494 ___p 1/16 Cor Larpenteur Ave. (fka Minneapolis Ave.) & Chatsworth St. (7E)
6495 ___q 1/16 Cor Earl St. & Old Hudson Rd. (fka Hastings)
6496 ___r 1/16 Cor Montreal Ave. & Griggs St. (Produced) (237E)
6497 ___s 1/16 Cor Desoto St. & North St. (118NE)
6498 ___t 1/16 Cor Case & Kennard, 1" Steel Pin (81E)
6499 ___u 1/16 Cor Edgerton St. & Hoyt Ave. (35N)
6500 ___v 1/16 Cor Summit Ave. & Cretin Ave. (149E)
6501 ___w 1/16 Cor Cleveland & Bohland (234N)
6502 ___y 1/16 Cor University & Cedar St Bridge 1/2" drill hole (116E) NOT COGO PT 1029
6503 ___z Winnifred St. & East Line Sec. 7-28-22
6504 __aa Isabel St. & East Line Sec. 7-28-22
6505 __ab CL Hall Ave. & N. Line Sec. 7-28-22 (Delos)
6506 __ac CL Stryker Ave. & N. Line Sec. 7-28-22 (Delos)
6508 __af E. line Mississippi River Blvd. & btwn. lots 1 & 3 of the Ford Motor Company First Addition.
6509 __ag 12.66 Ft N. of N line Mississippi River Blvd. & btwn. lots 1 & 2 of the Ford Motor Company First Addition.
6510 __ah Intersection of Levee Line and the East line Section 6 T28N R22W
6511 __aj Pascal Ave. & Wynne Ave.
6512 __ak Summit Ave. & Oxford St.
6513 __al South side of Wyoming St. & West Line Section 8 T28N R22W, Angle Pt.
6514 __am Southwest Intersection of Wyoming St. & Gorman Ave.
6515 __an Northwest corner of Wyoming St. & South Robert St.
6516 __ao Northwest corner of Wyoming St. & Livingston Ave.
6517 __ap Grove St. & Broadway
6518 __at 8th St. & Minnesota St.
6519 __aq Grove St. & Mississippi St.
6520 __ar Ruth St. & Bush Ave. (fka Faquier)
6521 __as Blk Cor NW Hartford Ave. & Montrose Lane.
6522 __au Maria Ave. & North St.
6524 __aw Blk Cor NE Snelling Ave. & Breda Ave.
6525 __ax Winona St. & Charlton St.
6526 __ay 9th St. & Exchange St, Angle Pt.
6527 __az Monument at Otto St. & Stewart Ave.
6528 __bc Idaho Ave. & Edgerton Ave.
6529 __bd CL CL Idaho Ave. & Greenbrier St.
6530 __bg Center of the Southest 1/4 of Section 15 T28N R23W
6531 __bh Angle Point on St Paul Ave between Quirnia & Montreal Ave.
6532 __bi Northeast corner of M.R.B. & Marshall Ave.
6533 __bj Northwest corner of M.R.B. & Block 45
6534 __bk Southeast corner of M.R.B. & Pelham Blvd.
6535 __bm Northeast corner of University Ave. & John St.
6536 __bs Wabash Ave. & W. City Limits.
6537 __bt Franklin Ave. & Emerald St.
6538 __ch Blk Cor SE Highland Pkwy. & Mississippi River Blvd.
6539 __cj Blk Cor NW Mt. Curve Blvd. & Hartford Ave.
6540 __ck SE Cor Mt. Curve & Hartford Ave.
6541 __cl SW Cor Mt. Curve & Hartford Ave.
6542 __cm NE Cor Hartford Ave. & Montrose Lane
6543 __cn NW Cor Hartford Ave. & Cretin Ave.
6544 __co Monument at Idaho Ave. & Arcade St.
6545 __cp 1/16 Cor Birmingham St. & Magnolia Ave. (Sanborn Ave) (80NE)
6546 __cq 1/16 Cor Norfolk Ave. & Prior Ave. (276E)
6547 __cr Blk Cor NE Maria Ave. & Urban Pl.
6548 __cs Blk Cor NW Maria Ave. & Urban Pl.
6549 __dc Annapolis St. & Hall Ave.
6550 __dd Annapolis St & Woodbury St
6551 __de Annapolis St. & Brown Ave.
6552 __df 1/4 line on Charlton between Sidney St. & Curtice St.
6553 __ai 1/4 line on Idaho Ave. between Victoria St. & Fisk St.
6555 __do Angle point on the West side of Arkwright, Northwest of Laffayette
6556 __dp SE Cor of alley at Arkwright St. between Pennsyvania Ave. & Rialto (vacated)
6557 __dq Center of Herkimier Ave. (vacated) near Arkwright St.
6558 __dr NE Cor of Herkimier Ave. (vacated) & Arkwright St.
6559 __ds SW Cor of Western Ave. & Selby Ave.
6560 __dt South side of Lincoln Ave. at alley between Dale St. & Grand Ave. (fka Oakland)
6561 __du Near the Radius point at Dale St. & Fairmount Ave.
6562 __dv Blk Cor SE Ontario St. (vacated) & Washington (vacated)
6563 __dw Blk Cor NE Ontario St. (vacated) & Spring St. (vacated)
6564 __dx Blk Cor NE Wabasha St. & North railroad R/W at Shepard Rd.
6565 __dy CL Bidwell St. & CL Winifred St.
6566 __dz CL Bidwell St. & CL Congress St.
6567 __ea CL George St. & E. line of Sec 07-28-22
6568 __eb CL King St. & E. line of Sec 07-28-22
6569 __ec CL Concord St. & NS 1/16 Line of Sec 08-28-22
6570 __ed CL Concord St. at angle point neer the N. side of Ada St.
6571 __ee CL Concord St. & NS Center Line of Sec 08-28-22
6572 __ef W. Line of State St. near the EW Center Line of Sec 08-28-22
6573 __eh E. Line of Hall Ave. & the South Add. Line of West St. Paul Proper
6574 __ei W Line of Dodd Rd. (Wabasha) near the EW 1/16 line of the SE Sec of 07-28-22
6575 __ej CL of Dodd Rd. (Wabasha) & N. side of Sidney St.
6576 __ek Angle point at the CL of Dodd Rd. (Wabasha) N of Page St.
6577 __el NE Cor of Allen Ave. (Wabasha) & Annapolis St.
6578 __em E. Side of Charlton St. S of Winona St.
6579 __en CL of Charlton St. & CL of Curtis (Belmont) St. to the East
6580 __eo CL of Charlton St. & the EW 1/16 line of the SE Sec of 07-28-22
6581 __ep PI of Como Ave. at Knapp Pl.
6582 __eq PI on Hillside Ave. at Commonwealth Ave.
6583 __er PI on Hillside Ave. W of Gordon Ave.
6584 __et Blk Cor SW Prescott (vacated) (fka Campbell St.) & Morton St. (vacated) (fka Bunker)
6585 __kf CL Como Ave. & CL Raymond Ave.
6586 __kg Blk Cor SE Carter Ave. & Eustis Ave.
6587 __ki CL of Nebraska Ave. & CL of McAfee St. to the North
6588 __kj CL of Nebraska Ave. & CL of McAfee St. to the South
6589 __kk Blk Cor SE Hoyt Ave. & McAfee St.
6590 __km Blk Cor NW English St. & Seventh St.
6591 __kx 1/16 Cor of Greenbrier St. & Arlington Ave.
6592 __ky 1/16 Cor of Hazel St. & Ivy St. (61NE)
6593 1217;__kz CL Hewitt W. & Hamline Ave
6594 __la N. ROW Cor of old Warner Rd. near SW COR sec 32-29-22 (PL7 in DOC# 957857)
6595 __lb N. ROW Cor of old & New Warner Rd. near Lot 9 Blk 16 Suburban Hills Add. (PL24 in DOC# 957857)
6596 __lc N. ROW Cor of old Warner Rd. near Lot 4 Blk 16 Suburban Hills Add. (PL25 in DOC# 957857)
6597 __ld NE Cor Goodrich Ave. & Mississippi River Blvd.
6598 __le CL-CL Chatsworth St. & Summit Ave.
6599 __lf Blk Cor NW Kennard St. & Suburban St.
6600 __lg Blk Cor SW Clarence St. & Nebraska Ave.
6601 __lh Blk Cor NE Clarence St. & Ivy Ave.
6602 __li Blk Cor SW Burr St. & Ivy Ave.
6603 __lj Blk Cor SW Greenbrier St. & Hawthorne Ave.
6604 __lk Blk Cor NE Hawthorne Ave. & Edgerton St.
6605 __ll CL-CL Andrew St. & Annapolis St.
6606 __lm CL-CL Annapolis St. & Harvard St.
6607 __ln Blk Cor SE Idaho Ave. & Weide St.
6608 __lo Blk Cor SW Germain St. & Nebraska Ave.
6609 __lp Blk Cor NE Germain St. & Nebraska Ave.
6611 __lr CL-CL Desoto St. & Idaho Ave.
6612 __ls Blk Cor NW Desoto St. & Nebraska Ave.
6613 __lt Blk Cor NE Arkwright St. & Nebraska Ave.
6614 __lu CL-CL Arlington Ave. & Desoto St.
6615 __lv Blk Cor SW Desoto St. & Montana
6616 __lw 1/16th Cor (34NE) CL-CL Hoyt Ave. & Desoto
6617 __lx Blk Cor NE Hoyt Ave. & Park Ave.
6618 __ly Blk Cor SW Cottage Ave. & Jessie St.
6619 __lz Blk Cor NW Ivy Ave. & Jessie St.
6620 __ma Blk Cor SE Bradley St. & Cottage Ave.
6622 __mc Blk Cor NE Elway St. & Montreal Ave.
6623 __md Blk Cor SE Adrian St. & Elway St.
6624 __me Blk Cor NE Adrian St. & Elway St.
6625 __mf Blk Cor NE Bradley St. & Ivy Ave.
6626 __mg 1/16th Cor (1E) Eustis St. & Larpenteur Ave.
6627 __mh Blk Cor NE Charles Ave. & Vandalia St.
6628 __mi E side of Vandalia St. & on S. line of Sec.29-29-23
6629 __mj E side of Vandalia St. & 86.9' south of SPL of Territorial Rd
6630 __mk Blk Cor NW Pennock St. & Tatum St.
6631 __ml Blk Cor NE Hewitt (fka Tallula) Ave. & Tatum St.
6632 __mm Blk Cor SE Arlington Ave. & Birmingham St.
6633 __mn Blk Cor NE Aurora & Marion St.
6634 __mo Blk Cor NW Fuller Ave. & Galtier St.
6635 __mp Blk Cor NE Farrington St. & Fuller Ave.
6636 __mq Blk Cor SE Farrington St. & Fuller Ave.
6637 __mr 1/16th Cor (54N) CL-CL Ivy Ave. & Jackson St.
6638 __ms Blk Cor SE Clarence St. & Hoyt Ave.
6639 __mt Blk Cor NW Hampshire Ave. & Cleveland Ave.
6640 __mu Blk Cor NE Greenbrier St. & Iowa Ave.
6641 __mv Blk Cor SW Hoyt Ave & Weide St
6642 __mw Blk Cor SW Idaho Ave. & Oxford St.
6643 __mx Blk Cor NE Avon St & Englewood Ave (fka Capitol)
6644 __my Blk Cor NE Albany & Arona CS1447 p.3
6645 __mz Blk Cor NW Albany Ave. & Pascal Ave.
6646 __na 1/16th Cor (73E) CL-CL Front Ave. & Galtier St.
6647 __nb Blk Cor SW Englewood Ave. & Grotto St.
6648 __nc Blk Cor SE Hamline Ave. & Taylor Ave.
6649 __nd Blk Cor NW Syndicate St. & Taylor Ave.
6650 __ne Blk Cor SW Marshall Ave. & Syndicate St.
6651 __nf Blk Cor NE Marshall Ave. & Syndicate St.
6652 __ng Blk Cor SE Iglehart St. & Syndicate St.
6653 __nh Blk Cor SE Carroll Ave. & Syndicate St.
6656 __nj CL-CL Marshall Ave. & Oxford St.
6657 __nk Blk Cor SW Ashland Ave. & Oxford St.
6658 __nl Blk Cor NW Rankin St. & Youngman Ave.
6659 __nm P.T. N. side of Yorkshire & 9.5' East of the West line lot 34 Blk 1 of Bohland's Edgcumbe Hills Add.
6660 __nn P.C. on the N. side of Yorkshire Ave. at lot 29 Blk 1 of Bohland's Edgecumbe Hills Add.
6661 __no P.T. on the N. side of Yorkshire Ave. at lot 22 Blk 1 of Bohland's Edgecumbe Hills Add.
6662 __np P.C. on the N. side of Yorkshire Ave. at lot 22 Blk 1 of Bohland's Edgecumbe Hills Add.
6663 __nq P.T. on the N. side of Yorkshire Ave. at lot 7 Blk 2 of Bohland's Edgecumbe Hills Add.
6664 __nr Blk Cor SW Randolph Ave. & Montrose Lane
6665 __ns Blk Cor SW Alaska Ave. & Race St.
6666 __nt Blk Cor NW Alaska Ave. & W 7th St.
6667 __nu Blk Cor SE Jefferson Ave. & Mississippi River Blvd.
6668 __nv Blk Cor NE Griggs St. & Jefferson Ave.
6669 __nw Blk Cor SW Fry St. & Lafond Ave.
6670 __nx Blk Cor NW Albion Ave. & Race St.
6671 __ny Blk Cor NE Hartford & Mount Curve Blvd.
6672 __nz Blk Cor SW Mount Curve Blvd. & Randolph Ave.
6673 __oa Blk Cor SE Mount Curve Blvd. & Randolph Ave.
6674 __ob Blk Cor SW Mount Curve Blvd. & Saint Clair Ave.
6675 __oc Blk Cor NE Mount Curve Blvd. & Wellesley Ave.
6676 __od Blk Cor NW Finn St. & Roblyn Ave.
6677 __oe Blk Cor SE Finn St. & Roblyn Ave.
6678 __of Blk Cor NW Adrian St. & Albion Ave.
6679 __og Blk Cor SE Adrian St. & Albion Ave.
6680 __oh Blk Cor NW Adrian St. & Alaska Ave.
6681 __oi Blk Cor SE Adrian St. & Alaska Ave.
6682 __oj Blk Cor SE Adrian St. & Vista Ave.
6683 __ok Blk Cor SE Vista St. & W. 7th St.
6684 __ol Blk Cor NW Vista St. & W. 7th St.
6685 __om Blk Cor SE Alaska & W. 7th. St.
6686 __on Blk Cor SE Albion Ave. & W. 7th St.
6687 __oo On East Section line of 14-28-23 & Cl of W. 7th St.
6688 __op Blk Cor SW Arona St. & Breda Ave.
6689 __ot Blk Cor SE Breda Ave. & Pascal St.
6691 __os Blk Cor NW Breda Ave. & Hamline Ave.
6692 __ou Blk Cor NW Asbury St. & Carroll Ave.
6693 __ov Blk Cor SE Carroll Ave. & Pierce St.
6694 __ow Blk Cor NW Carroll Ave. & Pierce St.
6695 __ox Blk Cor SW Asbury Ave. & Blair Ave.
6696 __oy Blk Cor NW Fairview Ave. & St. Anthony Ave.
6697 __oz Blk Cor SW Blair Ave. & Pascal St.
6698 __pa Blk Cor NE Blair ave. & Simpson Ave.
6699 __pb Blk Cor SW Asbury & Rondo (Concordia)
6700 __pc Blk Cor NE Roy St. & Shields Ave.
6701 __pd Blk Cor SW Roy St. & Univesity Ave.
6702 __pe Blk Cor SE Albany Ave. & Snelling Ave.
6703 __pf Blk Cor SW Albany Ave. & Arona St.
6704 __pg Blk Cor NE Fry St. & Lafond ave.
6705 __ph Angle Pt. on the South side of Lafond Ave. between Fry St. & Snelling Ave.
6706 __pi Blk Cor SW Lafond Ave. & Snelling Ave.
6707 __pj Blk Cor SE Lafond Ave. & Wheeler St.
6708 __pk Blk Cor NE Aldine St. & Lafond Ave.
6709 __pl On the addition line North side of Lafond Ave. between Fairview Ave. & Wheeler Ave.
6710 __pm Angle Pt. on the North side of Lafond between Aldine St. & Fry St.
6711 __pn Angle Pt. South side of Lafond Ave. 22.15 ft west of the West PL of Fry St.
6712 __po Blk Cor NE Rondo (Concordia) & Snelling Ave.
6713 __pp Blk Cor SW Hoyt Ave. and Birmingham St.
6714 __pq Blk Corner NW Cor Birmingham St. and Nebraska Ave.
6716 __ps Blk Cor SW Saratoga St. & Summit Ave.
6717 __pt Blk Cor NE Lincoln Ave. & Saratoga St.
6718 __pu Blk Cor NE Laurel Ave. & Saratoga St.
6719 __pv CL CL Commercial St. & 6th St.
6720 __pw Blk Cor NE Nokomis Ave. & Tilsen Ave.
6721 __px Blk Cor NW Mcknight Rd. & Nokomis Ave.
6722 __py Blk Cor NW McKnight Rd. & Tilsen Ave.
6723 __pz CL of Bayard at the addition line between Albert St. & Pascal St.
6724 __qa Blk Cor NW Daly St. & Jefferson Ave.
6725 __qb Blk Cor SE Daly St. & Grace St.
6726 __qc 1/16 Cor CLCL Beverly & Cretin (107E)
6727 __qd CL-CL of Brewster St. & Raleigh St.
6728 __qe CL-CL (P.I.) Hazel St. & Kim Place
6729 __qf CL-CL Falcon Ave. & Winthrop St.
6730 __qg CL-CL Hillsdale & Winthrop
6732 __qi Blk Cor NW Dieter St. & Nevada Ave.
6733 __qj N side of Iowa Ave. at the angle pt. 416.4 ft W of Edgerton St.
6734 __qk Blk Cor NE Mcafee St. & Topic Lane
6735 __ql Blk Cor SW Clarence St. & Topic Lane
6736 __qm 1/16 Cor CL-CL of S. Birmingham St. & Hoyt Ave.
6737 __qn Blk Cor SE Etna St. & Nebraska Ave.
6738 __qo Blk Cor NE Sixth St. & Winthrop Ave.
6739 __qp Angle pt. on the E side of Barclay St. between Hoyt Ave. & Nebraska Ave.
6740 __qq Blk Cor SW Iowa Ave. & Kennard St.
6741 __qr Angle pt. at the Addition Line N. side of Pacific St. between Hazelwood St. & Kennard St.
6742 __qs Angle pt. at the Addition Line N. side of McLean Ave. between Hazelwood St. & Kennard St.
6743 __qt Angle pt. at the E. Alley Line & CL of Suburban Ave. between Hazelwood St. & Kennard St.
6744 __qu Angle pt. at the Addition Line N. side of Suburban Ave. between Hazelwood St. & Kennard St.
6745 __qv Blk Cor NE Idaho Ave. & Luella St.
6746 __qw Blk Cor SE Howard St. & Stillwater Ave.
6747 __qx Blk Cor NE Howard St. & Seventh St.
6748 __qy Blk Cor NW East 7th (Seventh) St & Lake St
6749 __qz Blk Cor NW Bush Ave. & McKnight Road
6750 __ra Blk Cor Germain St. & Nevada Ave.
6751 __rb Blk Cor SE Pederson St. & Third St.
6752 __rc Blk Cor SE Pederson St. & Fourth St.
6753 __rd Blk Cor SE Hazelwood St. & Maryland Ave.
6754 __re Blk Cor SW Ames Ave. & Hazelwood St.
6755 __rf CL Hazelwood St. between Ames Ave. & Case Ave. (N. PL of the RR)
6756 __rg Blk Cor SE Johnson Pkwy & Wilson Ave.
6757 __rh Blk Cor SW Idaho Ave. & Kennard St.
6758 __ri Blk Cor SW Birmingham St. & Ivy Ave.
6759 __rj Blk Cor SE Arlington Ave. (fka Lake Como & Phalen Ave.) & Kennard St.
6760 __rk Blk Cor SE Randolph Ave. & Montrose Lane
6761 __rl S. side of Aurora Ave. W. of Rice St. West Add. Line of Frost's RE.
6762 __rm N. side of Hampshire Ave. 661.20 ft W. of Cleveland Ave.
6763 __rn S. side of Hampshire Ave. 661.20 ft W. of Cleveland Ave.
6764 __ro CL-CL Kennard St. & Ames Ave.
6765 __rp CL of Hazelwood St & S. PL of Idaho Ave.
6766 __rq Blk Cor SE Cleveland Ave. & Ashland Ave.
6767 __rr Blk Cor NE Lafond St. & Syndicate St.
6768 __rs Blk Cor SW Van Buren St. & Syndicate St.
6769 __rt Blk Cor SW Charles Ave. & Pascal St.
6770 __ru Blk Cor NW Fry St. & St. Anthony Ave.
6771 __rv Blk Cor SE Fry St. & Shields Ave.
6772 __rw Blk Cor SE Snelling Ave. & Carroll Ave.
6773 __rx Blk Cor SW Portland Ave. & Saratoga St.
6774 __ry CL-CL Kipling St. & Hillsdale Ave.
6775 __sa Blk Cor SE Hoyt Ave. & Etna St.
6776 __sb Blk Cor SW University Ave. & Wheeler St.
6777 __sc Blk Cor SW Ivy Ave. & Greenbrier St.
6778 __sd Blk Cor SE Tatum St. & Taylor Ave.
6779 __se Blk Cor NE Stanford Ave (fka Grace) & Griggs St
6780 __sf SE Cor Johnson Pkwy & Fifth St
6781 __sg CL Mississippi St, 55 ft north of CL Broadway St.
6782 __sh CL Homer St & CL Benson Ave
6783 __si Blk Cor NW Maryland Ave & Greenbrier St
6784 __sj Blk Cor SW Prior Ave & Laurel Ave
6785 __sk Blk Cor SE Cleveland Ave & Iglehart Ave
6786 __sl Blk Cor NW Cleveland Ave & Roblyn Ave
6787 __sm Blk Cor SW Lexington Pkwy & S line StPM&M RR ROW, appx 250 ft NW of Lexington & Pierce Butler
6788 0901D AP on N line St Anthony Ave (taken for I-94)
6789 1128 Paving Offset 15 ft E of W line Robert St (55 ft ROW) & near N line 9th (Ninth) St
6790 __sp CL/CL Robert St (55' ROW) & 10th (Tenth) St
6791 __sq AP on CL Robert St (55' ROW) at N line 12th (Twelfth) St
6792 1140 Paving Offset 14 ft E of W line Jackson St & on N line 10th (Tenth) St
6793 __so Blk Cor offset 7 ft W of E line Pascal St & 7 ft N of S line Wellesley Ave
6794 __ss Blk Cor offset 7 ft W of E line Pascal St & & ft N of S line Stanford Ave
6795 __st Blk Cor offset 7 ft W of E line Pascal St & 7 ft N of S line Berkeley Ave
6796 __su Blk Cor offset 7 ft E of W line Hamline Ave & 7 ft N of S line Wellesley Ave
6797 __sv Blk Cor offset 7 ft E of W line Hamline Ave & 7 ft N of S line Stanford Ave
6798 __sw Blk Cor offset 7 ft E of W line Hamline Ave & 7 ft N of S line Berkeley Ave
6799 __sx Blk Cor SW St Clair Ave & Hamline Ave
6800 __sy AP on S line Ames Ave appx 425 ft W of W line Kingsford St
6801 __sz AP on S line Ames Ave appx 1130 ft E of E line Hazelwood St
6802 __ta Blk Cor NW Bates Ave & Short St
6803 __tb Blk Cor NW Bates Ave & Urban Place
6804 __tc Blk Cor SW Randolph Ave & Cretin Ave
6805 __td Blk Cor SE Bancroft & Robie
6806 __te Blk Cor SE Ada St & Robie St
6807 __tf Blk Cor NE Ada St & Robie St
6808 __tg Blk Cor SW Congress St & Franklin St (vac), appx 250 ft E of SE corner Congress & Ada
6809 __th Blk Cor SW Robie St & Franklin St (vac), appx 250 ft E of SE corner Robie & Ada
6810 __ti WP on CL Duke St & CL Jefferson Ave (1/16 Line)
6811 __tj Blk Cor NW Ivy Ave & Quincy St (vac), appx 125 ft E of NE corner East Como Blvd & Ivy
6812 __tk Park Cor SW Fairmount Ave & Goodrich Ave (WP on 1/16 Line)
6813 __tl Blk Cor SE Desoto St & Magnolia Ave
6814 __tm WP on S line Como Ave (66' ROW) & West City Limits (Sec Line E19/W20-29-23)
6815 __tn Blk Cor SW East 7th (Seventh) St & Birmingham St (unimproved), appx 200 ft E of SE corner 7th & Birmingham
6816 __to Blk Cor SE Marion St & Aurora Ave
6819 __tr PC on S line Yorkshire Ave appx 195 ft E of E line Howell Ave
6820 __ts PC on CL Yorkshire Ave appx 230 ft E of CL Howell Ave
6821 __tt Blk Cor SW Grand Ave & Chatsworth St
6822 __tu Blk Cor SW Beaumont St & Preble St
6823 __tv Jct CL West 7th (Seventh) St (66' ROW) & CL Smith Ave
6825 __tx WP on CL Etna St & S line Burns Ave (60' ROW) (Sec Line S34-29-22/N3-28-22)
6826 __ty Blk Cor SE Greenbrier St & Ivy Ave
6827 __tz Blk Cor NW Greenbrier St & Hyacinth Ave
6828 __ua Blk Cor NE Dale St (66' ROW) & Thomas Ave
6829 __ub AP on CL 4th (Fourth) St east of Willius St